
Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

The legitimate daughter of the Feng family actually had to stay in a haunted house. Everyone thought she'd make a fuss and hang herself, but she ended up staying calm and quiet each day. She even set up a stall to make a living. A few months later, the Feng family asked her to return. She smiled and shook her head. If she returned to the Feng family, she wouldn't have ghost maids to carry out chores for her at home. Lord Wei of Chizhazun City possessively pulled his fiancee into his arms. "My wife is a scaredy cat. Don't frighten her." "Are you joking?" The ghosts who were captured asked. Just as everyone anticipated Lord Wei to call off the wedding with his fiancee, news of them getting married arrived."Special edition! Special edition! Lord Wei has married Ms. Feng!" "Impossible! Lord Wei is celibate. He's mysterious and keeps a low profile. No woman can even get close to him." Lord Wei smiled in a satisfied manner. "Nian, where would you like to capture ghosts tonight?"

Yan Wanyan · Integral
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40 Chs


Traductor: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Perhaps the Mountain Goddess really heard my prayer. A black shadow attacked and landed in front of me, turning into a beauty.

She smiled and asked me, "Are you willing to continue guarding the Mountain God Temple?"

I forget how I answered, only that I nodded emphatically.

After receiving an affirmative answer, she transformed into a huge black snake. I saw a reflection on the wall. A section of her snake tail was broken.

The next morning, the sun shone on my face. There was a pitch-black walking stick by the window. I reached out and clenched it. I injected my strength into it. I, who was originally powerless to get up. But that was when I could get up again, but I realized that I was no longer in the sunlight. However, I didn't care. My wish had not been fulfilled. I couldn't leave.

The surrounding mountains were filled with a primitive aura. Travelers and friends gradually came to the mountains. I was afraid that someone observant would notice something amiss. From time to time, I would grab the Shadow-Eating Worms and weave one of their captured shadows under my feet. Under the sunlight, I had a shadow again. I was the temple guardian who had guarded the mountain temple for decades.

Ten years ago, a couple who came for a vacation came to the Mountain God Temple.

I heard the woman's thoughts. She said her name was Yao Jie. She begged the Mountain Goddess to let her have a child.

The person kneeling next to her futon was called Chen Jing. She begged the Mountain Goddess to let her have a fortune. She wanted to gather enough money for her son's betrothal gift.

When I was helping them interpret the lot, I smiled and told them that the Mountain Goddess would fulfill their wishes one by one.

As expected, Chen Jing gave her grandson, Cai Yulin, to Yao Jie to raise, and Yao Jie gave her a sum of money. Their wishes were fulfilled.

10 years later, the boy came to the Mountain God Temple. When he knelt on the praying mat, I recognized him at a glance. He was the person the Mountain Goddess had been looking for. His date of birth happened to be what the Mountain Goddess needed. As long as he offered his seven senses, the Mountain Goddess would recover her original magic power. Coincidentally, he was Chen Jing's biological grandson and Yao Jie's adopted son.

I gave him a pendant formed from a black snake and absorbed energy from him every day. The Mountain Goddess began to wake up. It was conscious for longer periods each time. I knew that it was not long before it regained its strength.

The child often came to the Mountain God Temple to pray sincerely for his grandmother's recovery. I let him have his wish. He came to the temple more and more frequently. Every time he came, he would bring me something and take the broom in my hand to sweep the fallen leaves around.

Because of Cai Yulin's arrival, the smile on my face increased. It was just that I did not notice it. I had even thought of letting that child leave the Mountain God Temple, but I finally let that thought go. This was because the Mountain Goddess had promised me that as long as she completely woke up, she would let me see Grandpa. Cai Yulin was the most important step. I could not be soft-hearted.

Just like that, Cai Yulin's seven senses were gradually sealed. He was brought back to the Mountain God Temple by the pendant formed by the black snake. He sincerely knelt in front of the Mountain Goddess and became a devout believer.

It was only when the Mystic Master came over that I saw the birthmark on Cai Yulin's left hand. This position was exactly the same as Grandpa's birthmark. It turned out that Grandpa, whom I had been searching for a long time, had already reincarnated into a human and came to my side. I had almost harmed him.

