
215: The Evidence!

"Why are you crying though?" I asked her.

"Because you didn't take away anything but Vin did ask someone to do it."

Why is Daniella talking about these things right now? Why didn't he talk about them when we were in court, when she stood and talked ill about me, shunned me and said I was a monster. She has labelled me, given me a name and now, I don't have a name, I don't know how people look at me out there, 0rovavly disgustingly, hatred in their voices as they speak about me. Even people who didn't know about me started talk g shot about my family.

Why didn't she talk when, my family was turned into a meme when I was turned into a meme, and the caption read The Monster?

Why didn't she talk when everyone was there, why now where there is no jury, there is only a wall and the wall can't reverse anything in here, they are just wall listening to our conversation.

I didn't even want to look at her twice, I didn't want to acknowledge that she stood there while her mother was accusing me falsely.

"Can you please listen to me, even if you dont want anymore which is evident in your words but I don't know about your heart, just listen to me," she said.

What is there to listen to? So that I can hear about her betrayal once again, I am tired, I thought I was the bad person here, I thought I did all that, the evidence placed up there was very true but deep down my heart denied everything. She said we did t do it. Maybe my memory was just scattered and maybe I should just listen to her, there might be another way to solve this. Maybe I might be walking out of this place when the evidence is put in place.

"You have five minutes to say your non-sense," I said.

"This all was a plan Davids, it was all planned down carefully. We used to have this cleaner and at the same time a gardener in our home, what I didn't know, he was not the normal cleaner but he was the man in charge of making people disappear. Vin was pretending that he wanted us to date, but when I went back home, they used to insult me together with lady Boo, but I couldn't remember because my memory used to be tampered with. The cleaner was in charge of all this.  They would give me some drugs and then I would forget in the morning. The drugs take a lot of time to dissolve in the body and they bring a heavy impact on the patient. I didn't know about this until the day you said that I was hallucinating that's when I had to sit down and think again, the kissing part that took place at the dare game was all false, I wanted to make sure that Vin thought I was on his side and after the game, I went with him to his room hats when I saw all the things, but in the morning when I woke up, I didn't know whether it was a dream or I was just hallucinating. I wanted to visit the room again to make sure but when I walked in nothing was available, just his normal room with posters around the room and I concluded I was dreaming. Lately, I have been having the same dreams and the dreams keep on popping up every day in my dreams, they are the same and the more I dream about them, the more I see some new developments from them. Sometimes I can see you tied in a corner and the cleaner is on top of me while Lady Boo and Vin are massaging my head as they kissed together. Sometimes I see myself riding with the cleaner and I hit my head on the dashboard. The last one which I dreamt about was where I was shouting with Vin and Lady Boo and they were asking The cleaner to have sex with me because you look weird and you can't be used for that. They placed a gin on his head and forced him to but after that, I don't know what happened."

I listened ro her story very keenly, but I was just stumbling on loop jokes every time. She doesn't know where we were. In her evidence, there was nothing like this it was just us and in an abandoned room.

"What about the place, I remember in your testimony you talked about an abandoned house," I told her.

"Room, I haven't been able to identify the room, it's a dream so I don't know what my dream wants to do because it a just coming," she said.

I don't know if I should believe her, I don't believe her that is the first thing, but her coming all the way, risking herself to see me and explain everything to me I need to try and reason with her.

"And if it's just a dream, who told you that I didn't do that to you, the evidence was up there Dee, you said it by yourself that I did that and even testified to the court, who told you that?" I asked her.

"The day I was given a card to read by my mother, it was on a Monday. I was not read, I was just told to sign off a paper and being the sheep I am, I signed it because I just wanted to be alone. After two weeks, my mother told me that I am supposed to marry Vin which was the order. I tried to resist but I was locked in my room and nothing was provided, they sophisticated my phone and the laptop the only thing I was doing was staring at the window from morning till evening. Vin walked into my room, threw my gadgets on my bed and asked me to dress up. I refused because I didn't want to go anywhere, I suddenly felt his hands on my cheeks and the other cheek, he then looked straight to my face and told me the painting thing in my life, " you were fucked by a mere cleaner, had your thoughts and memories distorted and you sent an innocent soul to prison. Now you will have to marry me because that is what is required of you. I am going to be your husband, fuck you when I want, do anything to you and I won't be afraid and Lady Boo will be the First Lady but not you, I am with you because I want part of my share from the family." After that he left me, my mum came back and forced me into clothes and I had to go chose a wedding gown."

Who does that? Who forces someone to marry her, she is not even eighteen. I thought these silly games were over, the games of marrying off children to bigger people?

"Are you not going back to school?" I asked her.

She looked down, played with her hands. I felt my heart beat faster as it constricts. I knew the answer already, she wasn't going back. This was going to be hard for her. She is not free to do anything and already she is married.

Walked a bit and looked at the wall, even though I was angry at her, my heart wanted her so bad. I wanted to assure her that things are going to be okay, but that will be a vague promise. This is will never be okay for her, for us!

I felt her walk towards me and she placed her tiny hands on my back, squeezing it tightly.

"I just wanted to tell, you so that in case you may want to revise everything and come up with the truth. I want to be among the people who unveils the whole truth, plus I want to make sure I pay for what I did, I placed you here Davids, you don't deserve to be here. You could be in school, doing what you love doing. See what they did to Clara, they asked me to tell her that her brother was still alive so that he can testify against Damien and now look at how she jas ended up, I am sorry Davids."

She was sobbing uncontrollably, I felt my heart break into pieces hearing her cry like that. She was also a victim and she doesn't need to pay for anything.

My only fear was that, I might be having the oppressed memory syndrome too, maybe they removed some of it or puked memory uptight that I can't remember what happened that day.

Even if I want to revise the case, what evidence do we have to make sure that they are all held in prison? What evidence is there to convict the Clanks? There is nothing, nothing at all.

"Say something please Davids," she begged.

I turned around and looked at her, "I wish we had the evidence but all we have is your mouth and unreliable memory Dee."

"I can try and get the original videotapes if there are any and that will be our saviour," she said.

"Videotapes!" I asked.

"Yeah, the original tapes from the real tapes that were doctored to hide the truth?" She asked.

I then remembered that there were CCTV cameras, that had been tampered with to put me at the scene of the incident.

"I don't want you to get hurt, I don't want bad things to happen to you, but if you get an opportunity please do get the evidence and share them with Brian, I know you have her dress and number, just email everything to him and he will appreciate."

With that I walked out of the room, lifted my hands for Matteo to cuff and walked to my cell, determination in my mind, hope flashing in my eyes maybe this might be the new beginning.


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