
Lost in Honkai, Starting the Gentleman Simulator (continuation)

Traversing into the world of Honkai Impact 3rd, Lu Yu activated his own simulator. [Simulator Activated] [As a host, please act as a gentleman and guide the heroines towards a healthy path in the simulation!] "Miss Kiana Kaslana, I am enchanted by your beauty." "Bishop Theresa, I'll be waiting for you at the church tonight." "Mei Raiden, you don't want your father to go to jail, do you?" "Queen Cecilia, tonight I am your dog!" Lu Yu: "The dog system took a bite out of me, where's the gentleman you promised?" (Note: This book is fanfiction with numerous alternative character developments. If you dislike it, please avoid reading.) This is a Chinese Translated Fanfic Author: 一只鸽子(A Pigeon) Link: https://trxs.cc/tongren/7875.html (so I decided to continue where the last translator left off, if you want to read this from the start check out: https://www.webnovel.com/book/lost-in-honkai-starting-the-gentleman-simulator_26981270505945205) also my knowledge of chinese and Honkai impact is abysmal so point out any errors and just me being a dumbass about the lore

ashenlight · Cómic
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191 Chs

Chapter 115: You'll be a Hero (4K)

"Lu Yu, Lu Yu, you're not kidding!"

With a face of fear, Padophilis led Lu Yu to a street corner in the eastward area of Dusk Street, and hiding at the corner of the street, Padophilis stole a glance at an ancient-looking bar on the opposite side of the street.

After realizing that Lu Yu was planning to take her to kick the bucket, Padophilis was scared out of her wits.

The title of big brother that she had previously used to address her was also thrown out of her mind.

At first, after hearing Lu Yu's intentions, Padophilis directly pulled out her legs and ran, but unfortunately, in front of Lu Yu who manipulated time, Padophilis could not escape at all.

After running several times, every time Padophilis blinked, she would see Lu Yu's smiling face again.

Padophilis swore that if she knew that early Lu Yu would bring her to her death, she would never have coveted Lu Yu's steamed buns last night!

"Brother Lu Yu, Big Brother Lu Yu, let's go back, okay."

Glancing at the two strong men with sunglasses full of tattoos sitting in front of the bar, Padophilis shivered in fear.

For Padophilis, gangsters and gangsters were simply demons, and in Dusk Street, she had personally seen countless little girls being dragged into the house and then defiled by these demons.

Those poor girls who were unlucky never came out, and those who were lucky enough to make it out alive were covered in wounds, and most of them came out with a blank looks on their faces.

No one knew what these demons had done to these girls, but just by simply looking at the miserable state of those girls, Padophilis knew that these punks had done something that was outrageous!

Padophilis was lucky, she was smart enough to hide her appearance with dirt, and she was a fast runner, so to speak, she was never targeted by anyone.

Though she hadn't been persecuted herself, Padophilis didn't hate these demons any less than anyone else.

However ...

Hatred is hatred, whether or not to go to the other side to take revenge that's another matter ah!

A six-year-old boy with a nine-year-old girl to seek revenge on a small gang?

That was something that I was afraid the Avalanche Beast would laugh out loud if I said it.

"Padophilis, don't you want a good meal?"

Unlike the shivering Padophilis, the little Lu Yu at this moment was as normal.

Six years old? Lu Yu was indeed only six years old at this moment, but it was just age.

What the power of the Time King brings to Lu Yu is not just pure power, along with the power infused into Lu Yu's body there are also memories, all the memories of the individual named "Lu Yu".

How could a five-star talent be as simple as power?

Knowing everything, how could Lu Yu let Padophilis go?

Pedophiles, the weakest Ying Jie, is also the most heartbreaking of the thirteen Ying Jie.

Once Lu Yu didn't have a chance, he couldn't save Padophilis who was lying in Mei's arms, and disappeared, but this time it was different, he had the power, and he was going to change Padophilis's life!

"Of course, I want to eat the delicious food, but ..."

Padophilis wanted to say.

"But ..."

Said Padophilis, sticking her head out again to look at the two punks in front of the bar.

"But those guys look so scary!"

Lu Yu followed Padophilis' eyes to those two punks.

"You're scared of them?"

"Of course I'm scared! They're grown-ups! And they look so fierce."

Padophilis' face had fear written all over it."

"Brother Lu Yu, let's just get rich in another way?"

