
69: "I MISS YOU?"

We completed our mini-festival and everyone was grateful for the food and the generosity of Mr Marcus. 

"Sir, we are thankful for the food it was tasty and delicious," mouthed Victor.

Everyone clapped for him. It was unlike him to be grateful for anything. In other days he would have taken food and just walk off without saying thank you.

"That's unlike Victor," said Damien while picking the glass of juice from Clara.

Clara just nodded and went on looking at the other students who were giving their appreciation.

Damien's uncle, Mr Marcus was happy with their compliments.

"I am happy that you guys have been satisfied with our service and I wished you all the best, thank you." 

That was his final speech before everyone stood from their seats and started leaving at their pleasure.

I watched as Natalia got her friends and was ready to go. 

"Going already?" I asked her while she was at the exit gate.

She smiled and nodded, "yeah, you want to join us?" She asked sweetly.

"Come on, not today, but wait I'll hail you a cab," I told her. Acting like the gentle lady I am.

Luckily, a taxi was passing by, and I waved for it to stop.

"Wow, a lady, am impressed," I thought.

I oped the door for her while her two friends used the other door to get in.

"Miss, please take them home safely," I winked at her while giving her some cash for their cab.

I turned back to Natalia and wished her a safe journey home. "Get straight home and text me once you arrive," I told her.

"Thank you," she said and quickly placed a kiss on my cheek.

'That's so fast,' I thought.

I watched as the cab took off and Natalia kept waving at me until they were out of sight.

I walked back to the restaurant since Clara and Damien were still inside talking to Damien's uncle.

They were chatting so hearty, you might confuse them for a father, father-in-law and husband talking. Damien was holding Clara by her shoulders while Clara was busy talking to his uncle about something.

"Sorry to interrupt," I said while picking the empty seat nearby.

"You are not interrupting anything son, Clara here was explaining to me about an idea of Music in a restaurant," he said while pointing at Clara.

"Yeah, the little band you guys did here," added Damien.

I nodded and listened to what they were talking about.

Clara had a suggestion that we introduce jazz on Friday, Saturdays and Sundays. On the other hand, Mr Marcus was suggesting we have it on Wednesday and then let the background music run from Monday till Thursday since Friday and the weekend the restaurant was converted to a club and restaurant at the same time that will mean no underaged around.

We all remained out to his ideas and he had brilliant ones.

"Can you introduce roasted meat, fries during the club days?" I asked him.

"Won't that be costly?" Asked Damien.

I shook my head and looked at the kitchen area.

"You know when we have a club or a pub or a bar, people accompany themselves with their friends, and drinks only are not enough, like give people a reason to come and party here, it can be rowdy but at the same time it will be classy," 

Mr Marcus nodded before smiling, "that is a brilliant one son, but for now I doing have enough capital to expand the place but I will think about that," 

I thought this was a good time to try and start a small silent investment. Being eighteen I know I can have my name written somewhere and my signature respected. I know am not a pro but seeing what my dad does and my mama, I believe I can take small baby steps and invest in this.

None of my parents has given a thought about investing in restaurants but am going to convince them if they can try and invest in it.

"But uncle, you can just use the little that we have," commented Damien and we both agreed to it.

"So, have we agreed about Jazz on Wednesday?" Asked Mr Marcus while standing from his seats.

"Absolutely," we both chorused.

"Okay, am going to leave you guys I have some things to do," he said and left us in the office.

"You two get a room, am going home," I said to Clara and Damien who had started being touchy with one another after Damien's uncle exist. I wondered what base they were in their relationship. Hoping that They both have each other's trust before they start being dramatic.

"So what did you and Natalia agree on?" Asked Clara while fixing Damien's collar.

"She will be joining us with her friends," I told her but she gave me a look that suggested I didn't tell her what she wanted to hear.

"Is that all?" She asked standing up from where she was and moving towards me.

"Yes, yeah," I stammered while picking my phone and looking at nothing.

"I just hope you didn't give her false hopes Davids," she said with her hands akimbo.

I didn't want to look at her because she was saying the truth, I tend to give people false promises that don't work at all. 

"I didn't Clara, I can't," I told her and picked my jacket.

"I am heading home let's meet on Monday guys," I told them and turned around to the door.

"Davids," called Clara.

 I turned around and looked at her, I don't know what she wants to say, but I have no option but just to listen to her little rant.

 "I know the pressure that you feel, I know you love Daniella but everything is hindering you from getting to her, but please just take things slow, ignore the threat from her mum, someday she will come to live with it," she completed and that is when I walked out of that door home!

 I received a text from Natalia confirming her arrival home and wishing me a good night.

 I stared at her text while inside the cab. I wondered what she wanted me to text.

 "Good night too?" 

 I doubted it. Sometimes this is a way of starting a conversation that is not ready to start. 

 'Am even confused,' 

 I decided to move to Instagram and check what was going on, but I knew the burial ceremony is what was going on, though I still went ahead and looked at it.

 I suddenly saw a message in my inbox, "Daniella?" 

 She had texted me, "I miss you," 

 This can't be happening.

 I decided to check the time that she sent her text and it was early this morning!

 What is happening to Daniella?

I wanted to text her back, but I decided against the idea, she might not be in a good position to text me or she might not be having her phone right now. I ignored her message but couldn't ignore her face from my mind.

 She was in solitude, she looked like she needed rescue, kind of a Damsel in distress. 

 But how am I going to rescue someone who doesn't want to be rescued? 

 How am I going to save her when my hands are being threatened, I can't do anything without my hands, "you know what I mean."

 To some extent, I feel Clara was right when she said I should take time.


 I don't get how much time am going to take to win her heart, am almost giving up on waiting and giving time.

 I had said that being willing to let her figure it out for herself, but now trust me am tired.

 I hate that the only time she texts me is when she is not in the mood, like a belief this text is when she was drunk and out of her mind and tomorrow when she wakes up she will regret it and even delete it.

 But I, am here, hurting every time every day. When I try to win her, there is an obstacle, her boyfriend and now her mother who wants my hands.

 Look at Natalia, she wants me and she is giving her all to make sure that I look her way. Texting being there with me every time.

 Tell me why I should still give Daniella time when there is someone who is showing interest. 

 Why should I incest when I can't see the return, we all invest where we see returns.

 Why should I incest when I can't see the return, we all invest where we see returns.

 That is what business people do, don't you think so?

 I don't think I am the right guy for Daniella, I think Vin is good for her or some other person will be good for her. 

 I've tried my best, though I've not moved mountains, crossed seas but I've tried my best to show her something and am tired.

 I think I will try it out with Natalia.


This is where we are now, 

People making choices, some are tired like Davids😭😭😭😭😭

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