
Lost Ark: New worlds

A man lost, silent, and unfazed by death becomes the first to experience an awakening on earth after humanity has fallen. He travels through dungeons and through new worlds to get back. He is one of the only people who had survived the nuclear apocalypse. Due to the nuclear waste, all living things began to mutate. With humanity on It's last leg, the nuclear explosions began to cause the already existing dungeons to crack. With only one awakened left, will earth survive?

IamPotion · Fantasía
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1 Chs


Awake: Prologue

Hazy vision, a loud blaring alarm.

A young woman is laying on the ground next to me.

I look to see if she is alive and to my surprise, she is alive, just unconscious. She has nothing but a thin leather poncho and a blue ribbon in her hair. I get up to check my surroundings and see that we are in a forest with no living things insight. I notice a large red light blinking in the sky, I walk to see if there is anything worthwhile within this bushy green forest. With further inspection it appears that all the vegetation is made out of an incredibly hard metallic material.

I decide to go back to where the young woman was.

I check to make sure she is within good health, after waiting around for her to wake up I decide to tear up the grass to reveal dirt so I can write a message for her when she wakes up. I just hope that she speaks my language. I decide to write "I am walking around, do not be scared I will be back. Stay put."

Although I do not know her and haven't even spoken to her it feels as if I had known her my whole life, I hope she takes my message seriously. My first course of action needs to be to find out who I am and why I'm here, I can't remember anything about myself nor anything about this place.

I decide to climb one of these metallic trees and see if I can find a way out, I can feel their cold moisture against the palm of my hand as I climb. I reach the top and see that we are in a metallic dome and that there are several blaring lights across the metal sky.

I slide down the tree and decide to check the outskirts of the forest, there has to be an exit here. If I can't find an exit then I will slowly die and that woman won't be able to get out either. I walk through the woods to get to the outskirts of the dome and finally see a valve door. Hesitant to open the door I decide to go back to where the young woman is.

I see that she is awake and I decide to sit down across from her, I hear her faintly whisper something but it was too quiet to hear.

"Excuse me, could you please speak up?" I asked.

She suddenly asked *"Where am I?"* 1And kept repeating that phrase over and over again.

I look at her in a confused way. "Are you able to speak my language?" I asked her.

She gave me the same look that I gave her just moments before. She looks anxious and decides to get up and was about to walk away before I stood up and grabbed her hand. Her hands were silky smooth and felt ice cold. She pulled her hand away until she noticed that I was pointing in the opposite direction. She understood the physical language just as well as me. We began walking to where I saw the valve door and at last both she and I had gotten to it after 30 minutes of walking.

I look to see if she was out of breath or not, to my surprise she was doing just fine. Both she and I tried turning the valve door but it just wouldn't budge. I had an idea incase this would happen; I had found a metal pipe which was made to look like a fallen tree branch. In my mind I can see that there needs to be more leverage turn the valve. After several minutes of slowly twisting the valve door I can see a shining light within the doorway.

We finally made it through the door after spending around 15 minutes of trying to turn the valve. I was the first one to walk through and what I saw I knew what I needed to do. I ripped a piece of my shirt sleeve to create a blindfold for the unnamed woman. I saw tens if not hundreds of dead bodies and decomposing corpses. I hoped that at this point of us being around each other that she trusted me enough to let me blindfold her. I put her hand on my chest so she can feel my heart beating, and I whispered within her ear and said "stay."

Although there was a language barrier between us, she could tell I had good intentions. Although I have no prior memory of seeing a dead body, I feel unfazed by the sight. I see that their clothing is within decent shape so I look for a place to move the rotting corpses. I continue to look around, stepping over the corpses, I finally found what looked like a room used for sleeping. I decide to move the beds and began moving the corpses into the small room.

After several hours of moving the dying corpses, the hall way was clean and I also took the keys as well as the clothing off of the fallen people. We will need to find a place to bury them later on. I left the nametags as well and what looked to be sentimental belongings on the corpses. I had locked the room behind me so that the little miss doesn't find them. I thought about what her name might be, but if she is in the same scenario as me then she may not know her own name.

I went back out and found a cleaners closet and cleaned all of the other rooms as well but before that I showed her to what would be our rooms. At further inspection, it seems that we are within some kind of underground facility . I finally was able to see that we are indeed underwater after seeing a window at the side of a room, we are in a submarine.

I am indeed the quiet and relaxed type of person; I don't know why but silence gives me comfort. Although I don't remember who I am or where I came from, I still feel some sort of comfort even in this metal shell of a submarine.

I hear a loud scream. *"What the hell are you?!"*

I rush to the room that she is staying in, I see her hiding in the corner crying with her hands over her head. I see a little white lizard at the desk in the room. I rush to her to see what's wrong and she looks petrified and muttering *"He's gone... He isn't there anymore…"*2 and she was repeating those words over and over again.

I reach to pick up the white lizard and it bites my finger and I start bleeding… I need to focus at the task at hand. I wrap my thumb in clothe taken from the people who died in the halls. I take another look around the room and see that there are tiny insects flying around really fast, they swarm to me but before they got to my blood they got sucked in by the lizard and the lizard's mouth grew about to the size of half of the room.

The next thing I knew was that there was a vacuum that was pulling me into the lizard's mouth, I grabbed onto the valve on the bedroom door to hold onto but the woman is being dragged in. I had to let go and quickly push her out of the way. The next thing I remember was that I had awoken being covered in red blood in the middle of the desert…

When I had thought of different reads I have enjoyed over the years I had began to think about writing my own story. I hope this story is appealing to people.

IamPotioncreators' thoughts