
111: ARON

⚠️ Not Edited!!!!

Clara left her class and headed towards the guidance and counselling room. Turning left and right like a person who wants to cross the road, after seeing no one looking at her she dad had into the guidance and counselling room.

She went ahead and sat on the visitor's seat. The room had grey paintings and paintings on the wall. One particular piece of painting caught her eyes and she went ahead and she stood and went to look at it. 

She touched it and closed her eyes as she felt the sought texture on her palm. She admired the way the books were neatly arranged in the room.

She picked one written, 'Alone' with italics on it and flipped through the pages. The looked at the cover and smiled at it.

"Miss Clara?" Came a voice from the door.

She was startled and accidentally threw the bok on the floor.

"Miss Tamima!" Sue called while picking the book up.

She placed the book back on the shelves and stood respectful in front of Miss Tamima.

"After a long wait, you are finally here, what is up?" She asked Clara as she moved to her seat placing the books that she was holding on the desk.

"Sorry I was held up and I couldn't make it here as we had agreed," she apologised while looking down ashamed of being disobedient.

"It's okay, you don't have to be sorry class work matters a lot," said Miss Tamima.

"Can I take a seat please?" Asked Clara while pointing at the seat she had previously sat on.

Miss Tamina gave her a questioning look. She was wondering why Clara would want to seat down today yet on those other days she would just come in, tell her what she needs to hear and run out.

She extended her head and nodded for her to seat down. 

The silence prevailed in the room and no one was talking. Miss Tamima decided to take the initiative of speaking first and before Clara pours her heart out.

"Any progress after the three months of our silly arrangements?" She asked Clara Jokingly while removing a bottle of whisky from a small fridge that was hidden in between the bookshelves.

"People have fallen in love, actually today Daniella was driven in by Davids elder brother Brian," she added smiling.

Miss Tamima realized that her smile did not reach her face and she decided to change the story a little and talk about the problem that she have rather than having her all about someone else.

She went to the fridge and got one drink for Clara.

"Here," she handed her the drink.

"Aaah, I thought I was going to get get a glass of that Miss," she joked while getting the drink from Miss Tamima.

Miss Tamina laughed and almost choked on her whisky.

"No way, until you are eighteen, that is two years from now?" She asked.

Clara nodded while supplying her drink.

"Too bad, but don't worry, you might illegally get it from someone before eighteen," grinned Miss Tamima.

After that short-lived conversation, the silence prevailed again making the situation more awkward. 

Miss Tamima placed her glass on the table and cleared her voice but Clara best her to the talk.

"Can I ask you something, Miss?" Asked Clara while rolling the bottle of her drinks in her palm.

"Sure, why not?" She said and went on to drink her whiskey.

"It's About Aron," said Clara in an uncertain tone.

She was trying to evade Miss Tamima's gaze because all this time she was talking to her, she was throwing her eyes here and there. 

"Clara, I don't think I am the right person to talk to her," said Miss Tamima in a low concerned voice.

Clara shot her a glance and she knew this was going to be tougher than usual. She didn't know whether to explain to Clara about Aron or let someone else explain to her.

Aron was Clara's brother. She died in the same school, mountain High, it's an incident that most people have forgotten but to Clara, it's something she jas not forgotten.

She was five when it all happened, she still remembers the face of her parents when they were told about the incident.

Her mother cried and threatened to kill herself while her dad, was quiet for some time. They were desperate to get their son back but they couldn't. 

Miss Tamima had been the guidance and counselling teacher in Blue High for almost two decades and from the journal that Clara found, Miss Tamima was the only person he talked to.

She didn't find much in his brother's Diary but she felt like every time he wanted to write something he felt like someone was watching her.

Today seated in front of Mrs Tamima, she wanted to give her the diary so bad, but she did not know who to trust, should she trust Miss Tamima or should she just ask for information and do everything on her own?

Miss Tamima on the other end was in a dilemma. As a psychologist, she knew that the information passed was between her and the patient and she wasn't supposed to do anything. How is she going to explain everything to Clara and how will she react?

She wants sire of what Aron used to narrate to her because every day he would come up with a different story though most of the time he would stick to the same storyline.

"Just anything Miss Tamima, please, my parents are not over his death, as much as everything is going on well they still sit down and think of him every day, every second. That is the reason we moved away but my main aim of coming here was after I got his diary, his diary directed me to you, and today, I am asking you to help me out," begged Clara.

"Diary?" Questioned Miss Tamima in a surprised sound.

"Yes, he used to have a diary but he didn't write much, the most thing he wrote in there is about the sessions you had with him. How you talked to him and enlightened him about certain things," said Clara.

Miss Tamima caressed her chin slowly as if she was trying to remember something. She lowered her head and then lifted it before standing and pacing around the room.

"He was a good student, best in maths, a good athlete disciplined and a good leader but after some few months before he finished his senior year, I found him in my office, it's not like he jas never been here, this was his favourite places when he wants some alone time. He would ask for a key and lock himself in here to work on things. Unlike other days, that day he wants quiet, he was sluggish, his hair was wet and it was early in the morning."

Miss Tamima moved to the farthest corner of the room and sat down, "he was seated here, his hands on his head and his legs were drawn to his chest trembling. I tried to touch him but he threw me away.  I didn't want to create any scene by calling the guards or alerting anyone. I left him to calm down, got him some hot coffee and after some minutes he was calm and apologized for his behaviour.

The truth about Aron I couldn't get it. Every day he came to me with different stories. Sometimes he would be me that he is seeing pigs in front of him, sometimes he is seeing a wolf trying to nite him. They were a lot of incidents that I couldn't collect together and picture out which one was the main thing happening to him.

I needed to consult with the principal and ask them to organize a hospital for him but I decided against it because he was not displaying the symptoms of being mentally unstable. 

He used to have his episodes in the morning most of the time and he wouldn't go anywhere apart from my office. No one ever noticed that something was happening to him. He didn't want even your parents to know that he was going through something.

Every time I ask him to talk to his parents or I threatened to calm his parents to help him, he wouldn't want that to happen, he wanted you guys to be safe, he wanted you to be okay when growing up because 'someone was watching him,' she finished the last part with air quotes.

"Did he say who was watching him in any of his episodes or during your sessions?" Asked Clara.

Standing from her corner she moved and stayed in her chair while looking at Clara with concerned eyes.

"He didn't, his episode were scattered all over and when he tried to gather his thought he couldn't they were always thrown away," said Miss Tamima as she settled her legs on the table.


Thanks for reading, 

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