
Lost Artefacts | A Game of Thrones fic

Roberts rebellion goes on a lot longer than usual, Jon is two years older than Robb, he finds that he can no longer stay in his home so he travels across the narrow sea to seek fortune and adventure. Discovering relics of ages that have long past. (Ignore the first synopsis it was actual dog crap, I’d also changed my mind about certain aspects of the story when during the first chapter but forgot to change it) Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or any respective works.

TheManUnderTheBed · Derivados de obras
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29 Chs

Family Reunion?

Brienne stood on the deck of the ship, sweat glistening on her brow, as she completed her sparring session with Jon. The exhilaration of the fight and the camaraderie between them left her feeling alive and accepted. Val and Ygritte had become her dear friends, treating her with respect and inclusion. Their playful banter shared laughter, and genuine camaraderie made her feel like she had finally found her place among them.

However, one thing nagged at the back of her mind—the mysterious room Jon disappeared into every night. It was a door that remained shut, locked away from prying eyes. Brienne couldn't help but be curious about its purpose and why Jon secluded himself there until morning. She found herself yearning for answers, a desire to understand him better.

When she mustered the courage to ask Val and Ygritte about it, they exchanged knowing glances and advised her to let it be, assuring her that Jon's nightly seclusion was his affair. They hinted at a sense of secrecy, suggesting that it was something Jon preferred to keep private. Reluctantly, Brienne agreed to respect his boundaries, though her curiosity lingered in the corners of her mind.

As the days went by, their friendship deepened, and the connection between them grew stronger. Yet, the enigma of that locked room continued to pique Brienne's interest, teasing her with unanswered questions. She wondered what lay behind those closed doors, what secrets Jon held within.

She did hear the girls talking about it once but the words they used didn't make sense, they seemed guilty for letting Jon go down there every night and not trying to stop him. Brienne would have to look a little more into it, if she could help her friend she would.


"You know, you're very lucky don't you," Tyene says as she moves her dragon piece to take out Jon's elephant.

Jon frowned at the turn of events on the Cyvasse board "Oh yeah, How so?"

Tyene smiles at him from other the table her smooth tanned skin contrasting with her pearly white teeth "You have three women up there who want you to rip their clothes off and put your seed in them"

Jon snorts at her usual blunt manner of speaking "I don't need to, I have you don't I" he says with a smile as he uses his catapult piece to take out her dragon. 

Tyene's smile drops from her face as she looks at him "Do you?"

Jon ignores her piercing gaze keeping his eyes focused on the board "It's your turn" Jon says trying to change the subject.

Tyene looks down at the Board and moves her rabble piece "Are you going to visit Missandei, she should be heavy with child by now I'm sure she'd like you there"

Jon shakes his head "Even if going to Naath wasn't a death sentence I have to see if this job does lead to anything"

Tyene smiles mischievously at him "You can't fool me, Jon, I know Missandei told you of a way to avoid the Butterfly fever, and I know why you're so afraid to visit"

Jon moves his elephant piece causing a deadlock, Tyene looks at the game with the same smile "Another draw, how strange" she says looking at him.

Jon sighs and gets up, he leans over and kisses Tyene on the forehead, his lips feel like they've just been touched by ice "I'll see you later" Jon says with a smile.

Tyene gives him a sad smile "Jon you can't keep doing this, you have two wives up there who left their home for you, don't make them regret it"

Jon is already leaving the room not answering her before closing the big metal door and locking it.


"To be clear, what you're saying is that the people who seem to be involved with the Job you want to take will also try to kill you" Val says slowly trying to understand the situation to which Jon nods with a helpless smile, he then gulps the wine he had in his hand.

"Do you have anything that could help us with poison?" Jon asks Val, she contemplates for a bit before going into her herbal bag.

Taking out a small purple plant she hands some to everyone there "Take some before eating or drinking and if there are any harmful substances it'll make you expel them straight away" Val explains, Jon smiles at her and nods.

She grabs Jon's face and makes him look her in the eyes "Eat it before, it will not save you if you do it after" She emphasises. Jon smiles at her cups her face and pecks her on the lips "Understood"

He lets go of her now flushed face and heads down to go and train with Brienne leaving her up there with Ygritte "He better fuck me soon or I'll pin him down and do it myself" Val says with red cheeks drawing out a snort from Ygritte.

"I haven't even gotten a kiss yet, though maybe it's a good sign he gave one to you, we should both be heavy with child by now" Ygritte says with a shrug as she leans on the wheel of the ship watching him spar with Brienne.

During their sparring session on the ship, Jon found himself momentarily distracted by Brienne's appearance. The loose-fitting clothes they both wore allowed glimpses of her strong, athletic body, drawing his attention to the curves of her neck and collarbone.

As they clashed swords, Jon couldn't help but admire the grace and power in Brienne's movements. Her dedication to honing her skills was evident, and it added to the intensity of their practice. While his initial distraction lingered in the back of his mind, he quickly refocused on the task at hand, determined to give Brienne a challenging and fulfilling training experience.

As their spar intensified, Jon successfully disarmed Brienne, causing her sword to clatter to the ground. But before he could fully celebrate his small victory, Brienne swiftly retaliated by grabbing his sword arm with her other hand, attempting to overpower him and bring him to the floor.

In a sudden turn of events, their struggle for dominance led to a tangle of limbs, and both Jon and Brienne found themselves entwined on the deck, locked in close combat. The clash of their bodies echoed the intensity of their training, each exerting their strength and willpower to gain the upper hand.

Amidst the rolling and grappling, Jon's sword slipped from his grasp, skidding across the deck and out of reach.

Finally, with a surge of strength, Jon managed to pin Brienne down, his hands firmly holding her arms against the wooden deck. Their faces were mere inches apart, their eyes locked in a gaze that spoke volume, creating an undeniable tension between them.

It had been a long while since Jon had been intimate with a woman so being between Brienne's legs like this even if it wasn't sexual elicited an unwanted response. He felt himself harden as he felt his body on Brienne's her athletic body pressed into him and her beautiful face within kissing distance.

