
205: Don't Take Money!

Today was the day Daniella was supposed to testify, Davids was worried about what will come from her mouth, she was sure that Daniella will also use the same story from the CCTV cameras to say she was the one who did that to her. 

Every time she looks at Daniella she always looks at her fingers. The hands that had only touched one girl and now someone else is claiming that they touched her. 

She sat at the desk waiting for Daniella and her team to arrive. Looking at the people who were sitting on her side, most of them were new faces that she has never seen. For her side, Damien decided to grace the audience with his face. Though Damien felt like it was not a good thing, Damien didn't mind being around. 

Damien wanted to be around because, in two weeks, he won't be around, instead he will be joining college. He hasn't chosen yet but he wanted to choose one together with Davids as they had planned. 

He has all the letters with him, but they were sealed in a big brown envelope and Damien was waiting for the perfect time to open them together with Davids and he couldn't see any perfect time.

Mr Chen was late today for the session, which didn't make Davids worried or anything, he knew sooner or later he will leave her all alone.

Her parents were also running late, Andrew had informed her but he didn't give her a reason as to why they were doing that. She was okay with them not coming, sometimes people would say things in court that were so embarrassing and she didn't want her parents to face the shame that she was going through.

She was not worried about them being late, all she wanted was for everything to be done with. 

She was glad that Brian is taking over things slow by slow, Makena on the other hand was proving to be a reliable partner on the farming side. 

Damien on the other was joining Brian slow by slow and she knew her mom and dad wouldn't be sad when she is jailed, everything will go back to normal. 

She didn't want them to waste their money to get her from prison. She knew they had the power to remove, her from the chains but she believe she was on the wrong side and this was a lesson. She hoped everything will go back to normal and her image will be restored if not her parents'

"Feeling okay?" Damien stared at her from the train of thought.

Davids looked at him. She still could t believe that he was on her side even though they haven't been friends for long.

"Yeah, just thinking you know, my parents are not around and I am waiting for them to arrive, though I will be okay if they don't come," said Davids.

"Don't stress they will come," said Damien.

Davids tried to look at his eyes but she couldn't quite figure out if there were any regrets he had about being there. She had seen Clara walking in the court and Davids was tempted to ask. 

She looked over at Clara then at Damien.

"Don't even think of it, we have nothing going, sue out of my life and I hate the second I decided to call her my girlfriend and even proposed to her," said Damien.

Davids held his hands, and he looked at her, "don't be too harsh, just give yourself some time."

"Yeah, and I am doing when I come back, I will be bigger and better, imagine when someone makes you lose a deal for something," said Damien angrily.

Davids understood him, but he knew he was not going to fight Clara, he will let her be. 

Vicky and Mike walked into the court and Davids was not surprised when she saw Mr Chen with a red eye and a bandage on his hands. 

"What happened to him?" Asked Damien as he pointed at Mr Chen.

"I don't even want to know, I just want to be out of this place," said Davids. 

Damien looked at her and patted his shoulders, "I will go because I have somethings to do, will see you tomorrow if I come to visit you, is that okay?" 

Davids nodded and Damien rubbed her shoulder before leaving her at the court. 

Davids didn't look at Mr Chen, she just looked at her parents whose eyes were popping out while looking at her. 

She didn't know what jar happened but she was waiting for this day to be over. 

Since she knew what Daniella was going to say, she didn't even want to focus on her anymore. She was still thinking of various ways to survive inside a cell that can be opened by anybody and at any second she can be killed. 

She knew her neighbour is always vigilant, but alerting her can be a problem if she is dead asleep, that's why she doesn't fall asleep. She is either half-awake or half-asleep to make sure she wakes up the following morning.

Most of the time she will wake up to confirm if she is alive and would wake up to touch the washroom to confirm that. That is the only thing that kept her going inside the cell.

Daniella was escorted to the stand, she was walking with the help of a stick, her legs couldn't step properly on their own, Davids felt like they wanted people to sympathise with her and show her some mercy.

They were looking at jer walk ad they throw their glances at Davids. 

She didn't mind their eyes because her eyes were focused on the stand, that Daniella had not arrived at. Her mother made sure she got a raised seat at the stand before the judge starts to question her.

With the first word, Davids was playing with her hands because she didn't know what to do. She didn't want to listen to the same story over and over. it was tiring to listen to the lies over and over. She believed in herself and if she could have done something bad, then she would have known. 

'What if they injected me or did some surgery and inserted something in my brain to make me forget what I did. The way Daniella used to have some new stitches every day when we met then she will be hallucinating the whole day talking about things I couldn't understand,' she thought to herself as she tried to raise her hands to touch her head but couldn't feel anything on her head. It was okay and there was no pain to suggest that it was touched.

She watched as everyone was glued to Daniella's story, her words were like magnates, anything she said was moving the audience and some people were even shedding tears. 

Daniella had shed tears about three times and the wipes that were on the stand were almost over, 'wish I could get you more, but nope, I am not doing that.'

Focusing on the table, Mr Chen scribbled a note and passed it to her. 

'Focus on the court."

She picked the pen and scribbled something back to him, "wish you were a good lawyer, but too had, feels like you were taking her side because I could see the way you were being eyed last time, it's like you didn't tell them about the evidence that we had about Rita!"

She then looked at Daniella as Mr Chen read the note. 

Mr Chen felt his blood go come as he read the more, he knew this kid was smarter and she had managed to figure out things. He knew it was only a matter of time before things escalate and go sideways.

"Don't feel so proud, I will make sure you go where you belong," that was the next more scribbled to Davids.

"I will be happy to Mr Chen, just don't take any cash from my parents because if they know you were double-crossing them, trust me, your wife and k7ds will be gone," wrote Davids.

Andrew had given her all the information about Mr Chem and he was trying to get into his never, seems like whatever sue was suspecting is all true.

"Just focus!" Wrote Mr Chen.

Davids picked the paper and tore it quietly as he chewed it. Mr Chem looked at her but she was grinning and giving him a devilish look. She knew Andrew had to know this so that he doesn't take any cash from her parents.

"That's what she did you me, she used me, seduced me since I was a weakling, used me because I had no otherwise and left me for dead, imagine I had to get ten litres of blood had to be transferred into my body to make me well again and I ain't even sleep at night. My mother has to be there or my friend to cuddle me up because I have a nightmare, I am seeing her face every day in my sleep. When she is trying to finish what she started. I fear for my life that she might one day kill me because she is not done with what she started!" 

Everyone started mumbling again. They understood Daniella was going through a lot of pain for her to talk in such a manner. Their sympathy was heard and their tears were streaming down their faces. 

Cameras were shattering as they captured this moment.