
175: My Favourite Saxophone Player.

Ahe knew she needed to be in more presentable clothes and these were not making sense to her, she saw Victor changing clothes and walked up to him. He didn't know if they will fit because she was a little taller than Victor but she was trying her best before she could reach him, she heard Damien calling her and she walked back thinking that he has found some of her clothes but instead he gave her a pair of trousers and t-shirt from the pair he had worn during the preparation time.

"Will they be okay, I know it's not the best," said Victor and Davids didn't think twice, she grabbed the clothes and walked to the boys changing room because it was the nearest place to change and later joined the other group to say hi to the various guests who were around. 

Daniella parted way with Davids as she moved to say hi to her mother and Davids walked to her family who was waiting for her. 

"My baby, you were great sweetheart," said her mother as she hugged her. 

Davids rested her head on her shoulder before breaking the hug to receive a kiss from her mother. 

Annie handed her flowers and pecked her cheeks playfully congratulating her, next was Brian whose mouth was covered in a cello tape," she is going to laugh, don't remove it," said Annie and Davids were the first to burst into a laugh. 

She knew the play was over and her elder brother can laugh all he wants, "I don't mean you do it literally, Bro?" 

Removing the tape, Brian was all thirty-two, making the people standing next to them to stare at him. 

"Jesus, so you were serious, are you that mad for love?" He shouted as he hugged her tight before giving her a carbonated drink. He could present Heinkeins because they were still in the school compound and their parents were just around them.

Mike was moving all over the place and it was hard to get attention, Andrew wasn't left behind, he tagged along everywhere they moved, they were acting as the good brothers, no one will have confused him for a security guy.

"So, how did you guys find the show?" Davids asked as the others were throwing their eyes all over the place, especially Vicky. Davids could tell she was looking for someone but the only person she could look for was her husband who was very visible in her eyes. 

"Darling, you guys were so good, I know if Disney was here, you guys might perform the play again in New York theatres," said Annie as she picked her cheeks playful.

"Plus, for me, I have seen some students I would love to pick for the under eighteen fashion show because of their confidence," added Brian making Davids smile. 

Davids knew Brian had great ideas with him, and he aimed to get more students recognised for the work they have done, she knew she won't miss coming and seeing the end year musical every day because she would love to pick young talents too.

While they were talking, Brian saw a woman who was trying to wave her hands towards Davids direction but her voice was not loud enough for her to shout. 

Brian tapped Davids's shoulder and asked her to look at the person who was trying to calm her name from downstairs. 

Straining her eyes to look at the woman, she was old and she could see that by the white hair that was dominating her hair 

"Mrs Prat?" Shouted Davids as she saw her clearly, "let's go say hi," said Davids as she grabbed Brian's hands. They ascended the stairs and they could now see her. She had worn a wonderful sundress with platform shoes making her look younger than her old self.

"You made it," said Davids excited as she walked in for a hug.

"I told you I will make it," said Mrs Prat as she smiled at Davids. 

Brian extended her hands and shook Mrs Prat's hands. "Is this your elder sister?" Asked Mrs Pratt looking at Brian closely.

"Ooh my, she still doesn't recognize me?" Said Brian to Davids. 

"She is the eldest, Brianna and I am the youngest," said Davids to avoid the awkwardness between the two. Brian threw Davids a glare and Davids knew it's not going to be okay tonight after introducing him as a girl to Mrs Prat.

"Mom, I can see you have met my favourite Saxophone player," 

Davids turned her head and met with Mr Nossy, "mum?" Then it dawned on her, so Mrs Prat is his mum but they look nothing alike.

"I met her first, she is my favourite neighbour, " said Mrs Prat making Mr Nossy raise a brow. The only times he visits his mum is at night when he is not busy with his piano and he has never seen Davids anywhere near. 

Davids knew that it will be hard for anyone to know that they are related, "why haven't I seen you in the neighbourhood?" Questioned Davids. 

"I wanted to ask the same, though I rarely come around," said Mr Nossy. 

Davids nodded, the had a point, "just make sure you visit more often, I could use more piano lessons," said Davids. 

"I thought my beautiful mother has already taken you through some steps, she was the greatest pianist of her days," told Mr Nossy and her mother punched her elbow. 

"Anyway," started Mrs Prat in her soprano voice, "I would love to recommend some of you to the music school in New York and I want you there."

Davids knew she has never wanted Music to be her profession, she lived playing it freely but making it her source of income that was something else, her heart was not in music it's always about business but she didn't know how to explain to this kind-hearted lady that she had something different planned in mind. Brian on the other side was busy knocking on her shoes as the old lady was waiting for a reply.

"Hey, what about I come for coffee one of these fine evenings and talk about it, I wi me happy to tell you something," said Davids and Mrs Pratt nodded. 

They walked back to their parents but Mike returned them to Mrs Prat as they were saying hi to her and Davids was surprised that her parents also knew her. 

"Ooh, Mrs Prat, you never get old," complained Mike as he kissed her cheeks.

"Are you surprised about that? I am surprised that my student has a talented son and he has never told me about it," said Mrs Prat as she pinched her on the cheek.

Mike winced painfully, "it's still painful just like the old days, can you please forgive that," asked Mike as he placed his hands on his is cheeks. 

"This is embarrassing," mouthed Davids to Brian.

"I know, see how dad is humble before her, you would think it's someone important," they both laughed, "see how mum is rubbing his cheeks to make it okay." 

"Let's just run and go to our peers," said Davids but they were pulled forward, making them almost knock Mrs Prat but their reflexes worked fast.

"You are talking about him, what about her, I know you haven't met her but if you want to see her, she is costly and when talking about a design she will speak about it like she is the one who wrote it," said Mike addressing Brian as she. 

"Are you sure? Because Vicky has been my designer for quite some time and no one has ever done my clothes better than her, look at this dress she did just in a day and it's all wonderful but I want to try the student and see if her teacher taught her well," said Mrs Prat as shook Brian's hands again.

"She still doesn't recognise me, Davids," complained Brian as he walked from the little introduction.

"Run," said Davids and the quickly left the grown-ups to their discussion.

Davids saw Daniella busy talking to some woman who was in a scarf and a black dress. She saw them in a serious conversation and divided to jump on Damien's side. Damien was done with the photographer who came to help with her professionalism and was not with his uncle and Clara's aunt. 

Brian on seeing him walked quickly in his direction and gave him a back hug, "nice job there, so when is the wedding?" 

"Noo!" Shouted Mr Marcus and Clara's Aunt, "they are still young for Christ sake," complained Clara's aunt as she looked at Clara.

"Ooh, wait till when you will be walking her down the aisle that's when you will cry," said Brian as she shook Clara's aunt hands, "Brian nice to meet you," said Brian and she looked at her and she replied her back.

"So are you ready for that day when you will shedding tears Miss?" Asked Brian before hugging Clara.