
Lost in a one way street

Marcus is about to marry his fiancée, but will he ever do that if Vio comes to the scene, claiming that she and Marcus are together. She even announced to the public that she was impregnated by Marcus, causing Marcus' fiancée to back out on the supposed wedding. Marcus was asked to marry Vio instead, but he declined, and stay rooted at his decision that he will only get married once it's the love of his life. Disappointed of his decision, Vio's family sued Marcus and accused him of being a rapist. He was jailed, but still firm to his statement, that he did not bedded Vio. Who among the two lies? Will justice be serve at Vio or will Marcus will be able to clear his name to the public? Seduisantes, stay tuned and together, let's unravel the truth! Desclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents, either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

seduisanteree · Adolescente
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5 Chs

"Together, let us shade light to your murky world."

"Let me go!" I almost screamed at his face due of annoyance, but instead of doing what I said, he tightened his embrace more.

Ah, he's really getting into my nerves! Now, I'm really itching to punch him on the face.

"Come on, let's have fun." He tried to sound convincing but he'll never convince me. He's simply pulling me in the middle of the pool.

"I said let me go!" I squealed and sent him a dagger look. "I'm d*mn serious here. So never play a prank to me." That's when little by little he let go of me. He even raised his hands into the air, as if, he's telling me that he's accepting his defeat.

I rolled my eyes before turning my back to him and got out of the pool. Great, I needed to take a bathe again. What I really don't understand is that, he's acting like a kid. The hell! It doesn't suit his age!

"Are you afraid of water?" He yelled.

Tss. Afraid of water your *ss!

The next day, I woke up with my energy drained. I also felt dizzy for a sudden. Surveying myself to the mirror, I noticed that Marcus was right, I look pale. Maybe, it's just the lack of vitamin D. May be I needed a little shade of sunlight in the morning.

So, I took Belle and the book I am reading before I got out of my bedroom. Minutes later when I found myself sitting in one of the chairs facing a round table. I put down Belle atop the table where she lazily lay her small body there. I also made sure that the spot I chose has the ray of sunlight. It is still early so, the sun's ray is still fine to the skin.

Ah, what a good morning.

I asked one of our helpers to bring me breakfast and Belle's food here. I am planning to have breakfast here since, this is a perfect morning filled with peace. As I wait for our food, I decided to start reading my book, entitled "Love in the dark" while lazily stroking Belle's soft fur.

Once the food arrive, I set aside my book and silently munch on my food 'cause I don't have an appetite. I also give Belle her morning food and she happily eat on it too. I just watch her from time to time, as she busily feating on her food.

"Vio?" I saw Dad walking near me. Uh, they aren't got out of the house today?

Yeah, why ask the obvious now, Vio!

I gave him a straight face. "Dad?"

Uh, looks like, he have time for me today, huh? Funny. A man calling himself a father cannot even father his own child. He's always busy with his small business. He and Mom would go out early and comes home late, and both complains that they're tired after their day ends.

Sometimes, I would ask myself, if they even notice that I and Ate are growing or they just had children in order for them to be called parents when in fact, they're not doing their duties as one.

I am not a child who usually complains. Well, will there be a change once I told them that I want their attention or I want to feel their affection? Nothing. 'cause I know they'll just ended up making excuses. That what? They're doing it for the sake of their children's future? Huh, how many times have I read that already? I have lost count after encountering that a lot of times in the books I read. Well, that's how parents usually explain their selves - they'll made their selves look pitiful, or worst, they'll get mad on their children in order for their reasons to look like they're valid, when in fact, they aren't. Ending, the children will be guilty of their actions, and ask for apologies instead. Tss.

Often times, those children who are deprived of love and attention are the one's who have done wrong. Such a hell! Is that even our fault? Is it our fault to seek attention from the persons who's dear to us when it is their duty to give it, huh?

