

I dedicate this chapter to @Adeyinka_Tewo.

You are amazing, beautiful and just dope.❤

I love you.


I didn't know how to start a conversation with Mrs Black. The air inside the vehicle was heavy and it looked like it can flow into my lungs. As much as I am trying to breathe it in, it's taking time for me to breathe.

Maybe it's just my imagination. Because Mrs Black and Andrew are not complaining of anything. I shifted in my seat and Mrs Black turned to me with a concerned look.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" She asked while turning her full attention to me.

I was able to access and examine her face up close. When I was in cuffs, I was not even looking at her, I was crying and acting sorry and crying continuously like the cry baby I am.

She had brown smooth skin, no makeup, not even powder on her face. It was all-natural. Her curly hair was dangling on her face while the hair on her back was bouncing every time she moved. She had had a piercing on her nose and ears. They made her look beautiful. Did I tell you that she has a long neck? Beautiful just amazing and her shoulder had a tattoo I haven't see what the tattoo was about.

"Dee," she called while placing her hands on my shoulder. Her slender fingers which were perfectly manicured were placed on my shoulder and I just wanted them there.

If I try to compare Mrs Black to my mother, they are two worlds apart. 

My mother has prosthetic plastic surgeries all over her body. She wears a contact lens because she was to make people believe that she has blue eyes. Her nose is botched and she had to do the third cosmetic surgery because the previous one was sitting on its own. She used to have full lips but after doing many surgeries, the lips have formed a thin line on her face.

But look at Mrs Black, simple, pure simple. Davids must be happy to have these types of parents.

I tore my eyes from hers and looked at my nails before looking at her again.

"You know you can tell me, anything sweetheart, if the modelling thing is too much for you I can relieve you of your duty and place someone else in the runway,"

"Nooo, am okay Mrs Blacks. I will be happy to be in the runway, you know it's like a second chance that has been served to me in a silver platter and I don't want to let it go to waste," I told her.

I didn't want to imagine her giving my position to anyone else. I wanted this opportunity so much and it meant a lot to me.

"Silver platter?" She asked.

"Yes," I said to her before explaining t her my life before I become the train wreck I was.  I hated to talk about my past, but I had no other option, but to explain it to her.

She was surprised by my stories.

"Dee, that is not the end, you can still stand up and out, break that shell and be the lady you used to be," she said while holding my hands in hers. 

"I wish it was that easy, like A, B, C......," I said while looking at our hands. 

Wow, she is good at being motherly. If she was in our school counselling team, I would have made it further in life. She knows how to talk to people, how to explain everything to you so that you don't feel bad about who you are.

"Sweetheart," she began.

I knew where all this was going, but I was patient to hear because I needed it right now in my life. I needed to hear her words, they were the therapy I needed for my healing that will never take place but maybe it will heal it tonight before the wound rejoins up tomorrow.

"I know things are hard right now, you think that things don't make sense, why him of all the people? Trust me there are reasons for everything. I believe your mum is the strongest woman and she will handle everything as required, she wouldn't let you down, Dee! Your education is important, out all your effort in your classwork but your talent is much important! Focus on it, push it, every day. If you want to model, it doesn't matter whether you don't have a company to keep for, start applying in the small company, be an ambassador for an organisation you can advertise their clothes. You are beautiful Dee, put that into use, but don't use your beauty in a bad way, plus don't slide your legs to get favour," she finished the last part and we both laughed in unison plus Andrew.

"Andrew, your support is needed here, am trying to warn her against sliding her legs, am I wrong?' She asked Andrew.

"Right Mrs, she should be beautiful both physically and brain-wise darling, as much as I hate to praise my son but trust me, Mrs Black here did all the teaching the beating and the counselling, so listen to what she is telling you," said Andrew.

"Brian is your son?" I asked him.

"Wait, Davids Disney you?" Mrs Black asked.

"Not now, not now," I whispered to myself. How do I tell her that we have broken up with Davids for good? She will probably hate me. 

"Eh, aah, Davids rarely talks about you guys, she is secretive about her personal life," I said to them. That was also partly true. I mean if I had not seen Davids's mum that morning them I wouldn't have known her. 

"I see," said Mrs Black.

Andrew confirmed that Brian is indeed his son. He explained to me how Brian followed in the footsteps of Mrs Black whom she always says is her mother. 

That is when I realised how big and famous type of a person Brian is. He has his clothing line, he has been a brand ambassador for Louis Vinton for quite some time. He features in the weekly fashion analysis. He has the best suit during the Gala festivals this year. 

"You must be a proud father," I complimented.

"And I have Mrs Black here to thank for that like she has been a good mother and mentor to him and if you just follow what she is saying, you won't slip or fail in your life. Patience is the key factor, fame comes later Daniella. But if you start chasing clout and wanting to be famous, you will never make it. Look at Davids, am not praising her because her mother is around, but I love how she conducts herself. She is focused on her goals. Everything she does, she has a motivation towards it and being at a young age, she pioneered in the architectural design of the family building that is in town. It's a matter of patience, hard work, discipline and purpose, without those you won't gate anywhere," 

Wow, they are good people. Imagine getting this type of therapy every day. Trust me, you will it in life. I thanked them for their advice. Mrs Balck assured me that she will provide me with classes and even ask some branding company to consider me for opportunities. 

I felt happy that they were willing to help me with anything I needed. But that happiness was not bound to last because no one offers you something for free. 

I thought to myself as they dropped me on the driveway. Why would Mrs Black want to help me with my career? Why would she volunteer to take me through modelling classes and even help me a brand for some companies? There was something fishy going on here. 

It can be a scheme that they are planning to kick start their plans but I know my mother is always five steps ahead and it will be hard for you to catch up with her.

I didn't want to believe a word The Blacks are trying to tell me. I can pretend to be good with them but also distance myself from them.

I would love to revive my career in modelling just like before. I love runways, and I love it when my heels click on the floor or tiles. That's why I am ready to go for the classes. I will make sure I go with Vin to avoid landing into any problems. He might have a second eye and have some hints of what The Blacks are planning.

I got into the compound. The music was still loud the way I left it in the morning. People were all over the place. Some were drunk and were lying everywhere. Some were fighting with each other, some were just drinking quietly like nothing is happening. 

I thought we had a burial yesterday, what is happening now today? Or now there is a wedding and they forgot to inform me?

I asked one of the guards who were standing by my door and he just shrugged his shoulder like nothing was happening in front of his eyes.

Well, some are making out in the patio without even a care in the world. I walked around the house. Other people were relaxing in the swimming pool. It was heated and it's always fun when it's hot. 

After doing my round I decided to go inside the house to see my other and Vin.

"Dee, there you are," said Aunt Emma while rushing to hug me. I smiled and hugged her back. I don't know the feeling that comes with hugging Emma. I sometimes feel a connection of familiarity but at the same time, I just think it's something common to feel when you have a new person around.

"Where is mama?" I asked her when we were dining with the tight hugs.

"She is just," she said and eyed me. "Anything I can help you with sweetheart," she asked sweetly while swaying my hands back and forth.

"I am tired, I just want to rest aunty," I replied to her with respect.

"Okay, baby," she said and it was so sweet how she said the word baby as if I was the young kid. "Go get washed I wi bring you something you take before hitting the bed," she said while moving to the kitchen.

"Aunt, is Vin around?" I asked her.

"No, he didn't come here," she replied and went to the kitchen.

My heart shrunk, and my stomach turned like it was doing the flip game.

I started questioning myself about what Davids said. I mean, what if she was right? What if she was saying the truth? I brushed the thought and climbed the stairs to my room.


Thank you for reading, 

I love you all❤

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