

He is Lorthic, Guardian of Glorica, Great Pale Master, He who has forged his very being in death and reached a pinnacle that few will ever even see. Betrayed and cast out from the world he knew, he now finds himself in a diffrent one. What will he find? ............................................. I am rewriting this Novel for the sake of this being my first novel and it never reaching the potential it could have due to my inexperience at the time. Please enjoy. P.s, Cover picture isn't mine.

Bethrezhen · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Chapter 12: Braska Want's A Champion

[Raise Lesser Undead]

The spell was activated, slowly the orcs body started moving, first with a subtle twitch of muscles, but not before long its limbs were moving as it hoisted itself up off the ground. The only sound that could be heard was that of its movement, there was no grunting, no screaming not even the subtle sound of an Orc breathing.

Annabel looked at the Orc in fear and curiosity. She had thought of many things that will happen when the Orc was raised from the dead, but what she was witnessing was not one of them. The body or Undead as it now was did not feel any different from that of a normal corps, not that she had seen many corpses, but she expected the thing to at least frightening her more than this, yes it was creepy seeing a dead body moving but she expected more.

Nevarre walked over from where he relieved himself and looked curiously at the Orc.

"So, did it work?", he asked as he looked the orc up and down.

"Be quiet!" Braska yelled at him before turning his attention back to the Orc. His eyes shined in excitement as he looked at the undead, having had a bit of experience with negative energy, Braska was the only one in the tribe that could feel the power of this Undead, only if your senses were beyond normal or if you had an affinity with negative energy would you be able to tell how strong the undead was, Champions would most likely be able to tell since at that Rank there senses would be elevated, while Warriors wouldn't be able to tell unless they fought against it.

"I can't believe it, L-Lorthic, how did you do it?", the old shaman spoke in a quivering voice. He might not be a necromancer and only a dabbler in souls at most since that was needed to create his voodoo beasts, but when he saw what Lorthic did with a single spell, to create an undead that stood on equal foot with him a Peak Rank Warrior.

"How unfortunate", uncaring for their reactions, Lorthic shook his head in disappointment, causing those around him to be puzzled. Lorthic stared at the Undead for a while thinking of looking at its stats, and the information appeared in his head.


<Basic Stats>

Name: Unknown

Class: Orc Zombie

Level: 99

Rank: Warrior

Tier: Silver

Race: Lesser Undead

Health: 100% (Uninjured)

Mana: 100%

Stamina: Infinite




Evaluation: Not even useful to be a servant


"What's wrong", Braska asked as he looked at the Undead and then at Lorthic, he couldn't see what the problem was, the undead was created and its power was frightening, so much so that it caused Braska to have even more admiration for Lorthic, if not for his vast strength then for his knowledge, the knowledge to create an undead without the use of a ritual being performed or a sacrifice given, while also being able to let it come back stronger than what it was when it was alive.

Lorhtic shook his head, "I am a bit disappointed. I was hoping it would at least cross the border and become a champion, but it seems it didn't happen. No matter it was within my calculations even if not preferred."

"Ch-Ch-Champion!", Braska let out a shout in surprise. Lorthic wanted the undead to come back as a Champion, wasn't a peak warrior enough? Yeah, a champion would be great but still, there are limitations!

"There is no need to be so disheartened, having a Peak warrior is already quite good, there is no need to think too much", Braska tried to comfort Lorthic.

"Are you sure?", Lorthic asked with a strange smile on his face as he looked at Braska.

"uh, yeah?"

"Well so be it, I was going to wait until later to tell you but there is no need to wait any longer. After getting all five my souls, this Undead will be given to you, this will be my service provided for the payment given, even though it isn't a champion it should be able to handle that creature that is terrorizing your village, I am only afraid that with its current power it would have to settle for mutual destruction?", Lorthic said with a wide smile causing Braska to freeze.

"You're giving that to us?", Braska asked.

"Of course, you're not expecting me to personally go and fight with that little creature for such meager payment?"

Braska suddenly laughed before speaking with a blushing red face, "You know, I have thought about it and we should always strive to make the greatest out of all our creations, so there is no need to hold yourself back in making this undead the best you possibly can"

Lorthic tried not to laugh at how desperate Braska was trying to let him increase the Undead's fighting power.

Nevarre could only shake his head as he looked at Braska in disdain, "How low you have fallen, brother" while trying to hide the smirk forming on his face.

No longer seeing a reason to torture the poor man, Lorthic changed the subject, "That being said, the best way to strengthen this undead would be through a particular kind of spell that raises the power of the undead permanently by sacrificing its growth in the future."

"There is such a magic, does it only work on the undead or can other beings use it as well", Braska asked with anticipation. He had been at the peak of Warrior Rank for the past few years and even then he hadn't felt any progress into the next rank, although Nevarre encouraged him and said it was only a matter of time, Braska knew that that time might never come, he was already old, his time was limited and his future uncertain but now with this magic, there might just be a chance.

"It can be used on any being thought I would urge you not to think of it as a solution to breaking through to Champion.", Lorthic said seeing through the old shaman's thoughts.

"The magic forcibly rises your strength although permanent the cost is the stopping of any further growth and for those that live it would also forcibly take some of their life force to do so. Thus this might just end up killing you, instead of helping."

"I see", Braska said disappointed, feeling a hand on his shoulder he saw Nevare looking at him with a smile, "Don't give up yet, you will make it", he said with certainty.

Lorthic looked down at Anabel, she was standing right next to him at this moment, staring at the Undead with curiosity, her previous fear all gone.

"What do you think?", Lorthic asked her

She turned her head towards him "It's unexpected", she said with a strange expression.

"What is?"

"You look so creepy and have such an evil aura with such cruel methods, yet your not too bad", she said with a chuckle.

"Was that suppose to be a compliment?"

"Yes", Annabel said with a smile.

"Then I will take it with grace, you cheeky little girl", Lorthic said as he rubbed her on her head causing her entire body to freeze.

"I-I-I, ahhhhh!"

Annabel screamed as she shook off his hand and ran away with a red face.

'What a strange person', Lorthic thought as he shook his head.

'I wonder what changed her mind about me?'