Brienne felt her face go red at the closeness of Jon but it intensified as she felt his long hard prick pushing into her sex, even though they both wore clothes it was so hard she felt it press against her nub. She had to bite her cheek otherwise she'd moan, she was already trying hard not to grind on it.

Brienne had only ever pleasured herself and even that was rare because it reminded her of how unwanted she was. So feeling Jon's body on her, feeling his cock trying to enter her through the fabrics they wore lit a fire inside of her, she always tried to live by the code of a knight and to live her life with honour but if Jon wished to, she'd let him take her maidenhood right here on the deck of the ship.

Jon couldn't help himself and he thrust his hips forward grinding on Brienne's sex, Jon feels his cock get harder as Brienne closes her eyes and bites her lip at the pleasure.

Finally, though Jon snaps himself out of his lustful haze and gets up "Apologies Brienne, I'll have to cut our lesson short" he simply says before heading down below deck.

Meanwhile, Brienne finally being snapped out of her lust just lies there, her sex feels like it's on fire and her nipples are erect, she can feel wetness pool around her groin.

"You'll get used to that," Ygritte says as she kneels next to Brienne, it startles her and she scrambles to sit up. She feels guilty as she knows that these women are Jon's wives but she still enjoyed it when he was on top of her.

Val who had also come down to the main deck saw the face she was making "Don't feel guilty, Jon is a powerful warrior it's his right to have many women and maybe one day he'll come around to fucking them.

Ygritte snorts before standing up "You saw how he was today, I'd say he was about a few moments away from ripping her clothes off and burying himself inside her" Brienne feels her face go hot at what Ygritte says but she feels a shiver of pleasure as well.

"He's already gone downstairs, we won't see him till tomorrow" Val sighs, suddenly the mood turns sombre and it only increases Brienne's curiosity.

"I know we said we'd let him deal with this, but it's been months we should do something" Ygritte whispers to Val but due to their proximity, Brienne still hears what she says.

Val sighs and looks at Ygritte "He won't listen to us, he'll need to deal with this on his own"

Ygritte gets closer to her in a frustrated voice "It's not right Val, what he's doing isn't natural" Her eyes start to water showing her worry for her husband.

Val hugs Ygritte close consoling her "It'll be okay you've seen Jon he's a great man he'll recover and we can start our life with him"

Brienne stands up and gets a bit closer to the two girls, she has a look of sympathy on her face "I apologise if I've made things difficult for you all" she says the guilt apparent on her face.

Val while still hugging Ygritte smiles at her "You didn't, if anything you made it better, I could see the look in his eyes he wanted to fuck you right there, might've even taken us too with how clogged up he must be"

Brienne blushes at the thought but laughs it off "I do not believe he sees me like that, I know I'm not desirable towards men they've let me know as such many times" She says with a sad smile.

Ygritte removing her head from Val's shoulder laughs "I know at least a dozen men who'd fight each other to steal you, Tormund would probably think your children would be giants"

Brienne laughs at her jest, it was nice having friends, for so long she had been alone or with people only wanting something from her father.


As the ship approached Sunspear, Jon and the girls stood on the deck of the Princess Lyanna. The city sprawled before them, its vibrant energy echoing through the air. The bustling streets are adorned with colourful banners and lively marketplaces.

The sun cast its warm rays upon their faces. The scent of sea salt and exotic spices filled the air, intertwining with the sounds of merchants calling out their wares and the laughter of children playing in the distance.

"Could be worse places for you to die?" Ygritte says as they pull up into the dock.

"Aye I don't think I've ever felt such a warm sun" Val says as she basks in the midday light.

Jon laughs as he jumps off the ship to the dock tying it off "It would be nice for my wives to believe that I may live instead of dying"

"It would be nice if you held me down and unloaded your seed in me, but we have to be realistic," Val says with a smirk aimed his way.

"Fear not Jon for I'll be there to guard you the entire time" Brienne states in full armour looking pretty uncomfortable.

Jon raises his eyebrow at her with a worried smile "Brienne as much as I appreciate your vigilance perhaps you should take some of the armour off"

Brienne waves him off "I will be fine this is nothing a knight can't handle" she says with determination.

"I thought women couldn't be knights" Ygritte said scratching her head in confusion.

"Not yet... but I shall be the first" Brienne replies.

While they were talking they were being approached by three people, one of them was a tall and large man, even more so than Brienne, he had white hair and carried a large poleaxe nearly six feet in length, he wore a shirt of copper scales that he covered with his sand silk cloak to avoid the sun. With him were two guards that were similarly dressed but both held swords and shields.

Their chatter dies down as they see the man approach their ship, Jon already on the docks walks up to him "Can I help you, friend?" He says in his best diplomatic voice.

The man's face remains neutral as if he was scanning Jon "You will come with us, Prince Doran is expecting you"

Jon sighs in relief, he was hoping his trip to Dorne wouldn't start with a fight "Very well, girls let's go" Jon says to them turning his head back and getting a nod in return.

"Without your weapons" he adds, this makes Jon pause and frown.

"If you think I'm walking into that snake pit without a way to defend myself then you might've been standing in the midday heat too long" Jon said in a dangerous tone.

The white-haired man narrowed his eyes at him "You're cooperation isn't needed, merely an extended courtesy that I won't make the mistake of doing again... So one last time, leave your weapons and come with me"

Jon had left his axe on the ship, he could recall it to himself but using a magical artefact in front of someone he didn't trust and who he wasn't planning on killing would be stupid especially if he could get out of this an easier way. He saw Brienne silently draw her sword, he wasn't sure what she was about to do until she looked at Jon.

Getting the signal Jon readied himself, and the three guards in front of him started to ready to fight. As if glass shattered the tension erupted and the white-haired guard charged at Jon with his poleaxe, Brienne threw her sword at Jon who deftly catches it.

In a swift and unexpected turn of events, he parried the guard's poleaxe, causing it to become lodged in the weakened dock, Jon seized the opportunity to retaliate.

