

GgghhhDaniela did not even bulge, she moved and pushed her to sit from its position and dropped it down to the floor.

"Mr Nossy!" Shouted Daniella while pointing a finger at Davids. Sneering at her she turned her look back at the other students.

"She has a fake voice and she doesn't even have an original voice box!" 

She leaned in and came face to face with Davids, she knew how irked this is to her, she knew deep down she wants to take her on this table and beat her for talking about her amazing fake voice. 

"Is that so Davids?" Sneered Daniella.

Davids was not in the mood today but Daniella was pushing her too far, she was determined to make her do something she will regret her whole life. 

What she kept asking herself is why Daniella will keep on pushing her, pinning her, agitating her feelings.

She wanted to stand up but she felt someone holding her jacket. She didn't need to look back to know that her music mates needed her to complete the session.

She pulled her saxophone back to her lips, licked them knowing very well that it will arouse Daniella and irritating her making her feel jealousy after she denied her sex when they were together.

She blew her instruments and other members following with their rhythm embarrassing her for disrupting their session.

They practised harmoniously as if there was no irritating being beside them.

After completing their session, Daniella was still standing next to Davids wondering how she managed to make them go with her method without anything happening.

"What did she give you?" She asked everyone in the room but they didn't bother to answer.

"Miss. Clanks, I think we can do better if you are not around." Sarcastically said Mr Nossy while packing his bag.

"She can.....uh.........still practise on the piano part," defended Davids.

"No!" Jeered the whole class.

Davids couldn't talk anything further. She wiped her saxophone clean before placing it back inside its bag.

"Your fellows gave said, I think we will look for another person to help with the guitar, Miss Davids, good work with the saxophone," said Mr Nossy as the other people in the room clapped for her.

"Maybe we can have a closing song, Mr Davids," said Victor sitting next to Davids.

Davids did not feel like it but at the same time, she didn't want to let her fellow down.

She moved to Clara's position and touched some piano buttons before starting on JP Cooper's The Reason Why and everyone cheered in singing to the tune while Clara joined in the Rapping part. 

It seemed they got the new guitarist as everyone enjoyed how she was playing the guitar with much ease.

Daniella moved out of the room and headed to the storeroom feeling heartbroken. She didn't know that things would go south for her. She couldn't imagine that Davids would be able to turn things or her music mates against her. She had to admit she is the first student to have played the Saxophone and sing Jazz way so well. Many students were fascinated with hip hop, hard rock but not Jazz. She regretted shaming her about her fake voice box, she didn't seem affected by the way she saw her but the extent in which she licked her saxophone made her angry and horny at the same time.

'Why would I still be feeling horny about this?' She asked herself while in the storeroom. She didn't know what to do. 

She wanted to be mad at her because every time they met or their eyes interlocked, she felt her desire, sexual desire rise every second.

Today she was determined to send her out of the practice but instead, she ended up feeling Horny and that's why she is in the storeroom trying to calm herself down using her hands