
269: Let The Party Start

🥀Happy Reading🌹

What are you trying to do to me? Am I just some toy to you? You do whatever you want with me like I am some type of spare wheel which you can throw anywhere you want because the other wheels are not functioning well? You start a job and you don't finish any of it, that's it that Davids. If you didn't want to engage in this you could have just let me be instead of wasting me here. You have just left me hanging. In the morning you wake up and don't even look at my side like I am some outcast you can't look into? What's this, some joke to you or am I just some rebound that you've had a night with?

I couldn't believe that Davids was trying to act like a dick after doing this. I thought we were doing well last night. I love her, can't she see that? I want him, all of him, is that bad? I want her more than anything but right now she is making me look like a fool in front of her. Was this some revenge on her? Was I a game to her that she can be thrown me anytime she wants to? I am tired of all this. I don't want to be a waste of products anymore. I want her to see me. I want her to accept me as I am. 

Watching her wipe her hands and avoid me was making me feel irritated, I needed answers and she was giving me nothing. Instead, she was busy in the sink as if I am not talking to her. Moving forwards, I want her to look me in the eyes and tell me that I haven't done anything wrong. 

I grab her shoulder but instead, she grabs my hand and cages me on the wall. Her hands travel to my neck and she brings her face closer to mine. I want to kiss her every time she does this but I have to throw away those ideas they are not working because she is intimidating. She brings her lips to my neck, gently licking. My hands grab her waist because I want her to do this to me. I am weak whenever I am around her. I want her whole body on me. She licks my neck and moves up and down without giving me any chance to say anything.

She then stops and places her face on my shoulder. What is wrong with her now? I want to know that I haven't done anything bad to her. 

"I want us to have some good time after we have dropped the children to school. I don't trust anyone to drop them to school. Maybe you can get prepared and we take them then I will cone fish what I started. Can you hold it for another thirty minutes? Plus, I want to send Tim away to help somewhere else so I don't want him to be around here when we come back, okay?"

And here I thought she wanted to throw me outside and take care of everything on her own. I thought she was going to throw me out and let Brian take me for the day. I wanted to spend the day with her. I wanted to be with her and not leave her side. 

       Maybe I can take a shower while you finish your meal, is that okay?

She nods and places the last kiss on my lips before walking out. 

           "What are you doing at the door?"

I hear Nimo chuckle while running away. I didn't have any clothes to change into so Davids gave me her boxer and t-shirt and later placed them along with a trenchcoat on top of my body.

      "So, mum, how did you find Uncle Davids's house?"

Nimo was asking a lot of questions. The two boys were just looking at us. I could see their expression from the rare mirror.

      It's a good place, I love it. Especially the bed. 

That made Davids almost bring the car to a standstill but luckily she didn't


"Now, what about you come to live with us? We would love you to be around. Instead of having one week at grandma's and another week at my dad's, it will be good if you are around. At least my dad won't be sad anymore, today she is not sad."

         "Rose, stop it, I am never sad, that's just my look."

Davids replied Rose back. I didn't know how we are going to tell the kids that we are together and stop them from thinking that Davids is their uncle and they can freely call her dad if they want. She looks more like a father than a mother. I wouldn't love anybody to call her mother. She is my superman and I love her that way.

"Okay, I have shut my mouth. Maybe we should meet in the evening. Mum and dad."

Rose jumped out of the vehicle and so did Noelle and Zeke. They both kissed Davids a good day kiss and walked to my side. 

"Are you sure uncle Davids is not the big buddy that Clara wanted you to find? Just take things slow because I would love her to be the best buddy."

Nimo, stop it, can you go to class? Your patron is there waiting for you over there.

I had to distract her because she was making me embarrassed in front of Davids. 

    "Mmmh, he brought me the cookies, wow I love this, bye mama."

She jumped off and went to get her patron. Davids was still staring at the two out of the vehicle. Suddenly the boy moved towards Davids vehicle and I didn't know what he was going to say.

        "Hello, Mr Davids, hello mum."

I watched as the boy was trying to be confident with Davids giving him a hard look.

            Please, take care of my girl if anything happens to her–

       "I will chop off your head."

Davids finished the statement that I wanted to talk about. Though I was not going to tell him that. Instead of frowning, he smiled and nodded his head. Nimo was still standing at the same stop trying to look at or talk to the boy. The boy left and went back to Nimo. He removed something from his bag and gave it to Nimo.  Zeke and Rose came and high-fived the boy and later two kids came to talk to both Zeke and Rose. The boy held Zeke's hand while the girl held Rose's hands while the other hand held Nino's. 

"Will they ever remember this moment when they grow up?"

Davids asked looking at the kids all walking to class. I didn't know what to tell her. I was happy that the kids have found their common friends whom they can associate with. 

    "Mr Davids, how are you doing? I haven't heard from you?"

Davids turned around at the window to see the man who was calling him. I didn't know the man but from the kids who were greeting both Zeke and Rose, I could see the resemblance. 

"Hello, Mr Jake, doing good, how about you, I see you've dropped the kids."

"Yeah, and my nephew is talking so much about your daughter, apparently he is her patron but he is praising her for her basketball skills."

         "The girl is still young don't you think? "

I was not going to allow them to talk about Nimo yet I was here with them.

"Wow, you didn't tell me about your wife, she is pretty and feisty just like my wife, maybe they should hang out one day plus my sister while we grab a beer, what do you think?"

Davids looked at me and asked me for a response. Why? I thought she was the one being asked and not me. 

"If they love fashion and business I am in, but if they are the ones to laugh at others I am not."

" you, girl, definitely you are my person, and I am against people who don't want to empower their fellow women, so consider the deal done.

A lady just jumped from the man's lap and shouted at me. I think I will love these friends plus it doesn't hurt to form friends here in New York. Maybe I might get new business partners for Brian and the company. Though they have almost one thousand and one clients I know they never mind having new people. 

"That's Jade's uncle and that's why we don't have anything to fear. I know Nimo is in good hands though we will still keep a check on her okay?"

I nodded looking at Davids. I know she won't let anything happen to the kids. If she is responsible to take them to school alone without asking the guards then I believe that she won't let them out of his sight even for once.

   "Can we get the party started now, darling?"

Davids winked at me and took the vehicle out of the school compound. My hands were roaming in her thighs but I was careful I don't make her drive in the wrong direction.

             Let the party start!