With a powerful punch, Jon delivered a blow that took the guard by surprise, its force exceeding the guard's expectations. Seizing the moment, Jon swiftly manoeuvred behind the guard, sweeping his leg and causing him to lose his balance. The guard crashed through the damaged section of the dock, plunging into the water below.

As the remaining two guards lunged at Jon with their weapons, he skillfully evaded their swings with swift movements. In a display of strength and agility, Jon swiftly closed the distance between them.

Grabbing each guard by the neck with a firm grip, Jon effortlessly lifted them off their feet. With a determined look in his eyes, he exerted his strength and hurled them both into the ocean, their surprised yells fading as they plunged into the water.

Jon then lifted his hand out and from within his cabin his axe came flying out and into his hand, Brienne's eye lit up again at seeing this, no matter how many times she saw it she thought it was amazing "Okay girls let's leave quickly, I can't imagine they'll be very happy once they get out the water" Jon says with a concerned smile as he began jogging down the docks with the girls in tow.


As Jon, Brienne, Ygritte, and Val dashed through the lively streets of Sunspear, weaving through the bustling crowds, The sun beat down on them, but their sense of urgency propelled them toward their destination—the main keep. The city's architecture, the vibrant colours, and the unique sounds and smells surrounded them as they pushed past merchants, locals, and visitors alike.

Brienne, leading the way, used her size and strength to clear a path, while Jon, still vigilant, ensured they stayed on course and looked for any hidden enemies. Ygritte and Val kept up with their quick pace, their eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of trouble.

Val looking quite annoyed grabbed Jon's shoulder getting his attention "Why did you attack him? He was going to bring us to Doran Martell" She whispered loudly making Jon wince.

Though he remained stubborn "I'm not going in there without a weapon! A large percentage of the people in there probably want to kill me, maybe even Doran" Jon whispered back.

"Can't you call your axe to your hand?" Brienne asks with curiosity.

Jon doesn't say anything for a minute before sighing, Ygritte bursts out laughing at his stupidity "Well too late to do anything now, let's just make our way there" Jon states with conviction.

As Jon, Brienne, Ygritte, and Val rushed through the crowded streets of Sunspear, their urgency fueled by the need to reach the main keep, the bustling city seemed determined to slow them down. The narrow streets were packed with people, making it difficult to maintain their tight formation and eventually, they drifted further and further apart.

Suddenly, Jon felt a jolt as he collided with a girl wearing a cloak. He quickly regained his footing and turned to apologise he then turned and continued on his way only to be met with an unexpected attack. The air crackled, and Jon's instincts kicked in, propelling him to the side just in time to avoid the strike.

Crashing onto the ground, Jon swiftly turned his head to see a formidable woman with mannish features and a scowl on her face. Her big boned structure and tanned skin hinted at a life of strength and resilience, while her rat-brown hair was tied into a practical knot. She was wielding a whip that she had just used to attack him.

Brienne being tall enough to see what had just happened panicked "Jon! Wait there I'm coming"

"Brienne make your way to the main keep with the girls I'll join you in a bit" Jon shouted, Brienne looked to be about to argue but Ygritte grabbed her and shook her head before leading her off.

Meanwhile, the woman who attacked Jon had a malicious smile on her face "I've wanted this for a long time you know, I thought we'd have to fight the guards Doran sent to escort you but you were stupid enough to leave them behind"

Jon gave a sheepish smile at the reminder as he inspected the woman before him, she had a whip and in a harness on her back was a spear "Based on your weapons and appearance I'd guess you're Obara—the eldest, Tyene would often talk about you, always said you looked to be chewing a wasp all the time"

Obara did not find the joke amusing "Do not speak of her her name you have no right!" She shouted out in anger at him.

"You're lucky Father has things to ask you before you die otherwise I'd end your miserable life here, but he did give me permission to hurt you a bit," Obara said trembling with rage.

Jon felt his anger bubble at her harsh words "You are not the only one who lost someone..." he said in a low tone.

Obara narrows her gaze further at him "She'd still be alive had she not gone with you all those years ago" She spits out.

"I know..." he replies in the same low tone but this time laced with guilt.

Jon then unsheathes his axe "Let's get this over with I have a meeting with your uncle so can't stay too long" Jon says snapping out of his depressed demeanour.

As Obara unleashed her whip with a crack, Jon swiftly sidestepped to avoid its stinging strike. She skillfully retrieved the whip, twirling it in her hand before launching another attack. This time, Jon had to leap into the air to evade the whip's sweeping motion.

Landing with a rough impact, Jon found himself momentarily vulnerable as Obara's whip descended from above. Acting on instinct, he used the handle of his axe to catch the whip, preventing it from landing its intended blow.

Seizing the opportunity, Jon rose to his feet, utilizing his strength to pull Obara towards him. To his surprise, she leaned into the pull and countered with a swift dropkick, catching him off guard and sending him sprawling backwards.

As Jon rolled backwards to recover from the dropkick, he swiftly reached for a dagger, aiming to retaliate against Obara. However, his first throw missed its mark, sailing wide and failing to strike her. Obara responded with a mocking laugh "Tyene must've exaggerated greatly when she talked of your prowess"

Unfazed by her mocking, Jon's smirk remained on his face as he confidently drew another dagger. He released it, and the second throw veered off course as well, failing to find its mark. "I wasn't aiming for you," Jon retorted playfully, his confidence still evident.

Just then a bag that was on a pulley previously holding flour, was inadvertently tipped over as Jon had cut two of the supports. The flour spilt out, enveloping Obara in a cloud of white powder. Her laughter turned to surprise as she found herself forced to the ground under the substance.

Obara enraged by the turn of events only got angrier as she saw Jon's cocky smirk "We both know any prowess Tyene talked about wouldn't have been fighting" he says with a wink before waving and running away into an alley leaving the screaming Obara struggling to get out of the flour.

With a burst of agility, Jon swiftly darted into an alley, his supernatural strength allowing him to execute an extraordinary feat. He leapt to the side of the wall, exerting a force that left cracks in its surface. Using this momentum, he propelled himself upwards, reaching impressive heights as he vaulted onto a nearby building. Running along the rooftops, he skillfully navigated his way toward the main keep, effortlessly leaping over buildings with finesse.

