
Lost , But found love

Relationship requires openess,that brings vulnerability.If you open up ,you risk getting hurt.If you dont ,you may never know the relationship you deserve . Lolu chibuike has always been an introvert. and someone who likes privacy .he finds it difficult to make friends with people,but the whole stroy changes when he enrolled Into Calgary university. I could see her staring at me ,i move closer to her and grabed her closer to my chest.i blushed and whispered into her ear I think i wanna start over i'm giving love a second chance .

Official_Dara · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

          We are back 

        Chapter Thirteen 

The piercing shriek of the alarm clock jolted Doyin awake. Groaning, she sat up and reached over to switch it off. She looked over at her roommate, who was blissfully snoring away, completely oblivious to the racket. Doyin cursed under her breath and wondered how someone could possibly sleep through such a racket. But then again, she thought, maybe it was a blessing to be able to sleep so soundly.

Doyin glanced at the clock and groaned. "Seven o'clock already? I'm going to be late for class!" She hurriedly got out of bed and put on her slippers. "I don't want to have to deal with Mr. Collin's lectures about punctuality again." She hurried to the bathroom, already feeling stressed about the day ahead. As she ran the water for her shower, she tried to clear her mind and focus on the tasks ahead. After some minutes she was out of the bathroom.

"Morning, Doyin!" Hermione's greeting was muffled by a yawn. She ran a hand through her messy hair, a tangled nest of frizzy curls. 

"You're up early. No classes today?"

"Nope, I'm free as a bird," Hermonie replied . "Wish I could say the same for you. What's your crazy lecture about?"

"Advanced Arithmancy," Doyin said with a sigh. "I'm not looking forward to it."

"That sounds dreadful," Hermione commiserates. "I hope.

Doyin dressed quickly, choosing a long black skirt, a white blouse, and a red scarf to tie her hair. As she applied lip gloss, she admired her reflection in the mirror, feeling confident and poised. "I'm ready to take on the world," she thought to herself. She gave Hermione a hug and headed for the door. "Wish me luck!" she called over her shoulder. "And good luck with Arithmancy!"

Hermione waved goodbye, then turned back to her own morning routine, wondering how Doyin always managed to look so put together, even on early mornings like this.

Doyin made her way to the lecture hall, relieved to see that she wasn't late. As she took her seat, she noticed that the professor had just entered the room. The students all fell silent, awaiting the start of the lecture. Doyin felt a wave of relief wash over her - she had made it just in time. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for what was to come.

The professor began to speak, and Doyin tuned in, hoping to take in as much information as possible. But it wasn't long before her attention started to wander, and she found herself daydreaming.

Once the lecture ended, the professor announced that the students would be working on a case study involving rape. It would be their first major assignment as law students. There was a buzz of excitement and nervousness as the students began to talk among themselves. Doyin felt a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. It would be her first real test as a law student. She took a deep breath and told herself to stay calm and focused. She knew she could do this. She just had to put in the work and trust her abilities.

Doyin was startled when someone approached her. She looked up and saw a tall, slender lady with a gorgeous figure. "Hi," the lady said with a friendly smile. "I thought we could be friends." Doyin smiled back and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Doyin," she said. "I'm Saferah," the lady replied. "And I'm a Muslima, too." Doyin was pleasantly surprised to hear that. "Me too!" she exclaimed. "It's nice to meet another Muslim woman here." Saferah nodded in agreement.


"Come on, Lolu, we can't stop now," Jayson said, trying to encourage his friend. "We're almost done with the workout!" Lolu looked up at him with a pleading expression. 

"Please, I need a break. I can't breathe!" Jayson sighed and sat down next to Lolu. 

"Okay, fine. But we'll have to get back to it after we catch our breath, okay?" Lolu nodded, trying to catch his breath. 

"Okay, I promise. Just give me a minute." The two friends sat there, panting and exhausted from their workout."I have a date with Sylvia".

"A date with Slyvia?" Jayson echoed in surprise. 

"Yes, But don't knock her until you've tried her. She's actually really nice once you get to know her, and she's gorgeous." Jayson's eyes widened.

 "Slyvia is gorgeous, no doubt about that. But the two of you couldn't be more different. I just don't know if you're really compatible." Lolu's expression fell. 

Jayson stood up and went into the bathroom. While lolu was busy talking to Sylvia on the phone. Jayson stood in front of the bathroom mirror.

Jayson stared at himself in the mirror, frustrated. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to help Lolu, but he didn't know how. Lolu was head over heels for Slyvia, but Jayson knew she wasn't the person Lolu thought she was. He had to do something, but what? "This is a mess," he muttered to himself. He couldn't let Lolu get hurt. But how could he convince Lolu that Slyvia wasn't right for him? "I need a plan," he said, pacing the bathroom. "I need to figure out a way to show Lolu.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, Jayson left the bathroom and headed to his room. Lolu was sitting on his bed, still talking to Sylvia on the phone. "I gotta go," Jayson said, grabbing his jacket and heading for the door. "I have something important to take care of." Lolu looked up from his phone. "What's up? You okay?" Jayson forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just got some errands to run." Lolu nodded, still looking worried. "Okay, well, be safe." "I will," Jayson replied, and with that he left.

Jayson quickly sent a text to Hermione, asking her to meet him at the lake by the school. Then he grabbed some food for them both and rushed out of the dorm. As he walked to the lake, he thought about what he would say to Hermione. All he knew was that he had to try. He arrived at the lake and found Hermione sitting on a bench, staring out at the water. She looked up when she heard him approach. "Hey," she said.

"Hey, Hermonie," Jayson said, sitting down next to her. She looked at him, noticing the worried expression on his face. "Babe, is something wrong?" she asked. Jayson sighed. "It's about the plan. How are we going to expose Sylvia?" Hermonie considered the question. "I think we'll need to get close to her friends," she said. "They'll be able to give us the inside scoop on her." Jayson nodded. "That's a good idea. But how do we do that?" Hermonie thought for a moment.

"I'll have to do that," Hermonie said. "Since I'm a girl, it'll be easier for me to infiltrate her friend group." Jayson smiled. "Thanks, Hermonie. I really appreciate it." She smiled back. "No problem, buddy. We're in this together." They sat there, enjoying the peacefulness of the lake and the warmth of their friendship. After a while, they began to discuss their plans in more detail, making sure they had everything covered. They were determined to make sure Lolu didn't get hurt.

As they chatted, they munched on the food Jayson had brought. Hermonie took a bite of her sandwich and had an idea. "Hey, I have an idea," she said. "What if we get Lolu a wristwatch with a tracking device in it? That way, we can know everything that's going on during the date." Jayson's eyes lit up. "That's genius! We can keep an eye on him and make sure he's okay." Hermonie smiled. "Exactly. We'll be able to intervene if things start to go south." They high-fived each other.


Dear Readers,

I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to write you a longer story recently. The truth is, I've been preoccupied with some important business and haven't had the time to give you the kind of story you deserve. I promise to do better in the future, and I hope you can forgive me. I'll be back soon with a longer, more exciting story. In the meantime, I wish you all the best and hope you continue to enjoy my stories. Please don't forget to tell your friends about my stories. I'm always happy to have new readers!

Thank you for your