
Chapter 13

David's P.O.V

"We should probably take advantage of this and complete the data entry," I said to Daniella who was still pulling the door to make sure that it was closed.

I moved my embarrassed body to our work station. We only had ten names to go.

I picked the pen, and copied the name by myself neatly.

"Ughhh, don't tell me am stack here today, how will I sleep?" Cried Daniella. 

It's funny how she is worried about where to sleep. Those are least of my worries. Am burning hot here just being with her around me.

I Feel like I want to tear all the clothes from my body and just lay naked the way I usually do in my soft bed, but this won't be the first time that bed misses my torso, 'whoopsy!' 

I chuckled at her frustration but did not dare look at her in the eyes. I knew what her eyes held. I don't want to see the rejection I saw when I told her 'I love you Daniella,'

Her eyes portrayed, rejection, mockery, and 'I don't care about your feelings.'

Maybe I will have to let those feeling fade the way I always let them be.

"Do you care a little story while our drama queen is still swaying her skater skirt while trying to open the door?"

              Being the only daughter of my mom and dad,

              My parents always taught me responsibility. 

              I had to be responsible for my own self. Do my daily

              Chores, work hard to earn their money as my pocket money. 

              I wanted to work a part time job when I was eleven years

              Old but my dad was against it. Instead my parents taught it 

              Will be good to help with the family business.

              I drawned myself into the family business.

              Every evening I will help my dad complete his office work, 

              Sometimes I will help my mom collect some of the materials

              Needed for her designing.

              To me it was a good thing rather than to be given free

              Pocket money.

              My parents were proud, 

              Then one day in the evening, I came across this girl, she was 

              Pretty, she winked at me. I vowed to come back and have a 

              Talk with her when am done.

              Luckily, my dad had left, I was 15 years old, 

              I knew what was love when I see one.

              So to my surprise she was there after my shift.


             "Hello pretty?" I greeted her cheekily.

             She was older than, like twenty five-ish.

             But I liked her.

             "Hi," she replied back, " what are you doing here late, you are      

             Supposed to be sleeping."

             I moved to her desk and sat on the table.

             "Am helping dad with some work," I responded looking at 

             Name tag.

             "What about you Rita?" I asked after reading her name.

             " Just finishing up work," she said and stood up.

             So we walked and since my dad had assigned me a driver

             I gave her a ride. We talked a lot, she told me about herself 

             I in turn told her about me, my studies.

             You know when you are still a child and you are interested 

             In someone, you tell them some silly things and I 

             Accidentally told her how I felt about her, she smiled and 

             Gave me a kiss on my cheeks, I was happy.

             The following day we decided that I will take her out for

             For dinner since it was a Saturday.

             Saturday came, dinner went on good, not so good good

             Since she spent most of her time on her phone 

             And gave the work excuse thing.  I was still happy that she 

             Came with me, she invited me in for some coffee but she 

             Realized that she was running out of coffee beans and she 

             Offered me some wine, I accepted it since it's was the

             Mandella's Barley type.  We drank while talking about

             Random Things.

             "Do you like me?" I blurted out to her, I knew she felt the

             Same as me, the way she was behaving said it all.

             She replied back with a kiss on my lips, her lips were soft, 

             I was drowsy, things went on from smooth to rough, 

             We were now serious, she unbuckled my belt,  I was not


             At being the stud, and she was my first, so I did the game as 

             I had watched on tv.

           She moaned and I felt good like I am going something good 

           To her. So I decided to go down on her.

           I don't know if it was the wine or it was real, she was moaning

           Like I made her feel special. Then all of a sudden, I felt some 

           Warm liquid flowing from her pussy, and I licked it.

           She was happy.

           I was happy she wanted me, so we went on for quite a while

           I don't know all this time she was using me,

           I ended up spending my entire savings on her, misused 

           My money, wasted my time yet she was not into me.

           One day I decided to surprise her and to my astonishment,

           She was bisy sucking out some dudes dick like it was some

           Last supper laid for her on the table. I cried on her bedroom

           Floor, she took me for a fool, she never enjoyed anything I did

           To her, she was just pretending to he happy to get into my


           I did all I could, bought her clothes, paid for her pedicures and 

           Manicures. I never knew all this time I was being taken a fool

           Of. I left from her place, closed my eyes and told myself, "never get fooled twice," but when I saw Daniella, she was different, she was a different girl but in the wrong place, she was forcing herself to he who she is not. I wanted her to admit it and not tell her.

           But her reactions I don't think she is willing to change that.

"Done!" I announced. 

"Done what?" Asked Daniella moving towards the working station.

I showed her the clean sheet and she jumped, "finally, now we just have to scream and let the guard know that he closed us in here."

I looked at her and nodded my head.

"She really hates being with me here," I thought.

I did not want us to be this awkward. I picked my phone from my pocket and looked at it, 

       "8:00 pm" bad time for jokes, 

       So I thought, looking around the room, we only have Mrs. Tamima's blanket which is not enough to cover us up and at the same time lay it down. I looked carefully again, we have carton box around we can tear them up since they don't seem to he in use.

       I left Daniella who was still scruntizing the work that we were given and I tore the carton box, enough to be our bed and laid them down.

       "What do you think you are doing?" Daniella asked with hands on her hips.

       "Making my bed sweetheart," I replied while bisy fixing the cardboards on the floor.

       "That is too big for you alone," she bend down reaching my level.

       I woke. Up from my squatting position and picked the junk that remained and placed them down on the cardboards.

       "I love big bed, I tend to turn and roll over,"

       "Come on can't girl, we can share the same space, like you sleep on the other side and I will sleep on this side," she said.