Mid-flight, Jon's senses alerted him to danger, and he contorted his body, narrowly evading a dagger hurled his way. Landing with a thud on another building, he quickly regained his footing. However, his respite was short-lived, as he found himself confronted by another opponent.

This woman possessed a slim and graceful figure, accentuated by long black hair neatly braided. Her intense dark eyes glared with anger, while her lips curled into a snarl. Her olive skin served as a stark contrast against her fierce demeanour. She had two large daggers already unsheathed and ready to taste blood.

Jon with a helpless smile dusted himself off "You must be Nymeria, Tyene always said you were pretty though still second to her"

Unexpectedly this draws a small chuckle out of her but she still has her eyes narrowed at him "She was right as well you're also pretty probably even more so than me, though I wonder how long that will last" She says while holding her daggers up.

With nimble reflexes, Jon skillfully evaded Nymeria's relentless dagger strikes. He swiftly sidestepped her initial thrust, narrowly avoiding the blade. As she followed up with another swipe, he ducked beneath it, his agility keeping him just out of harm's reach.

Adapting to the situation, Jon abandoned his axe momentarily, opting for his dagger. Meeting Nymeria's dagger with his own, he expertly parried her attack, the clash of blades ringing in the air. Sensing an opening, he swiftly pushed against her elbow, attempting to disrupt her balance and gain an advantage. However, Nymeria proved to be equally agile, effortlessly ducking and spinning on her knees, her blade slicing through the air where Jon had just been.

In a display of strength and agility, Jon managed to catch Nymeria's wrist as she aimed to strike him with her dagger. His firm grip forced her to release the weapon, dropping it to the ground. However, Nymeria swiftly retaliated by seizing Jon's wrist in return, using the leverage to manoeuvre her way up his body. With lightning-quick movements, she skillfully positioned her leg around Jon's head, using her superior leverage to topple him onto his back.

As Nymeria attempted to deliver a stabbing blow to Jon's head, he swiftly moved his head to the side, narrowly evading the attack. Seizing the opportunity, Jon seized her arm, using his strength to forcefully throw her over him. However, Nymeria reacted quickly, tucking into a roll upon landing, minimizing the impact and swiftly recovering her stance.

Jon chuckles uneasily as he looks at her "Obara said I was wanted alive perhaps you should be a bit more careful"

Nymeria smiles maliciously at him drawing another dagger from inside her clothes "Obara may be willing to listen to Father but I am not, you will die sooner rather than later"

Jon sighs as he picks up the dagger she left behind 'Wonderful' he thinks to himself as he gets ready.

Jon then narrows his gaze 'Time to stop playing around I'm sure she's worked off enough of her rage by now

As Jon charged towards Nymeria, he swiftly threw his dagger with precision. Startled by the unexpected attack, Nymeria managed to deflect the dagger out of the air, but it provided enough of a distraction for her to momentarily miss the incoming strike from Jon's axe. The axe connected with the back of her head, dazing her momentarily.

Seizing the opportunity, Jon swiftly recalled his axe to his hand and delivered a powerful strike with the blunt end, hitting her in the stomach. The impact winded Nymeria, leaving her vulnerable. Jon then tightened his grip around her throat, exerting control as he brought her to the edge of the building. With a firm shove, he dropped her into a bale of hay below.

Looking down Jon sees that she's still moving and sighs in relief, last thing he wants is to kill any of Tyne's sisters though I'm sure she doesn't mind him giving them a thrashing.

"I do wonder if you were rough with my other daughter as you are with these" A voice said from behind Jon, a voice he recognised and was hoping he wouldn't hear. Turning around he's met with the image of Oberyn Martell he had a yellow patterned robe on and had a spear on his shoulder.

"She would've killed me if I wasn't" Jon replies getting a chuckle from the man but it didn't match the sheer intensity coming from him.

Oberyn then quickly loses his smile "Do you know why I have come here..."

Jon nods his head with a grim expression "Ever since I saw you those many years ago I knew you would be trouble, you looked exactly like Rhaegar and just like when he got your mother killed, you got my daughter killed" Oberyn states bluntly.

"Now before we fight I wish for you to answer a question... where is her body," Oberyn asks with a glare.

"It's been months and you've not even extended the courtesy of returning her body to her family" he continued with barely concealed rage.

Jon winces under his intense glare "I buried her beyond the wall" Jon simply says though it doesn't convince Oberyn as he takes his spear off his shoulder getting ready to fight.

Though before the two can come to blows the hatch to the roof opens and the white-haired guard from before now noticeably more wet appears climbing out onto the roof.

"Oberyn... you know what your brother ordered, stand down" He simply says, Oberyn looks pissed and looks like he might defy the order before he finally puts his spear back on his shoulder.

"We aren't finished... I want her body" Oberyn simply says to Jon who grimaces, Oberyn then hops to another building climbs down to the street and disappears into the crowd.

Jon then turns to the guard who looks like he might do worse things than Oberyn "You will come with me... you can bring your weapon but it will not be brought into the Prince's solar" The man says with pure anger.

Jon chuckles helplessly as he quickly agrees "I apologise for the misunderstanding, maybe we can start again as friends" Jon says holding out his hand, though the man ignores it and gestures to the hatch for Jon to go down.

'Not even a day and it's already gone to shit' Jon sighs.


Jon was escorted to the main keep by the man he now knew as Areo Hotah, the personal guard of Prince Doran. Though he tried to make conversation with the man he didn't seem very receptive to Jon's questions, though the reason for that could be that he was dripping wet and Jon was the cause of it.

While the centre of the main keep was an ugly sandstone building the buildings surrounding it would be beautifully designed in the Rhoynar fashion, with bright colours and smooth stone. Inside the keep, the corridors were lined with exotic tapestries and silk curtains. Being led up the stairs Jon was led to a corridor that had a beautifully designed wooden door and two guards on each end.

"Go inside he's waiting... leave your weapons you'll get them once you leave" Areo commands, Jon sighs and obeys handing him his axe and remaining daggers.

