
Lost in a New Reality

The story follows a protagonist who wakes up in a different world, confused and disoriented. As they begin to explore this strange new place, they meet a group of warriors and a wise sorcerer who explain to them that they are part of a group fighting against a powerful dark force that threatens all the worlds. The protagonist joins forces with the warriors and the sorcerer, learning to fight with swords and magic as they journey through dangerous terrain to confront the dark force. Along the way, they face challenges and obstacles, but they also develop strong bonds with their companions.

kriscrosssssssssss · Fantasía
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6 Chs


But as I closed my eyes, ready to embrace the familiar surroundings of my bedroom, I felt a strange sensation. It was like a tugging at my body, pulling me in a different direction.

When I opened my eyes again, I was no longer in my bedroom. I was standing in the middle of a crowded marketplace, surrounded by people dressed in strange clothes and speaking in a language I didn't understand.

Panic flooded through me as I realized that I had not returned home at all. Instead, I had been transported to yet another world, one even more unfamiliar than the last.

I stumbled through the marketplace, trying to make sense of my surroundings. The buildings were made of a strange grey stone, with narrow windows and pointed arches. The streets were narrow and winding, and the air was filled with the smells of spices and incense.

As I wandered through the marketplace, I noticed that many of the people around me were staring at me. Some looked curious, while others looked hostile. I realized that my clothes and appearance marked me as an outsider, and that I would need to be careful if I wanted to survive in this new world.

For days, I wandered through the city, searching for a way to understand this new world. I learned that it was called Zorath, and that it was ruled by a powerful emperor who was feared and revered by his people.

I also learned that magic was real in this world, and that it was highly prized by those who could wield it. As I wandered through the streets, I saw people casting spells and summoning strange creatures, and I realized that I was truly out of my depth.

But then, one day, I heard a rumor that there was a way to leave this world and return home. It was said that there was a powerful sorcerer who lived in a hidden tower, and that he possessed the knowledge and magic to open portals between worlds.

With newfound hope, I set out to find the tower. It was a long and perilous journey, filled with traps and obstacles. But finally, after weeks of travel, I saw the tower looming in the distance.

As I approached, I felt a sense of awe and fear. The tower was tall and imposing, with a dark aura that made me hesitate. But then, I remembered my quest, and my determination returned.

With a deep breath, I stepped forward and entered the tower. Inside, I found a maze of corridors and chambers, filled with traps and illusions. But with my wits and perseverance, I managed to navigate my way through.

Finally, I reached the inner chamber, where the sorcerer waited. He was an old man, with a long white beard and piercing blue eyes. He looked at me with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, as if he knew that I did not belong in this world.

"I seek your help," I said, trying to sound confident. "I wish to return to my own world."

The sorcerer raised an eyebrow. "And why should I help you?" he asked.

"I have come a long way, and faced many dangers, in order to find you," I said. "I am willing to do whatever it takes to return home."

The sorcerer nodded slowly, as if he was weighing my words. Then, he gestured to a crystal ball on the table beside him.

"Look into the crystal," he said. "And tell me what you see."

I approached the crystal ball, feeling a sense of apprehension. But as I looked into its depths, I saw a vision of my own world, of my family and friends waiting for me.

Tears filled my eyes as I realized how much I had missed them. But then, the vision faded, and I saw something else.

It was a dark