
203: She Loved Suits

Today's court session was about the testimony from Davids parents. The court decided to let everyone know how her parents raised her. Everyone was waiting for this day. 

The newscast was camping here just to listen to something from her parents. They wanted to see how thru felt about their daughter being accused of raping a young teenager and if they are truly into the child trafficking business.

Mike and Vicky didn't know what the lawyers were going to ask them because that was an open-end session and any question could be asked and they expected the answers. 

Despite the vague ideas about today, Mike and his wife had sat down in their room the previous night to go through everything and make sure that they were on the same page. They told everything and went over it until they get that the information they were going to give was okay.

Vicky was hesitant about the hermaphrodite thing but Mike told her it wi be okay if they say it in court because they must be transparent with everybody.

Vicky agreed with him though he knew there was nothing that was going to change about it. Their daughter has been accused and everyone is on Daniella's side. 

"Hey, do you regret coming back to your old hometown?" Asked Vicky while she was trying to fix Mike's tie. 

She could see the dark circles below his eyes. Most of his investors have withdrawn from the company and he is stressed because his business is going down.

"I know I can't lie to you, the truth, I am regretting the second I thought of coming to invest back here. We could have picked another place rather than this doomed town babe," said Mike in a regretful tone as he looked at his wife who was rubbing his back.

"After this, we pack and leave, we can rent the house or even sell it to someone else," said Vicky.

"I forgot to tell you, I had bought it in Davids name, so it's until she signs off, that's the only time we will sell it," said Mike.

"Oh boy, hope everything goes okay I will have to convince her to sell it or rent it out," said Vicky and Mike nodded.

Andrew ushered them into the car, they were using vehicles from their neighbour Mr Prat. That way it was easier to prevent unnecessary attention.

When they arrived at the courthouse, the wore shades to disguise themselves, Mike walked far from Vicky because they were didn't want anyone to question them, it worked smoothly and they met inside the court.

Davids was still in the changing room, as usual, she was given space to do her dressing and this was the chance Andrew brought her some snacks and even coffee. Today being that day, she got coffee with Annie's pancakes. She devoured them hungrily because she knew the prison is won't provide her with anything like this. 

Meanwhile, Andrew made sure she w got a chance to speak with Brian and Annie before the court began.

"Hey Bro," called Davids as she sipped her coffee.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Asked Brian though he knew that she was not doing okay. 

"Prison suck, please, don't even start, ease tell Annie thank you because I had missed her food," said Davids with food in her mouth.

Brian chuckled at her manner which never stops. 

"Did you speak to Damien about the deal?" Asked Davids.

"Sure, I did and everything is well planned out, but I hope it won't go out that way Siz, don't you have any hope left in you?" Asked Brian with concern plastered in his voice.

"I don't, just do what I told you okay? I know everything will be fine because I believe in you okay?" 

Brian nodded. He didn't understand why Davids was pessimistic, he had known him to be someone who always believed in a good ending, positive things, not negativity.

To some extent, he felt Davids was not telling him everything, which he wanted to find out.

Davids ended the call and was lost in thoughts, he knew nothing was going to change and the little game that they were playing in this court was just going to end with her getting g jailed for years and even getting killed in prison. That's why she was trying to set things up so that everything how's as expected. 

She didn't want her parents frustrated because of her stupidity though they are stocking with her around she felt like she is dragging them with her.

She felt some movement behind her and quickly stretched her hands and they landed on the neck of the intruder.

"Andrew, seriously, don't be sneaking!" She almost shouted at him and Andrew just raised his brows at her. 

"Is everything okay, I always sneak up on you even in the house, what's going on?" Asked Andrew in a concerned tone.

Davids liked him, he knew it will mean nothing even if she explains it to him because he won't be around to make sure no one hurt her. Not even her parents' money will do that.

She told him anyways, hoping she wi feel better. 

"I was attacked in prison and almost killed but it didn't happen, it worried me a lot but everything wi be okay," said Davids as if that was nothing.

"Are you serious? I will tell your dad, we can pay people to keep their eyes on you," said Andrew but Davids shook her head. She didn't want her parents to know about it, she begged Andrew to keep it a secret from them.