'You throw one guy in the ocean...' Jon thinks to himself as he looks at Areo's scowl.

Entering through the door he's met with a room that is someone's solar, though it isn't hard to find out who's as he's met with a man with greying hair and wrinkles around his eyes, he seems to be reading a letter when he looks up at Jon who just walked through the door.

Another man was next to him, he has red hair with some grey streaks and a red beard, he wears steel plate armour though his arms are bare. They seemed to be in discussion when Jon entered the room.

"Jon Snow, or would you prefer Daemon Targaryen" Doran simply says as he gestures to the chair in front of him. Jon takes him up on the offer and sits down not bothering with the courtesies you extend a Lord.

"Jon is preferred, this world seems to have lost its taste for Targaryens" Jon simply states drawing a chuckle from Doran. 

"Perhaps though that may not always be the case" The red-haired man states with absolute conviction in his voice.

"This is Jon Connington, he was a close friend of your father though he's been in exile for a long time" Doran introduces the man who gives Jon a small bow.

Jon with a small chuckle looks at the man "You planning to restore the Targaryen dynasty, I'm sure my uncle Viserys would be thrilled" Connington looks at Jon no emotion apparent on his face.

"When you cut down Robert Baratheon, whether you intended to or not you made the realm unstable" Connington explained.

"You wish to crown Viserys? Are you both stupid, he takes after his father" Jon replies bluntly.

"Not Viserys... we have another who has a stronger claim" Connington states drawing a frown from Jon.

"I'm here to complete a job, not be some figurehead for your rebellion" Jon states with annoyance.

Doran smiles at Jon's bluntness "While you have a strong claim, you do not have the strongest"

Jon considers his words, the only person who could have a stronger claim than him would be his older brother Aegon, but he was killed by the mountain during the sack of King's landing.

Jon looks up at the two men "You mean to tell me Aegon is alive and well?" He asks getting a nod from the two men.

Jon crosses his arms as he looks at the two "You risk a lot by telling me this, how can you not be sure I'll tell everyone of his existence"

Connington laughs for the first time Jon had been in the room "You wouldn't turn on family and you'd never abandon them that much was made clear when we discovered the three Targaryens you hid away in Lys"

Jon's gaze immediately darkened and he clenched his hands together, something Doran noticed and looked worried by "Where are they now..." Jon asks in a low tone.

"They're here, of course, Aegon wished his family to be with him so he ordered them to be brought to him" Connington replied as though the answer was obvious.

Jon leaned forward in his chair looking at the red-haired man who froze under the gaze of Jon's Violet eyes "So you took my family away from the safety of their keep in Lys where few people knew where they were and brought them into the heart of your conspiracy"

For a minute no one says anything, the tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife, suddenly it all erupted and Jon grabbed Doran's desk with one hand he easily throws it off to the side before approaching Connington. Said man tries to draw his sword but is stopped when Jon boots him full force in the chest denting his armour as he is thrown against the wall, with a burst of speed Jon grabs him by the throat before he can fall to the floor.

Jon's eyes held a gaze of pure violence, he wanted to kill this man "You're right I do protect my family, and now you've put them in danger" he says quietly before lifting him off his feet by his neck, Connington chokes as he grabs onto Jon's arm trying to peel away his arm but having no luck as Jon keeps squeezing harder.

Doran still seated seemed shocked by the supernatural display of strength shown by Jon "Jon! Enough... Rhaella came of her own free will once she knew her Grandson was alive, killing this man would deprive your family of an ally"

Jon scowls as he listens to Doran's words before he throws him to the floor, it was at this point the guards burst into the room with their weapons drawn but they were waved off by Doran immediately standing down and leaving the room. Jon took his seat again calming himself down as Connington was still sprawled out on the floor.

"Tell me what reason you have for bringing me here and then tell me where my family is" Jon simply states to Doran.

Doran ignoring his rudeness simply nods "The reason you are here is to find a relic for us, the details will be gone over at supper. Your family I believe are having lunch in the garden, you may go to them now"

Jon nods his head in thanks and gets up to leave, after he leaves the room he takes his weapons back from Areo getting a glare from him as he does so.


Jon being a person who was very intelligent though lacking the common sense someone might have, was wandering around the keep as he neglected to get directions from Doran or Areo.

'At least Ygritte isn't here, she'd laugh at me' Jon sighs as he walks through the beautifully decorated corridors of the keep. He felt nervous and was slightly glad for his delay in getting to the gardens.

He hadn't seen his Grandmother for a long time, nor had he seen his aunt Daenerys, though she was more akin to a sister due to their close age. He had fallen in love with Rhaella just as much as he had with Tyene, he felt guilty about leaving but he didn't want to hurt his family with their relationship, especially since Daenarys had a crush on him.

He knew that his grandmother returned his feelings and they had gotten close to consummating their love but were interrupted by Daenerys, though perhaps it was for the best. He had already lost one love he didn't want to do it again and no matter how Jon thought about it, Tyene died because of his actions.

Going through the corridors he bumps into a short woman, he turns around to apologise but is stunned at the beauty before him. She had long black hair that cascaded down her back in soft curls, she had glowing olive skin and big dark eyes with luscious lips. Her body was curvaceous and she had round ripe breasts, Jon could see her large nipples poking through the thin purple material of her dress.

"Apologises my lady," Jon says with a short bow. Though for a minute she doesn't reply as she too is a bit struck at the man's appearance, the wavy black hair that fell to his shoulders and the violet eyes with a tall and well-muscled body and a handsome face, he managed to strike all of the woman's weaknesses she had when it came to men.

"It is no issue my lord?" She asks prompting him to introduce himself.

"No Lord, I am Jon Snow a guest in this place for now" he replies, her eyes going wide recognising the name of the man who slew Robert Baratheon in single combat.

"I am Princess Arianne Martell, My Lord," She says as she curtsies to him.

"Please princess call me Jon, I am no more a lord than anyone here" Jon says with a sheepish smile lifting her from her curtsey, his touch felt good to Arianne as his large hands gripped her shoulders.

"I suppose I could always call you My Prince or your grace," she says playfully drawing a groan out from Jon as he rolls his eyes.