I don't like to sound as a nagging daughter. As I grow up, I understand that people have their own lives to drive. For me it's their lives, and should be their choices. I shouldn't be giving a d*mn on that. Mine is mine, so this is what I rule and choose to do it by means of creating a world that I am only the one who exists. Well, isolating myself is better than sticking my nose to whoever's business which can't even do me good.

"Are you sick?" He put his palm in my head, checking my body temperature. "I don't think you are." He concluded after withdrawing his hand. "---but you look, pale. Are you taking your vitamins?"

"Yeah." I lied. I chose to answer briefly. Gosh, I am not even comfortable with his presence. I just wanted to shoo him away so I could get to enjoy my self-time.

"I will tell Vernice to take a look at you from time to time. You don't look fine."

"Yeah." I simply said. Whatever you say, old hog! Well, it's not like your words interests me.

He even told me a lot of things but I didn't payed any attention to it. I just nodded everytime he asks me if I understand, though I didn't.

Finally, I could get to breathe fine when he bade goodbye. He said, he'll be late. He should have left earlier and stop meddling on my business here, since he's in a hurry, right?

I spent more time reading. Belle is sleeping now, probably she had ate too much of her food so she no longer stopped her drowsiness.

"Good morning, Darling!" What is up to this man? He's too loud. Even Belle was disturbed from her peaceful nap.

Ah, this bastard! What is he up to, again?

He sets down a tray atop of the table which contains a glass of cold water and a tablet of my vitamins in a saucer.

He smiled as he sat down facing me. "I offered help to Vernice." Yeah, It's Marcus! He even looks so proud as he said that.

As if I asked. Also, do I lool like, I needed his help? I can be on my own. He should know that. Tss.

"Uh, Your sister said, that's Tito's order before leaving." He added, trying to open a good conversation.

I pretended that I am busy with my book, just for him to realize that I am not up to any conversation with him.

"You're into books?" I did not respond. God knows how I tried my very best to focus on understanding every word that my book contains but I am too distracted to this man that I can't process even a single word.

Man, I'm distracted by his voice!

The hell with this man! He's really good in pestering me!

"What genres do you prefer?"

"Woah, is that..." from the corner of my eyes I saw him surveyed the book I am reading. "---romance?" His voice sounded so unbelievable like I'm doing the most ridiculous thing ever. "Is that even good to you?"

I folded my book in annoyance and face him. He's all smiles now. He got to be enjoying this, huh? "Why does it matter to you?"

"Such a mean girl." He whispered but it did not escaped to my ears. He face me. "Uh, Vernice and I will go out later, wanna join?"


"Are you that busy?"

"Obviously, yes!" For the first time, I bear to endure his presence. I don't also understand myself why I am entertaining this j*rk when I know I hate him and his guts.


I raised my book in front of him.

He made a sour face. "Can't that wait?"

"No." What the hell! Is this a fast talk?

"Have you made up your mind?"

I raised a brow, pondering what does his query points out.

"Um... About us making friends?" He smile again, giving me a full view of his two dimples and chinky eyes.

Tss. Such a charm, I admit.

"No." I shook my head.

His wide smiles drop. "How about..." He trailed of.

My brows are raised, waiting for him to proceed on what's he's about to ask. "---more than that?"

For an unknown reason, my heart pounded crazily. "Why do you keep on pestering me?" I have to maintain my cold expression. I don't want him to see that the walls I build in order to cage myself to the real world is slowly crashing because of him. "Is it your hobby to meddle with people's lives?"

"Huh? Of course not!" He said instantly. He don't look agree to what I said. "I only get to do this for you."

My heart pounded harshly again. What the hell! What a smooth talker, you dumb*ss!

"I told you, I am interested in you." I did not say anything. I am busy refraining my heart in beating so wild.

What is this? The feeling is so foreign to the point that I am afraid to entertain it. "So... Please, open your door and welcome me, whole-heartedly." I can see how genuine he is, saying that.

"I want to take you out of your cage and let you see how wonderful the world is. Together, let us shade light to your murky world."

