
Lost in the Perils of Heartbreak (TMP2)

AuroraGraham · Fantasía
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40 Chs


Everyone had returned to their rightful homes including me. I just couldn't bring myself to take Lucas's offer. It was nice of him to invite me into his home but I just don't have the energy to start more relationships that will probably also end in the worst way possible. I should have seen it coming. I've lost everything I loved before I was changed into this amazing yet cursed form. It was only a matter of time before I lost her just like my parents and Diane. My parents went on a business trip to Brazil to handle something with their so-called company they never told me anything about. All I know is that it put food on the table. Apparently, things were going well and the problem was solved and they were on their flight back home, when it happened. The plane went down suddenly, just dropped no sign of it to be found anywhere. It was like they disappeared off the face of the earth without even a goodbye. Later within that month though, it was reported that bodies were found close to where the plane had disappeared. Thusly marking the becoming of the pronunciation of my parent's untimely death. Diane was the one to break the news to me. I was so angry at her at first. I threw a temper tantrum for everyone I came across before finally locking myself in my room for months. At that time the staff was reduced and soon enough most quit, none of them wanted to deal with a young boy who didn't care to treat anyone with respect. Soon enough it was just me and Diane. One day she had finally gotten me to come out of the room. She did so by barging in and dragging me out by the ear. I learned a very valuable lesson that day, never piss Diane off. She was like a big, mean mama bear reprimanding her young. Not that, that really makes any sense but the point is there. I vaguely remember us having a serious talk later about it and resolving it to where I just expressed my grief through sarcasm and how I dressed. Also sometimes how I acted in school and outside the house, things Diane wouldn't find out about. Some time through my reminiscing and brooding over my broken heart in the house, I began to wonder how the house was still uninhabited by new owners. "How could it still be here after all these years especially if Diane is dead? Maybe the authorities just never found out. Maybe the neighbors think she has become a recluse." The nearest neighbor is a few acres over. "Talk to yourself a lot." *Low chuckle* "And who might you be, it seems strangers like to startle me in my own home. Couldn't leave me alone for too long I see, so what did James send you?" A look of hatred flashed across the young boy's face before he cracked his knuckles and said through gritted teeth, "No that a**hole didn't send me, I came here to collect you, there are people who have an interest in speaking with you. They knew your parents and wish to tie up some loose ends." I studied him for a little, he couldn't be no more than sixteen. Why send such a young, wild child to collect me for whatever was so important. I decided I didn't care and it didn't matter now that Anatygralis was gone. "Alright, let's go, I don't care if you and your comrades plan to kill me. You'd be doing me a favor." He just sighed saying "Don't tell them that, they won't appreciate it." Then headed for the front door with me in tow. At our destination, there was nothing but empty fields all around. "Sooo." I said, letting it hang in the air like that. "Shut up, they'll be here soon enough, I don't have the access code, it's for "seniors only"." Just as he spat out those last two words a German Shepherd came bounding up to us from nowhere. "Hey Sherlock, what are you doing here?" *woof* *woof* "What do you mean they changed the location, are you f***ing kidding me." *woof* "Fine, you know what I'm done, you take him from here, I want nothing to do with this." *woof* *woof* *woof* "She will, you're not trying to trick me into going are you, you better not be, or else. Alright, vamp boy let's go, we're losing daylight." I laughed at how quickly he changed his mind, whatever the hound had said it worked. "His name's Sherlock, so what's yours?" The boy looked back at me and grunted "Liam" Then began to walk faster. There clearly was someone he was rushing to go see and apparently, it was a she. How nice it must be so young and naive, I thought. We got to wherever Liam was leading us to surprisingly quickly but also she probably had something to do with his fast pace. We reached a large building, it was as if three mansions had merged together. Liam was breathing very hard. He was definitely out of breath. Whoever she was I hoped she was as excited to see him as he was to see her. We entered a large ballroom with crowds of people dancing. Immediately Liam ran off to the corner of the room where a girl who seemed his age as well sat. I watched as if In slow motion, she turned at the sound of his approach. Her eyes gleaming with such excitement, adoration, and love. She stood just as fast as he ran off and ran into his embrace. They kissed passionately as if they were two lovers separated for a very long time and finally reunited. I felt a wet muzzle brush my hand and looked down at Sherlock. He looked back at me as if he knew how much of a broken heart I held and how much I envied the happy couple. He bumped my hand again and began to walk through the crowds of people, leading me to where I was supposed to go initially. We turned down a few corridors before reaching a French door. They slid open on their own and Sherlock walked through first. I heard a voice boom throughout the room that looked like a study. "Sherlock you brought him here good boy, you'll get your reward later." As I entered the domain, an elderly man approached and I was shocked at how well he carried himself and the fact that he had such a strong voice for someone his age. "Well, well let's have