Though he sees that she is just jesting and smiles at her making her heart race a bit "Jon will be fine" he says to her getting a nod from her.

Though Jon is glad he ran into her as now he may get some direction to his destination "I was hoping you'd direct me towards the gardens, this keeps a lot bigger than I thought and I appear to be lost" He says with a small smile.

Arianne walks to his side pressing her body into his as she loops her arm into his, Jon can feel her soft body against his and it was making him stir. He hadn't been with a woman for months and he could feel it now as her large breasts pressed into his arm "I'd be glad to" She says in a husky voice.

As they walked through the keep towards the gardens Jon was getting more and more nervous, he even considered saying to hell with the job and getting back on the boat sailing for the next tournament to make some quick coin.

They finally got outside and were greeted with lots of greenery, the most Jon had seen since he had come to dawn, and in the middle of the garden was a large table where a familiar group of people were having lunch. Jon felt his breath catch in his throat at the sight of one of them.

Ygritte, Val and Brienne who had been led there once arriving at the keep got up from the table and went straight over to Jon, both his wives hugging him. Jon felt winded as the fiery young Ygritte smashed into him with Val hugging him a bit more gently. Brienne awkwardly put her hand on his back not feeling that she should be so familiar with him.

"Don't worry I'm not dead yet..." Jon breathes out as he feels get crushed by the two girls, Arianne lets go of his arm looking amused by what is happening.

"Jon..." a stern voice sounds out making Jon freeze. He lets go of the girls and looks forward, she still was one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen, even in the middle of her 40th decade she still looked incredibly young. With silver hair that went to the middle of her back and the same violet eyes that Jon had. She had a full body with large breasts that had barely sagged with age. Next to her was Daenerys who was the spitting image of her mother when she was younger.

"Munazma" Jon replies to her in Valyrian, he felt nervous as she stared at him feeling like he was a young big about to get scolded. Though he feels relieved as she smiles at him and holds out her arms which he quickly takes advantage of and hugs her. He has to stop himself from breaking down from all the hardships he had endured over the past few months.

"You look tired my love" Rhaella whispers in Valyrian as she holds him.

Jon finds his eyes watering at her words "I am..." he replies in Valyrian.

Breaking away from the hug Rhaella looks at him "I missed you Jon" she says kissing him on the forehead. He smiles back at her though before he can say anything he's tackled again by another short person.

Jon looks down and laughs "It's good to see you too Dany," he says stroking her head, though she had less self-control as she started crying, she missed her nephew and felt that it was her fault that he left.

Jon needed to relieve himself, being pressed up to so many women was not good, and feeling how much Daenerys had developed since the last time he had seen her was not going to end well as he was only a few moments away from his cock getting hard.

Jon grabs her by the shoulder and holds her away kissing her on the cheek and wiping away her tears "I'm here now there is no need to be sad" He says to her getting a small smile from her back. She wore a beautiful white dress that fit her curves and matched her hair perfectly.

Jon looks around and he doesn't see Viserys or Aegon for that matter "Where is Viserys?" Jon asks, this draws a sigh from Rhaella as she sits back down at the table.

"He hasn't taken learning of Aegon very well, he believes that Aegon is usurping his position as his father had made him heir while Rhaegar fought in the rebellion" She replies to him.

This does draw a small chuckle from Jon "It's nice to know my uncle now has someone he dislikes more than me" This makes Daenerys who was pushing herself into Jon laugh. Jon had missed her laughing, he forgot how beautiful the sound was.

"Come let's have lunch together, Arianne you're welcome to join us as well," Rhaella says with a smile as they all sit down together.

Daenerys takes the seat next to Jon with Val taking his other side and Ygritte and Brienne next to her, while Rhaella sat next to Daenerys and Arianne was between her and Brienne.

"So Jon why don't you tell me where you met your lovely companions, we didn't get time to get to know each other before you showed up," Rhaella asks with a smile.

Jon sitting up straight nods his head "I met Val and Ygritte during my journey beyond the wall, Brienne is a new addition, I met her during the tourney of Duskendale"

Rhaella looks at him smiling "Is that all you have to say..."

Jon knew this was a trap however he had no idea what she knew, he looked at Val and Ygritte who looked to be holding in their laughter, while Brienne gave him a helpless smile.

Pouring himself a glass of wine from a pitcher on the table he caught Daenerys gaze, which was a mix between a glare and a pout "Well I suppose in their culture they would technically be my wives" he says nervously.

"So my grandson gets married and not only am I not invited to any wedding but he also neglects to tell me for months" Rhaella says calmly, while Jon sips his wine.

"Come to my room after supper, we need to talk," Rhaella says to Jon in High Valyrian, while Daenerys frowns at the words most assume that she was reprimanding Jon.

"Come let us enjoy our meal and get to know each other, since you're part of the family now I'd like to get to know my grandson's wives," Rhaella says with a smile.


Jon, accompanied by his family and companions, entered the grand hall, filled with a sense of anticipation. As they walked through the spacious chamber, Jon noticed that it was unusually empty, with only a handful of people present. The atmosphere seemed quiet, yet the grandeur of the hall remained, showcasing the wealth and power of Sunspear.

Seated at the head of the long table was Prince Doran Martell, the ruler of Dorne, and his family. They exchanged polite nods and greetings as Jon and his party took their designated seats. The air was filled with a mixture of tension and curiosity, as each person wondered what the evening would hold.

As they settled in, the aroma of a sumptuous feast filled the hall. Plates of exotic delicacies and fine wines adorned the table, tempting the appetite of all those present. The group engaged in light conversation, sharing stories and discussing the events of the day.

Jon's eyes wandered across the hall, catching glimpses of the ornate tapestries and intricate carvings that adorned the walls. However Jon looks back to the table and to Prince Doran, he still didn't know why he was there and wanted to rectify that.

"Prince Doran, I've waited here the whole day, it is now supper and I would like to know what it is you want of me," Jon says in a neutral voice. But before Doran can answer he is interrupted.

