
Whats Next?

Zane POV

Being in the background of Xander and Serenity interaction was kind of surreal; he's never been so carefree with another person before unless killing and training and then immediately transforming back to. He seems much calmer and alive now than ever. But I can also feel there's something he is keeping from me. He made a promise to Serenity to meet again tonight. My damn wolf was a bath full of cotton candy when it comes to our mate. I couldn't blame him; she was something special.

Training went as expected. The men held nothing back. Today they took their frustration of my absence out. I let them. They deserve this.

"Your footwork has become horrific, Alpha, come on", I grunt, with exhaustion and a smile. I allowed them to vent their frustration, even though Xander wanted to punish each of them to dare think they could best him and get away with it. I truly let them down, and they have gotten even better whilst I was away. Tomorrow though, tomorrow was a different day, and training won't go down like today, but today I must do this to show them that I still value them as my enforcers, my family, and my Pack. Especially since I just brought a human onto our land.

"That's enough," Jackson, the lead enforcer says, his family has been the pack training for centuries now, and there is no one else I would want on my team when it came to crunch time. I spat the blood from my mouth, shaking myself off. Feeling the aches and pain of the damage, the men cause a few broken ribs and a tear here and there. I should be fine in a couple of hours, with shifter healing magic coursing through and being the alpha allowed me to heal rapidly, much quicker than a normal shifter.

"Sorry, Xander, but they need this," I told my wolf, and he bristles at me,

"Not my problem, we are the alpha, not their chew toy, we have a mate to protect and pups who need us, the pack will need to learn that", he barked at me; I wince because the thread of a headache was forming steadily. A few men patted me on the back as they left the grounds and headed in for breakfast. I hurriedly put my shirt on and jogged towards the pack canteen. Since leaving our mate's side, I have been anxious to get back to her side. Opening the doors to the canteen, I scanned the area for Star and found she wasn't there; she must have eaten and gone back to our room or the kids. Grabbing a to-go plate, I start filling it with a bit of everything. A few whispers flew my way; most was chatter about that I was back, a few were about star but let those pass by until the mention of the human and the disdain that was laced with made me listen closely because I needed to know what I was dealing with when it came time for me to announce their arrival. I turned to face the idiot who spat foul words about my mate and her children. It was an older wolf; he was gone from the old times. I sighed but still glared at him, letting him know that I heard his words, but the old wolf just glared at me and then tilted his head in submission. He held my gaze for far longer than I would like. I see a lot of work to be done to gain some semblance of respect with the pack. They may not like my disappearing and neglect that over the past few years, but it's time that they knew who I was and who runs the show around her. But not now; I need to find Star.

"Weak just like the mate he brought home with him," he said once he thought I was out of my ear. That made Xander want to tear into the older wolf, but I wanted to see Star more than I wanted to kill him. He will have to be dealt with later. Sprinting down the corridor whilst balancing my breakfast, I took the stairs 2 at a time. Sniffing the air on the second floor, her scent got stronger. Making my way to Nina's room, I was met with people welcoming me home. The amount of time I bowed my head in thanks. I looked like a bobblehead doll.

"Thank you" I smiled and nodded my head, grateful once I reached the room. I noticed a young man standing outside the door.

"Alpha", he greeted me once I approached.

"Who are you?" I don't remember his face.

"I'm Andre; I just transferred here with my mom. For a few months, I was placed with her as the human guard detail." what the fuck? I told him to get someone we trust. Not wanting to show my frustration in school, my face turned into a calm demeanour, and I knocked on the door.

"Great, meet me in my office once I leave here for a proper introduction and induction into the pack". When the fuck did we get new members.

"Yes, Alpha"

"Oh, and the human name is Nina, not human", I reprimand

"Oh, oh yes, alpha," he sputtered and nodded his head. I walked in on something. They sang into random objects and jumped on the bed singing and dancing, ``we are never getting back together". It was a happy moment for them. The pup was on his hind leg as Nina danced with him. They seem like such a happy family; I also felt like I was intruding. The pup was the first to notice me; I can also tell he had some alpha blood in him. I wonder who the father of these pups is. Star was next, and she halted in her steps and smiled at me. She was holding on to the little girl who was singing and giggling. Once she spotted me, she let go of star hand and ran over to me, jumping up and down begging me to join.