"I think with your skills, we definitely have other ways to make money!"

Grabbing Lu Yu's hand, Padophilis' palms were covered in sweat, she really didn't want Lu Yu to mess with these adults.


Listening to Padophilis' words, the look on Lu Yu's face slowly became serious.

It seemed that this stray little wildcat still needed some discipline!

Lu Yu grabbed Padophilis' somewhat trembling hand.

"Padophilis, listen."

"You're lucky."

"On this day, in the present, on Twilight Street, you may be the luckiest one of all."

"You may have had a bad life once, but that will end as of today."

"In a short while, the name Padophilis will resound throughout Dusk Street!"

With Lu Yu's words, an incomparably powerful aura burst out from his body.

Lu Yu's eyes stared straight at Padophilis who was a head taller than himself.

Padophilis locked eyes with Lu Yu, and listening to Lu Yu's words, Padophilis suddenly felt that the person standing in front of her wasn't a six-year-old boy at all, but rather a superior person.

Obviously feeling that what the other party was saying was false, obviously, the other party was several years younger than herself and still shorter than herself, but Padophilis just couldn't reject Lu Yu at this moment.

It was as if ...

It was as if she had been conquered by the other party.

"Now, tell me, are you willing to follow me and become my subordinate?"

"I ..."

Looking at the imposing Lu Yu, Padophilis' entire body softened and she slumped to the ground.

"I am willing!"

"Very well!"

The Demon King's oppressive might was almost impossible to resist for Padophilis, who was still an ordinary girl at the age of nine.

"Follow me."

Throwing down these words, Lu Yu walked towards the bar.

Step by step, Lu Yu came to the entrance of the bar, Lu Yu stopped in front of the two punks, the two punks were crouching on the ground at this time, seeing a little boy and a little girl walking in front of them, the two punks impatiently rushed at the two of them and opened their mouths.

"You two little trash, this is not a place where little kids like you can go in, hurry up and get out of here!"

Hearing the other party's words, Lu Yu sneered.

Sure enough, no matter where in the world, punks would always look the same.

Lu Yu didn't say anything, he just gently raised his right foot and then kicked at one of the punks.

Clang !!!!

In Padophilis' astonished eyes, a burly adult was just sent flying several meters by Lu Yu's kick and then smashed into the wall.

"I blanch you?!!!!"

Seeing his companion being kicked away by Lu Yu, another punk stood up then swung his fist towards Lu Yu.


With another bang, this punk was also kicked away by Lu Yu in the same position.


Looking at Lu Yu's amazing strength, Padophilis' entire body froze.

Was he really a six-year-old?

"Don't focus on being surprised, go inside, there's something even more surprising for you next."

[You lead Padophilis into the small gang's garrison.]

[There are many, many gangs of all sizes in a place like Dusk Street, and the gang you attacked is just the most vegetable of them all.]

[A dozen strange-looking men are sitting in the bar, they look at you in surprise, and they can't figure out how the two watchmen at the door let you and Padophilis in.]

[You scanned the group of trash, and then you made a move.]

The lowest of the low are nothing to you, the most powerful weapon they have is a knife, and not everyone on Dusk Street has access to guns and ammunition.

[You easily cleaned up this bunch of trash, to clean up this group of lecherous colors you didn't even need to use the special power of the Toki King, you completed their conquest by brute force alone.]

"From today, your boss is her."

Pushing Padophilis in front of himself, Lu Yu swept a glance at the punks who had fallen to the ground.

"As for this bar, I don't like that foreign name outside."

"Let's change the name to Empty Dreams from now on."

Empty Dream, Padophilis's engraving, was also Lu Yu's first gift to Padophilis.

When she was in the Lotus Land, Padophilis had given her engraving to herself, and now, it was up to her to give her another Empty Dream.

[You don't really care much about a small mob.]

[You gave Padophilis the mob that you fought off.]

[That night, Padophilis slept in a warm room and a bed with a quilt for the first time.]

"Brother Lu Yu, I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Padophilis stepped on the bed with her bare feet, for the first time in her life, this was the first time she could sleep on a bed.

Although this was just a lounge in a shabby bar, and the bed was just a hard wooden plank bed, but this was enough for Padophilis to be overjoyed.

Padophilis was so excited to sleep in a bed for the first time that she jumped up and down on the bed.