The doors to the great hall open and a figure walks in "It is not he who needs you but me, brother" the voice says, Jon turns around and it met with the figure of a young man around the same age as him no more than a year older. He had the typical Valyrian features short silver hair and violet eyes and delicate features. Behind him were three people, Jon Connington, a man he hadn't met before and a woman who was dressed like a septa, she had dark hair and eyes that were a dark shade of violet.

All of the Martell family, Daenerys, Rhaella and Brienne all stood up as this was the thought to be dead Prince Aegon VI Targaryen. Val and Ygritte didn't bother standing and kept eating their meal though they did struggle with the more spicy food.

Aegon held his hand up "Please do not stand we are all family here and I am not yet king" he says with a charming smile, he approaches the high table and takes a seat at an empty spot that just so happens to be next to Jon.

Aegon turns to Jon and smiles "It's good to meet my younger brother" he says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'd heard your brains still paint the walls of the Red Keep, something Robert refused to have cleaned" Jon simply says much to the shock of those around him.

Though Aegon takes it in good spirits but still grimaces slightly "Varys had the foresight to switch me with another newborn he had acquired from flea bottom, he then had me sailed to safety in exile" Aegon explained to Jon.

"I See..." Jon simply says not conveying any emotion.

He had doubts about Aegon but then he realised that he didn't care, as long as they kept him and his family out of their schemes then they could take whatever throne they wanted.

"I hear you've met Jon Connington, this is Rolly Duckfield one of my Kingsguard and this is Septa Lemore, my teacher of the faith" Aegon said pointing to respective people.

Jon ignored Duck as he was too enraptured in the haunting eyes of the septa, she was incredibly beautiful even with most of her hair covered, she similarly seemed to be enraptured as if she'd seen a ghost.

Doran clears his throat "Aegon I think it's time to explain what you've brought him here for"

Aegon nods his head, his expression turning serious "I intend to take the throne, the realm is unstable and I have the support of the golden company and Dorne"

Jon's eyebrows raise 'Golden company? They wouldn't be caught dead serving a Targaryen' Jon thinks to himself as he listens to Aegon.

Jon nods his head "You're right now would be a good time to strike, but I don't see what this has to do with me, I'm not one for politics" Jon simply says to the outrage of Aegon's companions.

"He's your elder brother! Your family and you say you wouldn't fight for him!" Duck shouts out to Jon as he slams his hand on the table, though it doesn't faze Jon and he just gives the man a bored look.

Aegon holds his hand out to Duck "Enough! I don't expect my brother to fight for me if he doesn't want to, besides what I need him for isn't his martial ability"

Jon looks at Aegon and gestures for him to continue "Robert Baratheon was a symbol of power and violence, he was a poor king but no one would ever question his prowess on the battlefield" Aegon explains.

"Unfortunately I seem to have not inherited our father's prodigious talent with a sword, though I'm competent I am merely an average swordsman" He continues.

"Try another weapon, not everyone can be great with a sword" Jon states with a shrug.

Aegon smiles sheepishly at him "I'm afraid I'm rather untalented no matter the weapon"

"We have kept trying to tell him that it doesn't matter, he's a king it's not his place to lead the men but to command them, his uncle is bound to the chair most of the time but it doesn't make him any less feared" Connington says to them getting a nod from others at the table.

Aegon shakes his head "My father led his men, Robert Baratheon led his men, if I wish to retake the throne that is how I'll do it, though I do not have a death wish which is why I've come to you for help brother. I've heard of your reputation for gathering long-lost relics"

"Which is why I want you to help me find The Sword of the Warrior" Aegon concludes, there are a few mumbles throughout the table about what this was.

Jon being the historian he was knew what he was talking about, a few months ago he would've laughed at him and told him to fuck off, but he had living proof of magical artefacts in his chambers "The Sword that's said to make anyone who wields it a master swordsman, cut the wings from a bee in motion, I've heard of it though you'll have a hard time finding it because it's not real" Jon says bluntly.

Gasps are heard from Aegon's companions and Aegon's eyes widen "What do you mean, it's truly just a myth?"

Jon puts his hand up to silence them "The Faith of the seven are in blunt terms, historical parasites, they leach onto bits of history and usually rewrite it for their benefit" Jon stopped talking as he listened to the cries of outrage, though funnily enough Septa Lemore did not say anything and just watched.

"Enough!" Aegon shouts out, he then gestures for Jon to continue.

"While the Faith is guilty in this case other cultures and religions do this as well, the real Sword of the Warrior was a blade wielded by Hyrkoon the Hero, one of the few who ended the Long Night" Jon explains.

Aegon looks confused as do many of the others including Val and Ygritte "I was always taught it was the last hero who ended the Long Night"

Jon shakes his head "While you're not wrong you are not right either, while the last hero was someone who helped bring the long night to an end, he wasn't the only one. Many cultures have many different names but the one, in this case, is Hyrkoon the hero, he was said to have been a poor blacksmith who found a star that he used to craft his blade to protect his town during the long night, though how his blade gained the magical properties it does is unknown" Jon explains with a shrug.

Aegon then frowns as he thinks for a moment "Do you know where we can start looking for it"

Jon thinks for a second and then shrugs "I'd guess it was in the great sand sea, the people of Hyrkoon enshrined his home village while there was still a lake there, it was on one of the numerous small islands there, but when it dried up it disappeared so it could be anywhere, the great fathers may know" Jon suggests.

Before Aegon can reply Jon holds his hand up "I wouldn't recommend trying to go through any of the main roads as if we are caught the weak men will be gelded and the women most likely turned away or if they prove themselves worthy will be taken in"

Jon Connington smiles "That won't be a problem, we'll be travelling with the Golden Company"

Jon shrugs "Tell me the information I want to know" He looks at the man, confusing Aegon.

Connington frowns at Jon "It's located in the Grey waste, you'll get the other half of the information after we get the sword"

This pisses Jon off as he didn't want to travel with these people but he decides not to say anything. Dinner after that is quickly finished and one by one they each leave to their respective chambers.

