
246: Do You Love Her?

I didn't want to ask any more questions unless he growls at me. Standing by my side for a minute, I thought that he was going to tell me to leave his nephew alone. Though I know very well I can't leave Damien alone because he had been my friend ever since. We have been through a lot of things together so I can't just ignore his situation and say that he is obsessed with Clara. He is not obsessed with her, I know there is this part of him that still wants Clara by his side. 

      "You know everything Damien has achieved right now is his hard   work?"

I looked at him say that. He can't be serious about using that. Whatever Damien has achieved is his hard work, yeah I can't deny that and I congratulate him for that.

Do you know that all that project was an inspiration that they got from their trip to Hawaii? You don't know that. The thing is, Damien and Clara came up with a plan. That was the plan. Damien was supposed to be the head of the company and Clara was the deputy, she would manage the advertising part because she was very good at advertising. I guess you don't know that. They had a social media account that has never been deleted because that was the foundation of their dream. Social media has everything though they never said it in words to give people an idea of what they wanted to make. 

"Clara is not here, is she? If that plan was their dream why is it that Damien managed to work on everything alone? He could have looked for Clara all those years but he didn't, Davids, stop convincing me to mess things that my nephew has built up."

What's wrong with him today? Is he this proud that his nephew has done a very good job? He is forgetting that all that hard work is because Damien was focused. He looked for Clara all around the globe but doesn't know where she is. If he knew where Clara was, then definitely he might have gotten the opportunity to get her back. I don't think Mr Marcus understands what I am talking about now.

Who broke your heart, Mr Marcus? This is something related to the past that you don't want to forget about. You can't just deny Damien an opportunity to see Clara again. Just say it, maybe a girl messed you up and then you don't want to accept that your nephew is making a progress and wants to have a second chance with her. 

Mr Marcus walked away from me, he didn't even look at me. Looks like I have touched the wrong button. Thank lawd that button doesn't bark fire because we could be burning here. 

I had to make sure I know why Mr Marcus was so cold about Damien getting back with Clara. It's not like Damien is not that stupid not to see what is ahead of him. He knows very well what's good for him and what's going to hurt him. Though I can't say that for the girl who was trying to suck him dry just because Damien wanted a company that looks like Clara.

"I was once like Damien. I loved a girl and she left. After growing up and being someone, she came back lying that she had my child. I was stupid to want her back. I later realised that the baby was not mine when her husband came to pick her up from my house. Looking at Damien right now, I don't want her to go through all that Davids. I don't want him to feel like some lady loves him but he is only using that to get at him and his wealth. I don't know what Damien thinks but I know very well he is just obsessed with Clara."

So these are all the reasons why you keep on turning Clara down when she asks you about Damien?

I don't know why he doesn't want to give them another chance. It's Clara who is insisting and Damien also wants to but he fears his uncle is not going to allow him to go back. This is just messed up.

"I don't want to tell her anything, she keeps calling, once a week and sometimes she leaves messages when I don't pick up her calls."

Why are you not blocking her number if you feel like she keeps calling consistently and it's irritating?. It's could be easy to just switch your phone off and pretend that she is not there, because you don't want to imagine the furious face that Damien will give you if he founds out that you deny her access.

"I can't Davids, I want to, maybe a part of me feels like I am being jealous and I don't want Damien to have the best in life. Another part feels like she doesn't deserve to hurt him again. Maybe I want her to feel the pain that she caused my nephew. Tell me Davids, which type of a parent won't want his son to have a good life is keep every obstacle away from him? Which parent?"

Maybe you should give them an opportunity, tell her what you feel will give her an idea of what to expect. She is ashamed too you know, she has lived with that for the rest of her life. She regrets it.

I was just trying to give him an idea of what his nephew wanted, deep down I knew I was another victim. I didn't know what I wanted. Did I want Daniella? Would I want to behave her by my side? I am not sure if that's what I want.

                    "You still thinking of her?"

Marcus asked that question and accidentally caught me off guard. I wanted to shout 'NO!' to him and tell him that I don't think so but at the same time, I didn't know what to tell him exactly.

Daniella is married and I don't think I have the power to get back at her. She was pregnant the day she left. I bet she is happy and has nothing to fear. She doesn't think about me even if I was to say I want her back I won't get that chance. 

Marcus looked at me and walked in my direction, leaning on the wall where I was. We watched as the evening slowly darkened and the birds were quiet but, not even crickets could be heard. 

           "I will ask you again? Do you still love Daniella?"

Is he seriously asking me that right now? I don't love Daniella and that's it. Why would I go miles for someone who doesn't want to go miles for me? Why would I get married to her and tell her that I want to be with her for the rest of my life? I still remember when she came to apologise to me in prison. She was sad and looked like she had not been eating well. Right now she looks well and has forgotten that I even exist. To answer his question, no, I am not going back to that.

No, I don't love her, I am good this way Mr Marcus. I have Rose by my side and I know he is everything I would ever want in life. So the idea that I still love Daniella is some bullshit that doesn't exist.

Why am I always angry though when it comes to her name? Maybe it's just the anger in me. I am still mad at her for everything that happened. Did I forgive her? I don't know? Maybe I should just go and sit down or maybe sleep because Rose had school tomorrow.

See you Mr Mracus, just let Clara know where Damien is, though Brian is going for a shoot there, just tell her still, she might want to come back and say her apologies.

"You still love her and maybe you should sit down and have a conversation with yourself about her. I have seen her twin and they don't look anything like Vin. She wouldn't take that risk of siring a kid with that demon, she may be the strongest person that I know of because she has never called me to ask about your whereabouts but maybe one person has been asked if they know where you are and have not told her."

This is insane, why would she not get pregnant for Vin? If Vin grounds out that Daniella lied about the babies then this is going to be another drama for life. He can even kill her for that. I just hope she knows what she was doing before taking the risk.

              "I bet you want to know the name of the kids?"

Why is he speaking to me as if I can make someone have kids? I can't even produce sperm now, I am useless. The operation that was done on my body rendered me useless. It was just a growth that was removed and now I am just a normal girl with normal hormones only that they kinda react vigorously sometimes.

       I think I am going, and about the names, I don't think so.