
Lost & Found : Four Knights

She is clumsy . He is an epitome of perfection. She is kind and lively. He is cold and arrogant. She leads simple lifestyle. He leads his life in luxury. What happens when two people with totally different mindset meet? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kiara is simple girl, who leads a completely ordinary life, which may seem boring to many. Attending college, working part time, hanging out with friends, curling up on the couch with a good novel and a cup of coffee was her definition of a perfect lifestyle. Zachary William Carrington, one of the most eligible billionaire bachelor.A man, many fear to cross paths with.A man, who gets what he wants no matter what it takes. Popularly termed. As the 'hawk' of the business world for his keen observational skills and judgements.Women literally flock around him begging for his attention, but he never gives them any. He is arrogant and demands perfection in every single thing . Apart from business, Zach carves for adventures that makes his adrenaline rush. Taking risks is one of his favorite pastime. He doesn't believe in leading an ordinary life. One encounter is all that it needs to change their perceptive of life...

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17 Chs


ZACHARYIt's been two days since we reached NZ. we didn't get to do anything much on our first day here, since all four of us were tired from the journey and had no mood to go anywhere exploring, all we did was just doze off for the rest of the day. So apparently, the first day here was a complete waste , but yesterday was fun.we went adventuring at waiheke island .The wine there at mudbrick tasted really good.We hired a bike,went around island and even relaxed at oneroa beach. The best part was zip lining through the trees.Josh managed to get quiet a lot of awesome shots there. He is really passionate about photography and sometimes it feels like he is married to his DSLR.Alec and Ryan on the other hand enjoyed their time way too much flirting around with random girls.Anyways, Today we went bungee jumping at sky tower, It wasn't that exciting. We explored around a little and It was sometime in the evening when we returned back home.I went straight up to my room, to freshen up, since I was feeling sweaty. I took a quick shower and changed. By the time I returned back to living room, I saw Josh lying on the couch with his eyes closed and his arms were crossed while Ryan and Alec were sitting on the floor,engrossed in a video game.I didn't want to sit idle and watch them gaming nor did I feel like sleeping. So, I decided to let them be, and go out somewhere on my own."bro! Going somewhere?" Ryan asked,when he saw me walking towards the door."out""out where?""umm.. donno, nowhere in particular" I said with a shrug."well then, buy some AA batteries on your way back" Alec ordered"what for?" I asked and he just waved his remote control."anything else?""get something to eat" said Josh,with his eyes still closed."I thought you were asleep, and if you are that hungry why don't you ask beth to prepare something for you." Beth, was Ryan's cook."nah! that won't be possible. our idiot of a friend over here" Alec said pointing his thumb finger at Ryan. "has given a day off, for all his workers""what? why would you do that?" I asked him quizzically."So that we get to have fun without any disturbance" He replied nonchalantly.Josh snorted at this."and let us starve?". we had no plans for dinner today. Either we have to order food from a nearby restaurant or I'll have to cook something, since I'm the only one here, who is good in the kitchen."why would we starve when we have a MasterChef among us?" Alec said giving me a smirk. bastard!. "Zach will cook for us" now I get it they did it on purpose.I rolled my eyes at him"I am no MasterChef here.""Yeah, that's a great idea! It's been ages since Zach cooked something for us." Josh sat up excitedly."don't worry, we'll help" Ryan chimed in. I glared at all the three of them before walking out. Darn, these men!"Come back home early! we don't wanna die out of starvation." I heard Ryan shout I got in the Maserati Grancabrio that was parked in the garage and drove towards the nearest mall.on reaching there, I brought the batteries that alec had asked for, and was mindlessly walking ,looking at the stores around.When something banged into me all of a sudden and I felt my shirt getting all wet and sticky.That something which banged into me was a girl,and she had not just knocked into me but had also ruined my shirt with whatever drink she was holding.The fact that I had taken a shower about half an hour ago only to get myself dirty again annoyed me, and the lady who was responsible for the mess was just standing there and openly gawking at me which irritated me further.I have come across many girls, who use weird tactics to get my attention. I just hope that this