
178: Couples Channel

Clara and Damien we're sitting by the beachside near The Devine Restaurant. They had escaped the swimming pool area after Mr Marcus offered them a free swimming area for the good job they did in the restaurant in the morning. They realised they loved it when they are just two. 

"Why don't you want me there?" Asked Clara as she was on Damien's back.

"I don't love it when people look what's mine," said Damien before Damien settled her down on the sand slowly. 

Clara laughed at him, she didn't mind being around the pool though many people were around being a weekend. Clara was an introvert I like Damien who loved being alone thinking of maths and his deejaying activities if not playing with his camera to bring out the life in his pictures.

"Come on babe, everyone now knows you are mine, plus the famous bloggers in school have already documented it and we are number one trending if not number two because Daniella and Davids had some little drama yesterday," explained Clara making Damien look at her in surprise. 

Damien didn't know about any of their drama, was he too focused on Clara and his family to forget about his friend? He sighed and threw the thoughts back into his mind. He knew Davids will explain if it was important.

"I know that, but I am the only one allowed to admire this beautiful body of yours," Damien said before dropping a slight kiss on her lips.

They sat on the beach planning their future days. "What would you want to study on campus?" 

Damien was not ready for that question. Even his uncle has never asked him anything about his future, though he knew he was the next in line to manage the restaurant, he didn't think too much about it. 

Most of the time he had thought about being a professional entertainer, video producer and photographer but that was being replaced with being an engineer because he loved playing with some wires here and there.

"I am not sure of what I want, I have lots of ideas but I haven't settled for one," he said while grabbing Clara closer to his chest.

Clara looked at him, "what if we start our couple podcast, I mean that's common but we will feature a lot of things in it, I have my podcast but I won't mind a couple and also create a couple tick-tock and make it fun."

Damien looked at her with raised brows, he had seen most couples doing it, he had his feats that one day they might reach a point and things might go wrong but look at Clara he didn't think of any way something could go wrong. He was not the type of man to be focused on social media but he wanted to try this jew idea out.

"Do you it's a nice idea? Though I am ready for anything," asked Damien.

Clara searched his eyes before stealing a kiss from his lips, "it's okay, we can start earning some money for your rented house on campus in case I come I can get a place to spend a night."

Damien winked at her idea took out his phone, he had lots of followers and he knew it will be good to use one of their accounts to post stuff. 

"We can use my account, I have 10k followers instead of creating a new account," Damien suggested as he handed his phone to Clara to view.

Clara nodded as she saw the progress of his account. She knew it was a good account that mostly posted about entertainment stuff, teaching people how to do some camera hack and delaying classes that she felt were important. 

"Babe, I feel like we should let your account stay, we can use mine because I would be happy if you go on teaching people how to work on something but my account has my post only and my friends," said Clara as she showed him her Instagram account that had 100k followers. 

"Okay, I don't have any objection, so should we start to do a live premiere today?" Asked Damien as she picked his phone from Clara's hands. 

"Yeah, I will even post on my status to make them aware," Damien had nothing to worry about, he knew her girl knew just how to do everything done, that's why he was going to leave everything to her until the night comes.

They spent the rest of the day sunbathing in the sun before they decided to call it a day.

Inside The Black's house, 

Everyone was busy with their issues. Mike had called a meeting with Andrew and other staff around, while Vicky, Brian and Annie were busy watching a fashion show as Brian was trying to come up with some idea he had thought of. 

The only person who was not around was Davids, locked in her room all day, everyone in the house knew what had happened.  Brian agreed with what she told Daniella though they felt she did it in a rush manner. 

Vicky had fears that probably Her daughter might notice the recent changes in the family as Mike was always busy on the phone trying to make sure Brian is fine, if not him them it was Vicky on her tablet face calling him.

Inside her room, Davids had piles of crumbled papers on the floor. Sighing in frustration she threw the millionth paper and started drumming the table with the pen she had on her hand.

She was trying to draft a letter for Daniella to explain how sorry she was but since she was not Shakespeare she realised that every piece of apology from her words came out bad.

She spent the entire night yesterday calling her a but in vain, she even sent paragraphs of messages but she still doesn't answer. She couldn't ask her friend to help talk to Daniella because they were having their lone time together.

She was left with the letter option which was turning out to be more tiresome.

Then an idea popped into her head, it's was a weekend and just the right time to call someone, she opened her laptop that was lying on the table. 

Waiting for the caller to pick, she started into the ceiling looking at the beautiful pattern she had helped in choosing when it came to interior design. They were beautifully crafted ceilings with flowers, though she chose a different theme for her room her mother didn't want to hear of it.

"Hello," came the voice of a little girl from the screen. 

"Hello, Ashley?" Davids started sweetly but Ashley was not a fool, she knew they always call together with Daniella and if she is not there ton she have to join them from where she is, so Daniella was not on the camera made him raise her brows.

"Where is Your baby?" Asked Ashley with hands folded on her chest.

"Yeah, I needed you to help me with something about that," started Daniella as she crossed her fingers hoping she will do as asked.

"What did you do know?" Asked Ashley in a concerned voice. 

"I told her something bad and I didn't mean to, ever since yesterday she hasn't talked l to me," she said and looked at Ashley with a sad face.

"Okay, I will calm her and connect you two, please be gentle." David's nodded to her words and waited for her to do the magic. 

Daniella had also locked herself in her room, mopping her tears the whole night after Davids words. She knew her mother loved her and Davids was just bad-mouthing her the way other people do and she was not going to give in. 

Scrolling through her phone, she saw Clara's post about her live announcement tonight and she was anticipating it. She said that she had a surprise for her fans something she didn't even her. She wanted to ask what type of surprise it was but she decided against it.

Throwing her phone on the ned, she heard it ring, she was tired to pick it up but she stretched her hands and took it. 

She smiled at the caller's id, "Hey baby, how are you doing?" Sue asked the little girl gracing her screen.

She was smiling but her smile didn't reach her face. 

"I am not doing fine because I am seeing your sad face," started Ashley.

Daniella tried her best to show an excited face but she couldn't, at the same time she couldn't be real down in front of Ashley given that she is young and doesn't need to be bothered by it.

Instead of her replying, she sees a second face on the camera, she will be lying to herself if she starts looking away from the face. She knew Davids was just giving her opinion and nothing else. 

"I am sorry," they both chorused at the same time before they fell into a small chuckle.

"I love you, please don't be mad," said Davids as she looked at Daniella.

Daniella smiled at the Camera and nodded.