Jon after asking for directions this time heads towards his grandmother's chambers. knocking on the door he is given the signal to enter, his breath almost catches in his throat as he sees his grandmother in a long flowing nightgown that seemed a bit tight on her as it accentuated all of her curves and breasts.

"Jon, I'm glad you've come" Rhaella says to him putting down the book she was reading.

"You know that isn't Aegon don't you" Jon states deciding to cut to the chase, it makes her frown but then she just sighs and nods her head.

"I'd recognise my son anywhere and I see not one feature of his face in Aegon, not like I do with you" She states sadly.

"I'm not sure the boy himself realises it, he seems to just be another pawn in the great game" Rhaella continued.

Jon goes and sits down on the bed opposite where she was sat at the table "He might be a Blackfyre, from the female line, I don't know why the Golden Company would support him otherwise, there are nearly a hundred years of bitterness between them and the Targaryens so it is hard to imagine"

Rhaella nods her head "Enough of this though as it is not what I wanted to talk to you about" She says as she sits down next to Jon on the bed.

Jon swallows nervously but is surprised when he's brought into a hug "I'm sorry that you lost Tyene my love" Rhaella whispers, and for the first time in a long while, Jon lets go and cries for the loss of his love holding tight onto Rhaella.

After a while when Jon composes himself again he looks down into the violet eyes of Rhaella "Jon, Your wives have told me what you've been doing, don't be angry at them, they are just worried about you, but you need to stop"

Jon looks visibly upset at the suggestion but then breathes out "Soon..." he says which is enough for Rhaella as she smiles and kisses his cheek.

Feeling Rhaella's lips on him enflamed something within Jon as he turns his face and kisses her on the lips, this catches her off guard but she doesn't pull back, she moans slightly as Jon slides his tongue inside her mouth as she gently caresses her tongue with his, he finds his hands wondering as he touches her waist and then her stomach, moving up to her large round breasts, squeezing them through the fabric.

Rhaella had never felt like this before her only intimate experiences were with a man she didn't love and then eventually came to despise. Feeling Jon be so gentle and loving made her feel enflamed in her groin. Jon gently pushes her onto the bed as he gets on top of her, he didn't plan on doing this, he had not wanted to be with another woman after Tyene died but Rhaella was someone he loved just as much so he couldn't help himself, especially since he was so clogged up from months of not doing it.

His hard length pushes against Rhaella's sex as he gets on top of her and kisses her a bit more roughly, her long silver hair was sprawled out on the pillows and her face was flushed, she still looked the picture of beauty with her Valyrian heritage making her look like she was a lot younger than she was.

Jon starts to peel off her nightgown taking it up from around her shapely legs and over her head, she was now completely naked, Jon felt that he might explode at the beauty he saw in front of him, she looked at him expectantly, he then realised he was still clothed and then started to rectify that by taking them off.

They were both naked now, Jon leaned back down and continued kissing her, their tongues dancing in each other's mouths, Rhaella's hands wrapped around Jon's head as she pulled him in closer. Jon's hard length was rubbing against Rhaella's sex now which caused her to moan, Jon grabbed onto her large breasts massaging them as he kissed her, he felt her large nipples become erect and poke into his hands so he squeezed them making Rhaella moan into his mouth.

Jon couldn't take it anymore, usually, he'd take his time but he felt like if he kept going he'd explode any minute. He took his hard length and lined it up with Rhaella's sex, rubbing it up and down and feeling her soaked and soft pubic hair on the underside of his cock. He then pushes it inside her eliciting a moan from both of them as he sinks in deep. She wasn't as tight as Tyene or Missandei but she was warm, her sex felt like a furnace it was so hot and wet and it felt like it was sucking him inside.

Jon started thrusting his cock inside Rhaella causing her to moan, she tightened her hands around Jon's head and wrapped her legs around his waist. Jon started going faster when he realised she was enjoying it, he felt her breasts press into his chest, and he started kissing her again as she moaned into his mouth his tongue was rougher this time fully dominating her mouth. He felt her finish as her sex started contracting and squeezing her cock while he thrusts inside her, his balls felt heavy as they hit her backside, he wouldn't last much longer either as it had been too long since he'd done this.

Jon felt himself getting closer and closer as he revelled in the feeling of her hot sex, her moans felt like music and he found that he couldn't last any longer and finally unloaded his seed. This caused Rhaella to moan again as she finished for the second time at the feeling of Jon's seed seeping into her womb.

She felt so full and loved the feeling, she started rubbing Jon's back with her hands as she kissed his neck, she then noticed that Jon hadn't softened and was still hard inside her. She squeaked when he started thrusting again, his hard cock started pounding into her making her moan as she spread her legs wider, eager to accept whatever Jon gave her. She held onto the blankets at the side of her tightening her fists into them as Jon thrust harder and harder into her.

Jon couldn't control himself, the feeling of Rhaella's sex had awoken something inside him and he felt himself grab onto Rhaella's legs and lift them onto his shoulders, he leaned forward getting a scream of pleasure from Rhaella as his cock went even deeper inside of her, he then gave a few soft thrusts testing to see if it hurt her but when she gave no reaction other than the pleasure he started thrusting harder, his cock was filling her, her breasts were pinned beneath her legs as Jon thrust into her as hard as he could, Rhaella felt herself finish one time after another, something she'd never experienced before.

Jon felt himself getting close again and didn't try to delay it, he thrust himself as far into her as he could and unloaded all of his seed into her, this made Rhaella moan loudly at the hot seed that spurted out from his cock. Jon felt that he could go again but Rhaella looked exhausted, so he lay next to her and allowed her to cuddle into his side.

"I love you, please don't leave again" Rhaella whispered into his ear.

"Never again" Jon whispered back as they both drifted off to sleep.

(AN: I wonder how many of you knew I was gonna bring in ya boy Aegon, anyway another 10,000+ chapters. I remember when I said I'd make these 6,000 😭😭😭. Hope you liked his little reunion, and before you go getting all nuclear in the comments. Doran knows that he's not Elia's son. Anyway, I just gave a brief history of the sword of the warrior as I'm sure none of you likes history lessons. Anyway let me know what ya think)