Five people escape the destruction of their sect only to be transported to a supernatural realm. There they must learn to adapt to living with beings like elves and werewolves. Can they adjust? Will they ever get back to their world or will decide to make this one their home?
I slept through the rest of the day and then the night as well. I didn't even stir when Joshua got into bed with me. He scooped me up and pulled me closer to him. He held me all night long. When I woke up the next morning he was gone. I got up and showered and dressed, then went downstairs. I found Joshua cooking breakfast, he looks up from flipping the potatoes sees me and smiles. Then he says," Sit young lady, I want you off your feet. Also I went over and talked to Sui, you the Luna and Sui will start meditating and you will start working on mental exercises You scared the Hell out of me again, and I won't have it happen again. If I have to I will call your other charges to come help you with the exercises, all I know is you will get stronger or better or whatever it is you have to do so you won't collapse in my arms like that again. Besides the further along you get the less chance I have of catching you. So be better at this ok."
"I'm sorry I scared you. But I had to protect the children. I didn't mean for it to go that far. I will practice more I promise. Please don't be mad."
With that I started crying. He took one look at me, pulled the pan off the stove and came over to hold me. After a few minutes I got myself under control, then he backed up a bit.
"I wasn't trying to make you cry, you just scared me. Besides I warned you I would be overly protective now. Okay give me ten minutes and I will have food for you. would you like some tea?"
"Tea would be great thank you. What are you making for breakfast? And after we are done would you like to go to our room?"
"We are having steak, potatoes, eggs, and strawberry pancakes. And the only way we go to the bedroom is if you eat all your breakfast and can walk up the stairs without holding onto the wall."
"You have a deal and that sounds great I am starving."
"Good, here you go, eat slowly. and when would be a good day for your charges to come to practice? I ask because the alpha has to set it up with alpha Mitchell to get it done."
"Let me ask Sui what works for her then I will let you and the Alpha know okay."
"Works for me now eat up you need to regain your strength. Also you need plenty of strength to keep up with what I plan to do to your body."
After breakfast we made it back upstairs. I didn't touch the wall once. So we spent the next few hours making love to each other. During that time he showed me how much I scared him and how much he missed me. After we got up and showered we both got dressed. I went over to talk to Sui, then I went over to the clinic to check on things there, and finally I went over to talk to the Luna's house to check on her and see Joshua because I missed him.
As I walk up the steps the Luna comes down to me. She gives me a big hug and has me go to the couch and sit down.
"How are you doing? I went back to visit you yesterday but you were asleep again and I didn't want to disturb you. So I just came home."
"Well I am doing okay. I still feel a little wobbly but I went and saw Sui after lunch as well as stopped in at the clinic to make sure everything was going okay there. Then I came here, so physically I am doing pretty good. This morning I did get chewed out by Joshua for scaring him so badly and he told me he was going to set up meditation groups for me so I can get stronger. I think I should do other things as well to try to become stronger and more focused. Besides I need to be better prepared for the births of the children. If they are trying to communicate at this age who knows what they will do in another month or so. I need to be ready. Also is Joshua here I need to talk to him or the Alpha. Joshua said the Alpha was the one who had to ask about getting my charges to come visit for meditation. Sui said Tuesday and Thursday would work for her."
"Can I ask, why do you not communicate with Joshua the way you do with me? Being his mate you should be able to."
"I don't know, I only seem to be able to connect with him every one out of five times. But you I can reach out to any time. It has me confused as well. But I don't know who to talk to about it."
"You know what, let me reach out to my mother, she might be able to help with this issue. And you know what, she might be able to help with the meditation as well. Let me make a call okay, then I will see what happens next."
"That would be great, I hope she can help. I can use all the help I can get."
"Great also if you look up the Alpha and Joshua are headed this way. When they get here you can give them your information."
So we waited for the guys to come up on the porch. I told both Joshua and the Alpha that Tuesday and Thursday would work for me and Sui. Then the Luna reminded the guys about her mother and went to make that call. After a few minutes she came out with a smile on her face. Then she told us her mom would be here in a week. The guys were happy about this, after Joshua gave me a kiss and a hug I headed out to tell Sui about it and the Alpha contacted the other alpha to set up meditations with the others. All in all it was a good day. I can't wait to meet the Luna's mother.
Sorry about not updating recently, I was sick for a while then my kids got sick. But we are all well now and I will update more now. Thanks for your patience. Enjoy this chapter.