Lying on the other side of the bed, Lu Yu didn't have time to pay attention to the bouncing Padophilis, he was thinking about what he should do next.

Continue to kick the other gangs, and then slowly reorganize the entire Twilight Street?

But right now, he was only six years old, and Padophilis was too young to do many things at a young age.

"Brother Lu Yu?"

"Brother Lu Yu, what are you thinking about?"

Just as Lu Yu was staring at the dim light bulb and pondering over the problem, Padophilis suddenly came to Lu Yu's side.

Although she was a few years older than Lu Yu, Padophilis would still address Lu Yu as Brother Lu Yu, and in Padophilis's eyes, Lu Yu was someone who was stronger than her, and the strong should be respected.

"It's nothing."

Facing Padophilis, who was only as young as a nine-year-old child, Lu Yu did not intend to tell her too much.

"Brother Lu Yu, if we take this bar today, won't we be rich in the future?"

Padophilis looked at Lu Yu excitedly, for her, there was nothing more important than money.

Lu Yu nodded, "Yes, although it's just a small bar, it should be somewhat profitable."

Hearing Lu Yu's answer, Padophilis smiled happily.

"Then won't I still have big steamed buns to eat tomorrow morning?"

Steamed buns?

Having become the leader of a gang, and then having a bar, Lu Yu didn't think that Padophilis' thirst would actually be just a few steamed buns.

Smiling at Padophilis, Lu Yu replied, "Of course, every day from now on you'll have steamed buns to eat as much as you want."

"Really! Brother Lu Yu, you're really too good to me!"

Padophilis hugged Lu Yu as she vigorously rubbed her face against Lu Yu's.

Looking at this lovely appearance of Padophilis, Lu Yu suddenly understood something.

For Padophilis, what she craved for was never about becoming a boss or a great man, she was just a greedy, sleepy kitten from start to finish.

"Padophilis, do you want to be a hero?"

Being held in Padophilis' arms, Lu Yu suddenly asked a question that Padophilis didn't understand.

"Hero? What is a hero?

The young Padophilis did not know what it meant to be a hero.

Lu Yu explained, "Hero, ah, a hero is someone who will lend a hand to the person being asked for help when someone is in need."

Hearing Lu Yu's explanation, Padophilis was not a little puzzled.

"Saving many people? Does such a person really exist?"

Lu Yu nodded, his expression resolute, "Of course they exist."

Heroes naturally existed, just like the future you, the Thirteen Ying Jie Zhi Padophilis was a hero!

With this explanation from Lu Yu, Padophilis became even more puzzled.

"But Brother Lu Yu, if heroes exist, then why didn't anyone come out to help us on Dusk Street?"

Lu Yu: "..."

Being asked this by Padophilis, Lu Yu suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Yes, Ying Jie were all other people's heroes, but who could be thirteen Ying Jie's heroes?

Just as Lu Yu was pondering how to answer Padophilis' question, before Lu Yu could say something, Padophilis spoke again.

"I don't want to be a hero, do I get any benefits for helping others? There isn't."

This answer, was in line with Padophilis' character, for her, becoming a hero was indeed inferior to living comfortably.

However, as she said that, Padophilis suddenly changed her words.

"But well, Brother Lu Yu you are considered my hero, right?"

Padophilis looked towards the dim bulb above her head as she smiled prettily.

"If you're considered a hero, Brother Lu Yu, then I would like to become one."

For Padophilis, who didn't understand the adult world, I'm afraid that the meaning of a hero was simply someone who gave her a better life.

"But I don't know if I can be a good hero, Lu Yu, I'm not like you, I'm very weak, I can't help others at all."

Padophilis said and sighed, the weak she used to rely on picking up leftovers to survive until now, without Lu Yu's words she might still be starving now, how can she become a hero like this?

"Padophilis, you will become a hero, I promise you."

[In order to keep Padophilis happy, you gave up on expanding your power.]

[You decided to stay in this bar and grow up slowly with Padophilis.]

You kicked out the remaining members of the gang, leaving only a few employees behind.

[Since then, there has been one less gangster on Dusk Street and one more bar with a little girl as its owner.]

[Age 7: You and Padophilis live together in the bar, and you're both a year older.]

[In the memories of a certain "Lu Yu", ten is a memorable date, so on Padophilis's tenth birthday, you gave her a very important gift.]

"Padophilis, happy birthday."