
211: Twenty Years!

Today was judgement day. 

Davids was prepared for anything that was coming at her. She had agreed with her fate. Whether she was going to be in prison or be sent home which she was sure was not going to happen, she was okay.

She still was digesting Miss P's words and she knew they meant more than what she was told. No one tells you that you are a hot cake without a serious reason. 

If Miss P was able to identify her from the picture, she knew other inmates will be able to identify her. 

Today she was alone in the court, her lawyer Mr Chen was not even talking to her. She didn't mind it. All that she received from her family was the last suit that she was going to wear in court today, a necktie and a watch. She was not sure why the watch but, she thought it was special because it was one of her dad's favourites. 

She wore it even though it was going to be a few minutes before she removes it from her hands.

"Just brace yourself for whatever is coming," said Me Chen.

Davids was not worried about today, she knew where they were going to throw her. What she was worried about is her security inside the prison. 

"I am good, I've made peace with where I am going Mr Chen," told Davids.

To some point, Mr Chen feels intimidated by Davids. The way she carried herself, her manner of talking. Most of the children he has presented were just crying at their parents for help. They didn't want to be left alone but with Davids, she was different. She has shown him that sometimes not all rich kids are spoilt brats, some of them are more intelligent and have respect for themselves.

What he didn't understand was why the Clanks were trying to impersonate her and make sure she goes to prison. He knew that prison we going to be her hell, and to some extent, she might not get out of there alive. 

Seeing her here alone without her parents, he wanted to feel sorry for her but her eyes told her to save his sympathy.

Her parents had informed him that they won't be in for the final hearing and they had to let go of their child. It broke his heart to see that her parents were giving up on her and believing that she did rape, Daniella.

"Just protect yourself, it's dangerous in there," told Mr Chen.

Davids looked at him. She wanted to laugh out loud and slap his face but she decided to let it be, she doesn't need to show that worst side of her to him.

"Next time if they bring someone to kill me, make sure she is not on drugs, but if she is, I will twist her neck again," said Davids. Mr Chen was shocked by what Davids was talking about.

"Whatever you want to say, I don't know anything about it Davids, just wanted to tell you that, my family was also at risk. My wife was raped by the same people who are threatening me and they said they will kill my two children. I am sorry that you are going through this and I will never be at peace with it," told Mr Chen.

Davids wanted to be moved by his words but he realised that her heart had no space for emotions and she just looked at him.

The judge walked in and everyone stood up. 

Mr Chen scribbled something down and handed it to Davids. With creased brows, Davids looked at Daniella's side. They were not yet in, but their lawyer Mr Gali was already seated and gave an excuse that the prosecutors had a minor accident but will be in court shortly. 

The judge decided to give them some time as they waited for Daniella and her mother to arrive.

Davids tried to access the people on her side, but there was no one she knew, only two people were seated on her side. She didn't know if they were supporting her or they were also against her. What she knew was that, whatever the number is, it doesn't matter. Even if one person is supporting her, she is still grateful that they know she is innocent.

When Daniella's group arrived, they took a long before sitting down, giving a small brief to the media and claiming that the paparazzi are the ones delaying them. 

Today Daniella was walking without the help of anything. Davids avoided her gaze by all means, but Amanda was not the one to just keep quiet and mind her own business. She wanted to go to Fabids and shout at her but the guards were on standby and they showed her to the seat.

The jury was seated and one of them was ready with a paper in his hand. 

The judge adjusted herself in her chair and looked at the jury. The only thing remaining was for one of them to stand up and read the verdict. 

"If the jury has concluded, you will be allowed to read your verdict," said the judge.

The man in glasses looked at his fellows and stand up unfolding the paper in his hands. 

"We as the jury, after listening to both sided speak, we find Davids Black guilty of the charges claimed by the prosecutor," said the man in a clear voice.

Davids watched as the other side clapped and smile looking at each other. 

They accidentally licked e6es with Daniella. She was not sure if she was reading Daniella's face right but she saw sorry mastered on her face. 

She couldn't be right, because the previous time it was all chaos as Daniella and her mother was shouting at her for what she did. 

She didn't know what Daniella was sorry for unless she doesn't know how to read people's faces. 

She didn't see Clara around today, making her wonder where she was yet they used to be side by side.

'Something must be wrong, this is unlike those two friends,' thought Davids as she looked at Daniella who had her head bowed down.

She wanted to go over and ask her a lot of things but she couldn't, doing that will only cause more and more problems for her. She decided to sit in her chair and wait to hear the final words. 

Once the group was silent, the judge clasped her hands together and looked at Davids.

"Davids Black, you are sentenced to twenty years in jail and four hundred and ninety-nine hours of community work after your release," said the judge.

"That's not enough!" Shouted Amanda as she jumped from her seat. 

Everyone looked at her and was surprised by her actions. They didn't understand why sje was not satisfied with the decision yet they felt it was a nice decision.

"As a mother, I don't feel that is a good decision. After her jail term is over, are you sure she won't come back to kill my daughter and even redo what she did? I am not satisfied with that decision and I want a more harsh decision to be taken!" Announced Amanda.

"What kinds of harsh decision?" Asked the judge.

"She should be sentenced to death!" Shouted Amanda and the whole court was in chaos as they looked at her. 

Mr Gali tried to calm her down but she was overboard and didn't want anyone to touch her or say anything to her.

"Mrs Clank, we can sentence the advised to death because she didn't kill or attempted murder plus that was not part of the accusation that you made when this court statued," explained the lawyer.

Amanda was furious, all she wanted was for Davids to be killed and for her parents to feel the pain of her death, but turns out the judge was not agreeing with her idea and it irked her to the bones.

"It's not fair," sje mumbled as she sat down. 

"If you are not satisfied with the decision you can file your case to the court of appeal," told the judge before ending the court session.

Davids didn't rush to get out of the court, she waited till everyone had walked away. She tried to think of anything that. She might do meaningful while spending her twenty years in prison, but she couldn't arrive at any decision.

"I wi be thirty-eight after twenty years when I walk out, probably things will have changed, my parents would have forgotten about me and Brian much be married and the way I told him I will never miss his wedding whether I am dead or alive," she said to herself. 

She didn't have any hopes of making any useful thing in here. Though all her plans on the inside were going well, she will be stuck in here just phantom about them.

"Time to go," said the officer. She walked back into the changing room and wore the orange uniform, the only clothes she will be wearing for twenty years. No more suits, sneakers, expensive t-shirts or khaki trousers. 

She looked at her dad's watch for the last time and kissed it, "I am sorry papa, and mama, but for these twenty years, let me live here just for sometimes before I come back to you," 

The officer gave her the suit to carry and was supposed to give it upon arriving at the prison. 

She breathed the last fresh air on the city of Savannah before she was escorted down to the dungeon of survival for the fittest.

She watched as Amanda was answering questions while holding Daniella's hands very tightly. 

She didn't worry about Daniella anymore, 'she made her decision, that's her life,' she thought as she got inside the van that was going to transport her back.