
294: Loving Someone Who......

"Stop pretending that I didn't give you a special place in my heart Bo, you had everything from me, you got anything that you could ever ask for but right now, what are you doing? Right now you don't acknowledge that? All you think of is, I didn't give you anything in your life, what else did you want from me? .ypi don't appreciate the little things you have been given, that's why everyone treats you like trash, you will never find enough!"

Lady No looked at him. She was calculating, how she was going to grab the knife that had fallen under the seat and stab him in the back. She wanted to end him now, right now, before anything else happens. She didn't want to see his face again. The scary face that doesn't recognize any form of humanity in them. Right now, she hated everything that came with him. This monster might end her up if she doesn't take care of herself.

She stood steady watching him, trying to move on the part where the knife had sliced and try to look at it.  This was a good opportunity to bounce on him. Though it was still tricky that she couldn't get at him and grab the knife.

"Tell me, Vin, have you ever even loved anyone in your life? Have you ever fallen in love with anyone? No one loved you when you were young and now all you think is how Daniella loves you but we all know very well that Daniella doesn't love you and I was trying to make you believe that you love her and she loves you. You know, I loved your father better than anyone else. As much as he was a controller, he was a good one. He knew how to service me and how to feed me, look at you, even in your viagra and you still lack that strength to do anything to me and you can't get over your girlfriend or can I say,  defiant wife? All you think is how she loves you and how you're going to be reunited with her. Forget about it, stupid, focus on your life."

Vin was now agitated and jumped on Lady No trying to punch her in the face but she ducked it throwing him back. Though Lady No didn't have that much strength, she knew that she was not supposed to die in this fight if not Vin. Or they are both going to kill each other and die.

"Yeah, you are angry now? I no that angry fave, I need to see it now show it to me and show the real Vin, don't hide it because I need to see the, I want to see you angry and punching the wall to your death you silly!"

Vin was angry and his mind was not functioning properly when she was trying to annoy him like this. Anything small and she was going to fucking kill the lady in front of him. He was going to end her life and he won't care even a bit.

"For the last time Bo, let us end this, I don't want to kill you. Let us not kill each other, I don't want to hurt you but you are making me do that. Can't you see that?"

Lady Bo was determined not to and anything at this point. If they were all going to die then let them die. Vin tried to stand straight but the scratch that he thought was made on his sheen was not just a small scratch, it was a scratch but deep. It was bleeding and at the same time, it was painful for him. Lady Bo seemed to notice his weakness and decided to act quickly.  She slid on the floor and trapped him making Vin trip down. She went where the knife had fallen and retrieved it.

Vin had faced down and wanted to jump up out of the place but he was late. Lady Bo beat him to it. She plunged the life to his back but since Vin tripped and fell on his side of the arm, Lady No only reached for the side of his body. Vin quickly held the life preventing it from plunging in further. The tip was blunt, hence it didn't go further. 

Maintaining eye contact with lady Bo, he didn't want her to feel like he didn't get him. He faked a wince while looking at lady Bo who was watching the way he winced in pain, fooled that he had stabbed him. 

Meanwhile, Vin was busy pulling the life slowly out of his flesh. Luckily it didn't touch any important thing in his body. With all the force he had, he plunged the life back onto Lady Bo's stomach. 

"Ah, why Vin, why did you have to do this? See what you have done, why did you do this, you have betrayed me, you are killing me, you have achieved what you wanted so bad. You destroyed my career and now you want to finish me off. I know you thought I was happy with what you did, I was not, I was just desperate to have you by my side but turns out, I was never the girl after all. So it's true as they say, you love someone who loves someone else that doesn't love you., i_i wa_"

She wanted to go on with the small talk but the way Vin was twisting the knife in her stomach making her feel the pain was preventing her from talking. Blood started oozing from her mouth as she watched Vin twist the knife for the last time. 

The sound of music muffled the groaning of Lady Bo in the room. Vin stood on her body, laughing wickedly while looking at her lifeless body.  The blood on his hands, he applied it to his face while laughing off. 

"I am the Joker, I rule this house, not you fucker. You wanted to kill me, no I was the one to kill you. You can't kill me all you want, not even a bit!"

Lady No couldn't see him clearly, she tried to raise her hand but Vin didn't take it, instead, he stormed to the next room and quickly packed some of his clothes and important stuff that was inside the room.  Washing her face and pitying the black hoodie that he always wears, he spat saliva on her body. 

He watched as she was groaning and came back to her side. He couldn't believe that she was not yet dead. 

He forced her eyes to open, but they were not open. Watching her body with her breathing up and down, he started to fondle her body while watching her try to say a word. The knife was still in her stomach. He caressed her and arrived at her waist. Looking at her, his feelings won and he went ahead to unzip his trousers. Parting her legs he forcefully entered him, Lady Bo was struggling to say something while groaning but Vin wasn't having anything less.

"You didn't appreciate it fuck, you didn't appreciate my love for you fucking bastard, maybe getting this will teach you not to be stupid next time. Too bad you don't have next time, hahaha!"

He groaned while cumming. Done with everything, he stood up, Lady No didn't fight anymore. She didn't have the strength. Vin watched him, all tired, her nudity displaying herself on the ground. As if not satisfied with the mistakes that he has already done, he got out his dick and shook it while peeing on her face through to her private part. Lady Bo was unconscious and she couldn't feel anything hoping on. 

"Dee who wanted to kill me now, watch her sucking the urine that I am serving here on the plate, she will never get anything anymore, bye bye lady Bo, maybe I will say, ', hi' to your mother when I meet jer."

Satisfied, he decided to jump out of the room and closed the door behind him. The kids who were busy sucking their hands watched as he jumped here and there laughing. No one cared here, every one had their problems to focus on. No one cared about their neighbor's business.

The other neighbors watched the blue door that was closed and music singing from the house. They held their cheeks unaware of what had happened behind the doors. If only they knew that their neighbors were fugitives and their daily quarrels could end up with a blood bath and some uncalled behavior, maybe they would have helped their neighbor or called for help from the other people. As well they could have left them be, how many have been killed and they didn't care about them. They claimed their hands and went back into their houses to focus on their house chores. The children went on playing badly shouting each other's names. 

Lady Bowen on trying to cough, trying to lift her hands to summon no one, as darkness engulf her one last time before her head fell back to the ground. She wanted to see the face of her parents maybe, or even the face of pro ppl e she had wronged but she only saw darkness.