a look at you, my, my how you've grown. It's so good to see you again Lupus, I haven't seen you since you were little. You were always such a troublemaker!" He exclaimed with such excitement and laughter, I couldn't help but crack a small smile. "I'm sorry but do I know you?" I asked quizzically. "Oh you do, but you wouldn't really remember me, it was ages ago. Your father and I are very close, like brothers even. We look out for each other and I… I cut him off before he could finish, you mean were, and looked out, I don't know if anyone told you but my parents are dead, have been for a while." He looked at me as if studying a specimen and shook his head before smiling and saying "Ah yes, you're right, you're right, this old brain gets confused sometimes you know." He chuckled low, then turned, waving for me to follow, and began walking amongst the bookshelves. I followed. Left with no other choice and the curiosity always getting the better of me. I must really have terrible judgment if I'm just that gullible I thought. He led me up a set of stairs, down a slide, and through a few corridors until arriving at a giant mirror framed in black and red with howling wolves etched into the sides. He just stepped right into it, without a second thought and disappeared in an instant. Well here goes nothing I thought and stepped forward, shutting my eyes on instinct. When I opened them we were in a bedroom, the sheets were a mess and clothes were thrown all over. "Uh.." I began looking towards the elderly man who had begun to take a seat in the chair off to the right of the large room. He just sat and crossed his legs and not shortly after I heard a door slam and laughter. My brows furrowed and I looked towards the sound. Liam and the girl from before stepped from around the corner of a small hallway at the back of the room. They came in laughing, caressing, and very very stark naked. I diverted my gaze quickly, my cheeks reddening as I heard Liam yell. "What the f**k Harold! Can I not have any privacy for five f***ing minutes!" I just heard Harold huff in response and say "It's nothing I haven't seen before, right Rosie?" I heard a feminine laugh and a sweet voice respond, "Yeah Leebear, Daddy knows best." I heard a growl and then a whispered "You'll pay for that later, you little minx." I didn't need to hear that or to know what he had meant by that statement. It was always a struggle with my damn vampire senses, always hearing more than I wished. It was a blessing and a curse. "You can turn around Lupus, my son and his mistress are clothed. She's very quick with those magical fingers." Harold inquired. I was very reluctant to turn around but I did so anyway. They were indeed clothed and Rose stepped forward extending her hand, saying "Hi Lupus, nice to meet you, the names Rosalina, Rosalina Goldenstein!" She had an extremely warm, pretty smile that put me at ease but before I could reach her hand and actually shake, she was pulled back into Liam's arms. "What did I tell you about touching other men." He said as he reached to gently caress her cheek, a small playful smile playing across his lips. She turned her face towards him with such a knowing smile and the fire behind their eyes burning with such passion for each other they kissed, without a care in the world about who was watching. Harold cleared his throat, making them both jump slightly as if they had forgotten we were still in the room with them. "Well now that introductions have been made, I think it is best we get to work on showing Lupus around and teaching him the ropes, wouldn't you say Liam?" Harold said, rising from his seat. "Couldn't that wait another few hours or days even, maybe weeks?" Liam groaned while Rose giggled. "Babe just do as your dad says, it'll be fine. Lupus seems like a bright enough lad, it shouldn't take too long. I'll just go train." Liam groaned again, swearing under his breath. " And I should let you go get all hot and sweaty on your own because..?" Rose smiled and kissed his cheek saying "Because I say so and what I say goes." Liam groaned again for what would seem like the fifth time. "You know I like it when you get all demanding on me, f**k you're killing me, woman." She just looked at him and grinned as she nodded and sauntered off. But not before Liam slapped her ass saying "Later kitten" then he cleared his throat and looked at me for the first time. "Alright, follow me tomato." Tomato? I thought what's up with that, then I realized how bright red my face was as we passed by the same exact mirror we had walked through near the door that led out of the bedroom. Vampires don't blush though, what is wrong with me lately. Ever since… no, no don't even think of her. But all I could do was think of her and what could have been, that I didn't even realize I had been following Liam for a while now all throughout the house and that he had been talking. He had said something about ancient history and parents. Then we turned down yet another corner and he stopped midway down the hall by a set of yet another double French doors. "This is where all the training happens for all the youth, to learn how to defend themselves if ever needed. But we won't be going in there. I'll show you to your room where you will be staying for tonight which will be ending our tour. It is getting quite late and I have some business to attend to. I'll see you in the morning. Remember to meet in the dining hall which is back the way we came, with three rights, a set of stairs, two lefts, another right and left, and down a smaller staircase. Goodnight!" This he all said as he led me to a single midnight blue door at the end of a hall to the left. Then he ran back towards the training room, which I can only imagine why he would do such a thing. I entered the room I was supposed to be boarding in for the night and went straight for the bed. It had been such a long day and still, I couldn't stop thinking of her all day. I had had enough of it and just wanted to sleep.