"Sing with us", she begged.

"I can't; I can't sing. I ruin it for you guys," looking around the room. It was bare no personal touches, something I would have to do to change it. I also notice that there were dishes on the side; I cocked my head.

"Did you eat here? What happened to the dining room" I asked, wanting to know why they choose to eat in their room, there nothing wrong with it, but if it was because of one of my pack members, then I was seriously going to fucking lose my shit.

"Nothing, we just thought it would be better to eat in here", but the little snarl that came from the little pup told me differently. I stared at him, and he did something that he should be too young for him to do. He projected. He showed me an image of Nina surrounded by a mob of people. My eyes widen at the image and the fact that this young pup can project at such a young age. He growled at me and projected an image of me standing on the sideline as the mob taunted Nina and then an image of him standing over dead skeletons and me watching on the sideline. I think that was a warning of what's to come if I did nothing about the mob, think. I nodded.

"I agree with the youngling; if harm comes to the human girl, then our mate will be unhappy, make our mate happy," Xander says in my head; I'll fix it, I tell him.

"You better, before I take him on a nice bonding session" Sighing, I looked at the star who was still smiling at me. Looking down at the little princess and smiling at me, it was a different type of smile. It was more maniacal; she went to her brother and rubbed behind his ears. Did she see his projection also? I swear if he were human, it would have been a scene from the children of the corn. The way they both stood there staring at me.

"Nina, I'm sorry that happened; I will speak with everyone. It won't happen again," she just smiled and warily.

"Speak to them about what?" Star asks.

"Your son just showed me what happened, I think. Did you know that he can project?"

"Yeah, that's how he speaks with us," she responded. Apologize again for my p[ackss behaviour. I sat on the couch and informed them of my plans for today. Funny how he sees himself like some huge wolfman.

"In two days, we will be going to your dad's territory for our 5-year summit", I say, and that got their full attention, and they all sat down on the be,d leaving me on my own. Xander felt slighted at the move, but I saw it for what it was. They don't trust us yet. Understandable considering all they've been through. It's always been the four of them and a new entity worming my way into their life.

"Okay, sounds like a plan I can get behind," Star replied as I stuff sausage in my mouth after wrapping it in bacon. Then attempt to make a triple, bacon, sausage, and egg combo sandwich. Real man food.

"Give me a sec," I told them and mind link my beta, telling him to come to the room.

"Nicholas should be here in a moment to go over a few more things.

"Nina, I know you like this room, but I'm going to see if I can find you a spot on my floor, I just have to move a few things and people around," I tell her.

"Will I still get my own bathroom and shower? She questioned

"Yes, but not as spacious as this one, and you only get a small shower cubicle."

"In that case, I'm good right here, I will kill for that bathroom and view, no sir, no can do", she stated, and I chuckled,

"if that's what you prefer." a knock came at the door, and they all turned their heads to the door except the bloodling; his gaze remained fixed on me; once in the room, they split between myself and Nicholas.


"Take a seat," I told him.

"Nina will remain on this floor because no one needs to die for a bathroom and a view," I say, chuckling.

"Let it be known, human or not, I will find a way just for that bathroom" she smirked, and he nodded his head. Star giggled

"Next thing, your house, I have taken the liberty of paying off the next three months' rent for you. Have you made up your mind on whether or not you would like your stuff brought here, or should we go shopping or both?"

"Serenity would like to stay for a while, so I think it's best we have our stuff brought here; that location is compromised now anyway. I will pay you back for the rent as soon as I find a job" looking at her with a look that says she is the stupidest person on earth.

"Oh no, you don't have to work, ever again, not in that sense anyway," Nina tells her, and Nicholas and I stared at her.