Feng Nian finally understood why the Keeper had betrayed Black Spirit Snake in exchange for Cai Yulin's safety.

At dawn, Cai Yulin finally woke up under everyone's anticipation. He said he had a long, long dream.

A tuft of white hair appeared on Chen Chunni's head. She smiled and held Cai Yulin's hand. The child's hand was finally warm.


"200 yuan received." Early in the morning, Feng Nian's cell phone, which was still lazing in bed, rang with the sound of money being received.

After the Mountain God Temple incident, Wei Cong sent her an IOU, but it was paid in installments. She could not understand why the dignified young master of the Wei Family needed to write an IOU to return the money. Moreover, he had to pay in installments.

Hearing that she had received the money, a cold wind suddenly blew beside her. She turned around and saw the female ghost and the two paper figurines staring at her.

"Okay, got it. You want to drink yogurt, you want milk, and you want juice." She followed the direction and listed what the female ghost and paper figurines wanted.

When the female ghost and the two paper figurines saw that she had accurately said what they wanted, they could not help but nod with flattery. Then, they separated. The female ghost cleaned the house, and the two paper figurines dried the blanket. Speaking of hanging the blanket, it was actually to let her get up early and take the blanket away from her. They could not see the sunlight to begin with, so it was more appropriate to say that they were hanging the blanket, rather than sunning it.

Looking at their busy figures, she could not help but find it funny. She was probably the only one who could enjoy the domestic service provided by the female ghost and paper figurines.

After being disturbed by the female ghost and the two paper figurines, she was no longer in the mood to stay in bed. She simply stood up.

She locked the door, left the ghost and the two paper figurines in the house, and walked out of the building.

Outside, the sun was shining brightly. There were no trees to block the sunlight. From the outside, the exterior of her rented building was dilapidated and covered in vines. However, the house she rented was not difficult to recognize because every night, the female ghost would pick up a cloth to wipe the glass on the window. The clear window was her house.

"Hello, is this Miss Feng?" A person in a suit blocked her way.


There were mountains and rivers, chirping birds and fragrant flowers. If one did not look carefully, they would not notice a residence standing there.

In the Book of Xiang Zhai, it was mentioned that "When the hall is moisturized,d the descendants are open-minded; when the hall is wide, the descendants will be high-ranking officials in the future." This meant that if the hall faced the waters, the descendants residing in the house would be rich. If the hall was spacious, the descendants would be noble.

This place was already satisfactory. This was definitely the land with the best view and atmosphere in Zun City.

"How is it here?" A kind old man asked with a smile.

"Very well," Feng Nian replied truthfully. She had been invited to this residence. She had asked the person who had brought her here, but that person had not said anything. He had only said that after arriving, she would know why he had invited her over.

"Girl, you're just as your grandfather said."

The old man was about the same age as her grandfather. He was hale and hearty and wore a dark gray woolen sweater. She felt that this old man looked a little similar to Wei Zhen. However, this person mentioned her grandfather. Was he an old friend of her grandfather?

The old man gestured for Feng Nian to follow him. They arrived at a guest hall in the residence.

As soon as they sat down, someone immediately served them fragrant tea.

"I wonder if old mister invited me here to ask for a divination? Or to look after the house?" She asked directly. Although the other party did not have any ill intentions, she still wanted to ask clearly. It was better to know.

Just as the old man was considering his words and was about to speak, a commotion suddenly sounded.

"I don't agree! Grandpa, how can you just find a fiancée for Uncle Zhen? I don't agree!"

Feng Nian felt that this voice was very familiar. She turned around and saw that it really the guy who owed her, the Wei family's young master, Wei Cong.

"Why are you so rude? Can't you see that there are guests here?" The old man put away the kindness on his face and looked solemnly at Wei Cong who came out to mess things up.

However, Wei Cong did not stop speaking because of the old man's anger. "Grandpa, blind marriages are no longer popular. Now, it's about the love between a couple. How can Uncle Zhen agree to this?"