banging into me was not one of those. I cleared my throat to grab her attention. She looked at me confused for a second and then seemed to realise something." I-I'm soo sorry s-sir" she said, her voice coming out soft and her cheeks going a brighter shade of pink. She even tried to wipe out the mess from my shirt but I immediately shoved her hand away from me.Not because I didn't like it, but who knows it could be a trap."watch were you walk miss,clumsy people like you annoy me". she seemed a bit hurt by my words, but I don't care.she apologized again, this time offering to clean my shirt or even buy me a new one.Buy me a new one?.well until now nobody had ever offered to buy me anything but instead expected me to buy them all rich and fancy stuff. Maybe this girl is not like others?, or what if this is facade?.I declined her offer rather too rudely and it seems like something I said angered her."ya right,what was I thinking?" she said a bit sarcastically "trying to apologize to an arrogant jerk like you". Arrogant jerk?.Nobody dares to talk to me like that."Excuse me? who the hell do you think you are calling me a jerk?" First this women, spills her drink on me and now she has the nerve to call me names!."look mister, I didn't purposefully bang into you nor did I spill the damn coffee on your shirt intentionally. I asked for your forgiveness and even tried to fix the mess I have caused, but no! you had to be such an arrogant asshole." Her voice raising, "I take back my sorry, you don't deserve it ". There she goes again!"huh! as if I want your apology" I scoffed at her.only to get splashed with the rest of the coffee in respose, wetting me all over.Bitch!If I wasn't mad earlier, I for sure am now. I shut my eyes and fisted my hands, to avoid myself from unleashing my fury. She clearly didn't know who he is otherwise she wouldn't have dared to throw stuff at him."you will pay for this!" I growled. She definitely will! .Nobody gets away freely after messing with Zachary.she looked scared now, water started misting in her Brown eyes and she looked up at me with an innocent puppy dog expression, but I'm not gonna fall for it.she was stubborn enough to not let those tears flow. she sighed in releif when her phone started ringing, maybe it was some friend of hers, she told the person on the other end, to wait up and started walking away from me without even giving me another glance.I stood there watching the girl walking away, or rather running away until she was out of my sight. I thought about following her and learning about her whereabouts, but with my current state I didn't feel like roaming around the mall. cursing her under my breath, I went out, got in the car and drove home.Alec, Josh and Ryan were watching some football match when I got back. I threw the batteries I had brought towards alec, which he gracefully caught. "Thanks man!" he said, focussing his attention back on the TV.  Ryan who turned his head to greet me, widened his eyes, when he saw my messy state "what the hell happened to your shirt?" .That got the other two's attention. Now all the three of them were looking at me with confusion.Josh even got up from his seat and started sniffing my shirt like a dog. "umm.. I smell coffee. Don't tell me you spilt the coffee on yourself like a little kid""That is soo unlike you Zach!" Alec looked at me in a weird way. I grunted "I didn't spill it on myself!" I shouted at them, my mood was already bad and these guys were irritating me even more. Why can't people let me be?"then who did this to you?" Ryan asked turning off the TV"some bitch!" I gritted my teeth."A GIRL?!" alec asked, sounding amused while the other two had curious expressions on their faces. "Ya, she had a nerve to throw her coffee at me""Don't tell me Zach, you misbehaved with some women to get this kind of a treatment in return?" Josh asked with a hint of disapproval in his voice.I exhaled loudly and ran my hands through my hair."you know I would never do that " I saidMy friends didn't seem to believe me, so I ended up telling them everything that had happened there at the mall.When I finished, all the three of them looked at each other and then suddenly burst out laughing. They started rolling around laughing like a bunch of some crazy maniacs. What's so funny??"I would love to meet this women, who was brave enough to throw coffee at the great Zachary carrington" Josh said in between the laughs ,and alec agreed with him.I scowled at this, NEVER IN MY LIFE WOULD I MEET THAT CRAZY WOMEN AGAIN!, I internally screamed, but that doesn't mean that I'll let her go without a punishment."was she pretty?" Ryan questioned.I had to admit she was pretty indeed!, especially when she tried to apologize and wipe my shirt, she looked really cute with her cheeks going red with embarassment.I didn't reply to that question."your silence answers it" joshy said knowingly"she was not!" I deadpanned.