
332: What's Wrong With You is....

Daniella walked from the other sits and came to where I was sitting, she looked at Nimo. Nimo hugged her and thanked her for coming to the game. 

           "I am going to play with the senior team."

Daniella widened her eyes and looked at me. I didn't know what that meant. I know Nimo wants to play for the team, her height is just okay, what's wrong with that? She is enjoying every bit. The way Daniella's eyes were looking at me suggested something else.

      "Are you going to let her play with the senior?"

"What is it now Daniella, they are playing a game, do you have a problem with that? She is the one who wants to play and I am going to allow her to do that."

Daniella grabbed me and led me out of the court. I don't know what is wrong with her. Nixon was now sad and Jade was trying to talk to her. I know we have never argued in front of the lids and that has never been part of my upbringing, even my mother and father never fought in front of us. Brian and I had a very good upbringing. We were always away from their drama. Even if they fought about something, to us, they would smile. Only Uncle Drew knew something was bad and he would warn us not to annoy any of them. Right now seeing Daniella trying to bring that argument in front of Nimo didn't sit well with me. I hated it. If she wants to follow in the same footsteps of her parents who used to fight and force her to do things, my babies ain't gonna pass through that shit. I am not ready to see my child become that broken person who relies on people for help.

"You know what, even if you want to force her to play basketball, that is going to be okay, but wanting her to play in a senior team yet she had an argument with one girl from the senior team, Davids what is your problem?"

What do you tell someone who thinks like this? I don't deny that Nimo had a fight but if she wants to play, she wants to play for the school team and not to show Jade that she can be better than her girlfriend. Plus, she doesn't even like Jade that way and Daniella is fuming about here. 

"I didn't talk about Jade, I talked about your greed to have Nimo on every team. You have her wake up in the morning to do exercise, like seventeen years old who needs to be recruited or something, and now your greed wants her to be playing basketball for the senior team?"

What's wrong with her? Is this even Daniella or some switched-up birch acting up? I don't know what that man did to him but I think she needs to fix her attitude before she talks to me. 

          "Attitude? I don't have attitude, I am just saying the truth."

"Well, I can see that Daniella, I am not blind. What's wrong with you is the attention that no one is going to give you. If you think I am going to reconsider my options and start licking your toes thinking that you've got me wrapped upon your little finger, naah, I am not that person. If you haven't noticed, you are trying to be like Amanda, you are trying to bar your child from doing what makes her happy. You want some man to care for her the way Vin did to you now? That is my blood too Daniella and right now, she is going to play that game the way she wants to. If your man didn't make you squirt or orgasm, please don't bring your drama right now. Plus, next time you want to argue about something, don't do it in front of the children you know better."

I was not going to play with her. She can get someone to fool her but I am not starting this shot in front of Nimo and making her frustrated. She had already frustrated her enough. These kids call her every day and she doesn't even care to keep the promise? If your child texts you and tells you something, make sure you do the same thing you said, stop complaining about everything. 

          "Dad, am I going to play?"

"Come here, hun, you are going to play, don't start an argument with any of your seniors, okay? If you feel they are annoying you, just let them be, play what you play, right now it's not about the enemy, it's about doing what you love, okay?"

She hugs me and hugs her mother who is faking a smile beside me. I don't care, she can as well still spread her legs to whoever he wants. When it comes to the children, their priority matters first.

The other teams played before Nimo's team. Other members were happy to have her on the team but the other player,s they didn't like it. Jade was divided on who was he going to support, Nimo or her fucking girlfriend who was trying to get her attention. I grabbed Nimo's stuff and focused on my baby girl, he can still be pleased by a girl in a mini crop top and some tight shorts. 

           "Why are you pushing her, just let her play."

I also saw that NImo from down after Jade's girl pushed her down. She took the ball from her. Jade looked at me and found me staring at her, I was not in the mood for the girl's drama, it's either he talks to her or I am going to talk some sense into her head.  

The referee blew the whistle and they were called for a break. Jade grabbed her girl and then disappeared, Nimo sat next to me while sipping her bottle of water and some glucose. 

         "How are you feeling?"

"No teamwork, no winning, some girls just think I am here to take over someone's spot. Actually, I am doing that because I love being in the senior team though I am seven but what's wrong with that, dad, right? At the same time I want to play and let my team win, what do you suggest?"

I asked her to speak to the girl she slapped, they can sort issues out. She doesn't have a problem with that. She only slapped her because she felt she was too much on Jade's ass.

The game was on and Nimo was playing very well. They were winning against the other team and everything was fine. 

The last round was one of the best, Nimo tried her best and dunked the ball but she slipped, the ball was dunked but she broke her arm.

She lay on the floor, crying while not moving, she was just on the floor. I rushed to her and held her up, the first road that I saw was the hospital said, they had paramedics but that was not the time for the paramedics, this is my daughter I didn't want anything happening to her. If she was your daughter you wouldn't allow anything to happen to your daughter, you could have done the same thing. I didn't even hear someone call me, I don't hear the other members calling me. I arrived at the nearby hospital and she was quickly examined. It was not a serious fracture but she is going to be out of the game for one month.

"Hey, you are going to be okay? How are you feeling?"

                     "Did we win?"

Look at this baby, she doesn't care whether she is hurt, all she cares about is whether they win or not. They won and she is going to get the spot she wanted with her seven years old small body but taller. She will get there. 

             "I love you, dad, thank you."

She hugged me and I couldn't help the tears that were flowing from my cheeks. She is everything that I need right now. 

"Can you please do me a favor?"

I look at her and raised my eyebrows. Not another pair of Jordans.

"Name it."

"Please, stop arguing with mom, I know she is mad and not doing any projects but will you two stop arguing? You look lost without her, the family is not the same again and I just want her to come home again."

I wish I could tell her that I didn't bar her mother from coming home. I wish I could explain to her the way it's hard for her mother to decide what she wants the way Ash understands. She doesn't know that her mother doesn't want to be home and she wants to be out with someone else.

I just nod at her.  I told the others we can meet at home because she is fine. We headed home and everyone was waiting for us at mum's home. They welcomed us home and her siblings were happy that she wasn't badly injured. 

"Does that mean you won't play anymore?"

"Hell no, I am playing, well, I am going to apply for the senior team now."

       "Daniella, Davids, my office now!"

Mum shouted and we had to follow her. I don't know what she wanted to speak about but I just wanted to get home take a shower, and some movies with the kids. I didn't want any drama. 

                "What going on between you two?"

Well, I thought she was going to shout about Nimo's hand, look at what we are going to pass through. Daniella looked as if I was the one with the answers. She has answers why can't she explain it to my mother who needs to know what's up?

          "We are cool, we are fine mum."

Yeah, we are cool now Daniella aren't we, because, after this, your man is coming to pick you up, then you are going to leave your daughter and spread your legs for him.

I can't say that, just my mind working. Daniella nodded to my words and I had no other side but to agree too. My mother looked at us again and she was not ratified. 

"Davids out I need to speak. with Daniella."

She can't trust me, she maybe thinks, I slapped her in the face.

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