
81: "CALL 9-1-1!"

My mom and the guest who were at the rehearsal graced us with their presence. I Didn't' see my dad, I guess he was still inside the restaurant talking to Mr Marcus. 

It didn't take long for the little meeting to end and everyone was allowed to go home and come for the rehearsals the following day.

The model who had disappeared with Vin received a text from, 'I don't know,' and she was all smiles as she read the text.

"Love is in the air," I stated before clearing my throat and facing the person talking.

"It's nothing, just my mother wishing me all the best!" She said as she dropped her phone in her bag and focusing her eyes in front.

I wanted to convince her but I decided against it. Maybe it's her mum. She must be having high hopes in her. I hope those hopes don't vanish. 

"Bye," she said as she left me still seated in my chair. The models had rooms booked for them and they all have their rooms. Brian on the other side decided to come home and Natalia, Clara and Dee are the only ones not sleeping in the hotel because they have school to attend.

"Dude!" Shouted Brian startling me from my thoughts. 

"Yeah," I replied while picking myself up. I was so hot because of the jacket but I couldn't remove it because I don't have a shirt beneath me.

"Why are you sweating?" Asked Brian while having a closer look at me. 

I touched my forehead and I was truly sweating. "Do you..... Do you have an extra t-shirt?" I stammered at Brian. 

Brian opened his bag and gave me a t-shirt he was using for rehearsals. But I couldn't get it because his hands were too far for me to get it.

"Davids, Davids, are you okay?" Shouted Brian as I loosed my Vision. Someone call 9-1-1!" I heard him shout before I completely blacked out.


I was from the washroom when I saw Davids sliding from her seat! I quickly rushed to her side but I was too late, she slid and fell knocking her head on the floor fist then her body followed next.

"Why am I always too late, too careless and I can't help with something am careless when I walk, when will I ever do anything reproductive," I shouted at myself.

"Someone call 9-1-1," shouted Brian. I fear him but this is not the time to give in to his fears. 

I looked at Davids, yes she was breathing but she was not waking up. I don't know what is happening to her. Brian quickly came to my side and started giving her CPR. He opened her jacket and the wound was open and oozing like a rotten wound.

Her parents quickly rushed to her side after they were informed of her conditions. 

Her mother was crying while her dad couldn't leave her side and was there with her. The ambulance arrived within seconds and Davids was lifted onto a stretcher as one police officer was taking a report of what happened before she passed out. 

Brian explained in a frightened tone before running to the ambulance but was told that it will only carry two family members. He rushed to the car that they used with Davids while coming in.

"Can I ride with you?" I asked while hoping he doesn't lash out at me for being the reason this is happening.

He nodded and gave me the keys asking me to drive.

His hands were shaking and it was enough evidence to keep him out of driving.

I stepped on the gas and tried my best to be the badass type of a lady and get him to the hospital in time. I was afraid to talk to him or even cough! He will just erupt out in anger.

"Has anything like this ever happened to her?" He asked while looking at his hands with tears streaming down his face.

"No," I replied quickly. "She has been like the lifesaver ever since she came to this town and everybody likes and loves her,"  well except for my mother who seems to be hating her for what I don't know.

Brian kept sniffing and coughing. I didn't know what to talk to him about. Well, I was shocked when I found him on the stage, after a lot of trying to remember that is when I realized that he is famous, I saw him dance a the BET Awards, he has designed a lot of new clothes and has been ambassador in many organisations. What is don't quite get is what type of relationship he has with Davids. 

"She is like a sister to me, I know she will hate the word sister, she prefers brother. I remember when we were young, she never liked girls clothes, she was a natural. He would hate how he looked in girls' clothing. "Mummy, I hate this dress why don't I wear a suit like a dad or Brian or uncle Drew?" She would say. Her mother had a hard time trying to explain to her that some things belong to the boys and some to girls. But she would throw away a doll, a teddy bear and embrace small motorbikes, she would climb trees, go fishing when my two dads went, she hated salon and she decided on dreadlocks at a younger age. Her parents were happy with how she turned out to be, she looked more masculine in suits and stopped wearing girls clothes at age five. She would even get my old clothes when her mother had not bought her any new men clothes and she loved them." He completed while smiling and laughing.

Wow, I didn't know that about Davids, I guess I will tease her with that one day. "One day?" On which day, when Vin is following me as if am a baby, my mother is against my relationship with her!

"Are you okay?" Asked Brian.

I jolted back to reality and focused on the road, "yes am okay!" I said to him as we drive into the hospital gate.

We quickly run to into the emergency room but stopped when we saw her parents outside the hospital. Her mother was standing at the door while her dad was pacing up and down.

"Mum," called Brian while running to hug her. Mrs Black hugged him back with so much passion. 

"Now that is love," said my girl while popping out of her hiding place. 

"Okay, not now, go back I will call you," I said to her and she gladly agreed.

I texted Vin and explained to him what had happened, and he was okay with it which was strange. He would be fuming right now and would have flown to this place right now!

I placed my phone back in my pocket and walked over to the family and see what updates they have on Davids. 

"Mrs Black, Mr Black, evening," I treated respectfully before sitting down next to Brian.

"What is wrong with Davids?" I asked.

"It's serious, the wound got infected," he said.

I felt bad about her condition. I know am the reason why she is inside there, she was having a good time today, preparing for her presentation on Saturday and now look at what I caused her. Look at how vulnerable she has become. I looked at her mother, she was helpless and frustrated. Her father was proving her with a shoulder to lean on but I know deep down he was painting too.

"What is happening in the room," I asked Brian. I just didn't want to stay here silent and lol at people. I wanted something to keep me busy while I wait for her to feel better.

"Minor surgery," he said and left me to join her mother in the opposite seat.

I excused myself and went into the washroom. I didn't know what to do there, I didn't know what to say to her parents, how would they feel if they realised that I am the one who has sent their daughter into a hospital bed?

And if I stay quiet about the situation and they find out that am the one who placed their daughter in that hospital then they will also hate me for the rest of their lives! 

I don't know how to come clean about this, I don't know how to do this? How is the best way of telling her parents that am sorry for what happened?

Sitting down in this toilet takes me back to the day I met Davids for the first time. She offered me her saxophone, offered to tutor me but my pride was too high to agree to her assistance. 

Today, sitting here, makes me fear for what might happen to her if I lose her. As much as my mother is against the idea of us being friends, I just don't want her to go yet. Not yet. 

That's why am thinking of an idea to make this pain go away. I was careless and u need to be punished for this, maybe I might man up