
Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

The legitimate daughter of the Feng family actually had to stay in a haunted house. Everyone thought she'd make a fuss and hang herself, but she ended up staying calm and quiet each day. She even set up a stall to make a living. A few months later, the Feng family asked her to return. She smiled and shook her head. If she returned to the Feng family, she wouldn't have ghost maids to carry out chores for her at home. Lord Wei of Chizhazun City possessively pulled his fiancee into his arms. "My wife is a scaredy cat. Don't frighten her." "Are you joking?" The ghosts who were captured asked. Just as everyone anticipated Lord Wei to call off the wedding with his fiancee, news of them getting married arrived."Special edition! Special edition! Lord Wei has married Ms. Feng!" "Impossible! Lord Wei is celibate. He's mysterious and keeps a low profile. No woman can even get close to him." Lord Wei smiled in a satisfied manner. "Nian, where would you like to capture ghosts tonight?"

Yan Wanyan · Integral
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Script Kill

Traductor: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

If time could be reversed, Xiao Jiasheng swore that he would pretend to be a dead person and not speak. He would definitely not attract the female ghost's attention, let alone anger it. But that was not right. He was really about to become a dead person. Who could save him?

"Stop." Feng Nian's voice sounded from the side. She raised her hand so that the female ghost could see what she was holding.

The female ghost's vision was blocked by her long hair. After a moment, she saw that Feng Nian was holding a baby wrapped in white.

When Xiao Jiasheng saw Feng Nian's figure in the slanted car, he was overjoyed. Someone had finally come to save him. However, he did not dare to speak without permission. He was worried that it would distraction Feng Nian. The baby looked much bigger than when he saw it three days ago. Where did she find this baby? Would the female ghost really let him go for this baby?

"My child, my child." The female ghost spat out these words and threw the car heavily from midair. The car landed heavily on the ground with a heavy sound.

The airbag in the driver's seat was opened to protect Xiao Jiasheng, but he still could not tell the direction of the crash. Fortunately, he could still breathe, which meant that he was still alive.

Feng Nian glanced at the damaged car and realized that Xiao Jiasheng could still move. She gestured for him to get out of the car and come to her side.

Xiao Jiasheng kicked the deformed door a few times before coming out of the car. He glanced at the female ghost and realized that she seemed to have more hair. It seemed to be alive and kept floating in the air, but it seemed to be in a deadlock because it was afraid that Feng Nian would harm its child.

Only when Xiao Jiasheng came to her side did she turn her attention to the female ghost. "Do you want to go home?"

Perhaps the word "go home" angered the female ghost again. It even ignored the child and threw its hair in front of Feng Nian.

Xiao Jiasheng could only let out a cry of surprise. He did not even have the strength to escape. He could only watch as the sharp hair flew towards him and Feng Nian.

With a few clangs, Feng Nian held a light purple knife in her hand and cut off all the female ghost's hair. The broken hair was like snakes, hissing on the ground. As if waiting for an opportunity, the hairs would jump up.

She would not let the hair have the chance to continue attacking them. She raised the small knife formed by the bracelet in her hand and absorbed all the hair. These hair were formed by the resentment of the female ghost and could increase the power of the bracelet. After absorbing the hair, the small knife emitted a warm temperature. This was a sign of increasing strength.

Most of the female ghost's hair had been absorbed, but it still did not give up and was prepared to give it a try. Of the two people in front of it, one had killed it, and the other carried its child. It was not prepared to let either of them go. In two breaths, its hair grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wah!" A loud cry resounded through the sky. The female ghost's child cried.

When the female ghost heard the baby's cry, her originally turbid eyes became clear. Her hair that was dancing in the air stopped and slowly fell to the ground.

"Baby, don't be afraid. Mom is here." The female ghost stretched out her hands in the direction of the baby, wanting to hug him and comfort him. However, Feng Nian did not return the baby. Instead, she smiled and asked, "Can we talk now?"

Feng Nian held the baby in her arms. Soon, the baby fell asleep again.

"Fan Lingling, every injustice has its perpetrator, and every debt has its debtor. You weren't harmed by him." She pointed at Xiao Jiasheng, indicating for Fan Lingling to put down her hatred for him and stop pestering him. That female ghost was Fan Lingling. She had seen Fan Lingling's photo before. In the photo, the delicate girl with a dimple on her face when she smiled and the girl who liked to wear a long white dress was the female ghost in front of her.

"He drove and smashed me into a few pieces. How dare you say that he didn't harm me." As soon as Fan Lingling finished speaking, her head rolled to the ground with a thud, leaving only a section of her neck bleeding.

Although Xiao Jiasheng had already seen Fan Lingling's head roll off, he still ran to the side and held onto the tree trunk as he retched.

"Reattach your head. Let's talk." Feng Nian glanced at Xiao Jiasheng and let him vomit.

Fan Lingling stretched her arms and picked up the head that had fallen to the ground. She placed it on her neck and twisted it a few times before returning to its original state.

In the end, she asked Xiao Jiasheng to help Fan Lingling find out the cause of death. This was the condition she set so that Fan Lingling would stop pestering him. Then, she brought Fan Lingling and her child back to her residence.

After handing Fan Lingling a bowl of instant noodles, she turned around and warned the female ghost and the two paper figurines in the room, "Don't wake the child up, or we won't have any snacks for the next two months."

Feng Nian's words made the female ghost and paper figurines' fingers stop in midair. They had wanted to reach out and pinch the child's chubby face just now. This was the first time they had seen a ghost baby.

Originally, she thought Fan Lingling would know about her death the best. But the ghost did not know anything. It only knew to drift along the path, wanting to go home.

Feng Nian left it to Xiao Jiasheng to find out the reason for Fan Lingling's death. She knew that with the Xiao family's ability, even if they could not find out everything, they would definitely be able to find some clues. Moreover, by letting the Xiao family do it, it could be considered as fulfilling Xiao Jiasheng's promise to Fan Lingling so that it would not pester Xiao Jiasheng anymore. She asked Xiao Jiasheng to start from this path. Fan Lingling was obsessed with the path, so she might have died here.

Knowing that he would be able to get rid of it as long as he found out the cause of Fan Lingling's death, Xiao Jiasheng hurriedly agreed. Meanwhile, Feng Nian brought Fan Lingling and its child back to their rented house.

However, when she saw the female ghost and the paper figurines pulling Fan Lingling to sit down and role play, she began to regret bringing Fan Lingling back. It was really too noisy. If the ghosts quarreled, it would be too noisy. She glanced at Fan Lingling and found that she was having a good time. There was no resentment at all. Forget it, let them play.

Fan Lingling and her child were a pair of mother and son ghosts. Their kindness was left in the child's body, so every time it was filled with resentment, the child's cries would always make it regain its rationality. Feng Nian had taken a fancy to this point. Before she confronted Fan Lingling, she specially found the baby to let Fan Lingling regain her rationality. Therefore, it was beneficial for Fan Lingling to stay with its child.

Unfortunately, Fan Lingling could not remember how it passed away at all. Just like how humans would suffer from traumatic amnesia, ghosts would too.

There were two things she had to deal with now. One was to find out the reason for Fan Lingling's death and fulfill its wish. The other was how to send Fan Lingling and her son away.