Andrew didn't know who to obey, her or his bosses, but he understood how Davids felt and he kept everything to himself, he wanted to make sure that her parents rest because they rarely rest.

Andrew walked through the other door and Davids was escorted by the guards to the court.

She felt like she hasn't seen her parents in year's yet it was just three days. 

Her mother cried the eminent she saw her walk into the court, the cuffs were removed from her hands and she hugged her mother before her dad kissed her head. 

She didn't want to cry because they were already crying. She has seen the way her dad was hiding his tears, she wanted to act strong for them.

"Are they treating you okay in there?" asked her mother.

"Yeah, they are, though I am in solitary because of my condition everything is okay," sje smiled at them. 

After their little session, their moment was interrupted by the judge and the jury who walked in. 

"Let me make it clear Miss Davids, I dare you to throw tantrums like last week, I will expel you from my court, your lawyer will be the only person allowed to stand in for you, understood?" 

Davids replied and kept quiet, she had promised herself to be quiet until the court ends even if they were not on her side. The lady in the other room had told her so and she was obeying it.

Mr Chen stood from his seat to dress the court, "ladies and gentlemen, I know it is a tough case, a child who is innocent to be accused of sexually assaulting her girlfriend. I don't know if she is innocent or guilty, but before we say that she is what, I would live to call upon her parents starting with Mrs Black to come and answer questions about their daughter maybe we might get some insight."

Vicky was called upon to the stand. Mike rubbed her back assuring her that everything will be okay.

Vicky walked to the stand, Amanda was sneering at her while walking, while Daniella just gazed to the front like it don't bother her.

"Mrs Black, if I may, can you please give us some little detail about your daughter?" Asked Mr Chen.

"We always calls her, 'son,' even on her Instagram page she jas used the name 'Mr Eve,' my daughter Davids is a very charming person. It's easy to like her and she is devoted to what she is doing. When she was born I was terrified when the doctors said that she was genderless, none of her private parts was showing and the doctors concluded that she is not grown fully and had to be taken back into the incubator for a year. After several examinations, it was realised that there was skin covering her private parts and a small operation had to be done to remove the skin.  After it was removed, another shock gripped us, she was a hermaphrodite. I was afraid that she might grow up hating herself for who he or she is. That was my fear.

My husband told me that, it was okay, she is the little gift that we had been given and we should be happy that she came out safe. We wanted to even remove one part of her sex organs so that she reminds with one but we later came to decide that that was supposed to be her decision to make when she is older. Even when giving names, we didn't give her any name, we left her to choose a name that she would love. 

That's where she came up with the name Davids, she told me that she is using it after my dad whom I was fond of talking about. 

The main reason we said Davids is a she is because one of her organs is not functional, I know lost of us who have done biology know about that. But things change when she arrived at her adolescent period, both of her gametes was working but not that strong.

We were told that they depend on each other to work and she couldn't take surgery to remove one sex organ and leave the rest, so Davids had to decide what will happen to go her body she decided to let everything be. 

The female gametes were stronger and they always overpowered the male gametes, meaning we had to let her be a girl, but she never wanted to be a girl. She loved in suits, every time you put a dress on her body she would shout the whole day until you change it. She even preferred to be made than to be in girls clothing. That was at the age of five and she decided on her wardrobe and everything was done the way she wanted.

My daughter has grown up to be a respectful person, we made sure that came first and the others followed. She does her work, has her cooking days, walks the dog, weed the orchid and does laundry. We wanted her to grow into being a whole round child and she is.

She does her work carefully even when she is helping in the offices her dad trust her with work. I am not bragging just at the age of nine, she was among the team who designed the now Black Corporation that is ten minutes from here and also did an interior design of the house.

I trust my daughter, and I believe she didn't do anything that she is being accused of, Daniella, I am sorry for what happened but I know my daughter, she is not a sex offender, more even once."

Davids watched her mother praise her, for all the gold works she jas done and she almost forgot that she was in the court, she wanted to hug her but she was not allowed I stand.