
Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

The legitimate daughter of the Feng family actually had to stay in a haunted house. Everyone thought she'd make a fuss and hang herself, but she ended up staying calm and quiet each day. She even set up a stall to make a living. A few months later, the Feng family asked her to return. She smiled and shook her head. If she returned to the Feng family, she wouldn't have ghost maids to carry out chores for her at home. Lord Wei of Chizhazun City possessively pulled his fiancee into his arms. "My wife is a scaredy cat. Don't frighten her." "Are you joking?" The ghosts who were captured asked. Just as everyone anticipated Lord Wei to call off the wedding with his fiancee, news of them getting married arrived."Special edition! Special edition! Lord Wei has married Ms. Feng!" "Impossible! Lord Wei is celibate. He's mysterious and keeps a low profile. No woman can even get close to him." Lord Wei smiled in a satisfied manner. "Nian, where would you like to capture ghosts tonight?"

Yan Wanyan · Integral
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Master Wei

Traductor: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After listening to Wen Wen's explanation, Wei Cong understood all of this. Although he knew that Feng Nian had no choice but to place the peachwood nail in her forehead, after taking out the peachwood nail, the wound on her forehead was really ugly.

Feng Nian sighed softly. She took out the peachwood nail because she wanted to save some tools. After all, she did not have any spare money to buy it. Secondly, Wen Rou's resentment had disappeared. It was really inauspicious to bury her with the peachwood nail. However, Wei Cong obviously cared about the wound caused by the peachwood nail on Wen Rou's head.

She could only take out a talisman and gently rub it on Wen Rou's forehead. The scar disappeared in an instant.

The way Wei Cong looked at Feng Nian suddenly changed. It seemed to be a little complicated.

"Don't look at me like that. This is only temporary." Feng Nian really could not bear to see Wei Cong's dark expression turn sunny. Moreover, she would put this talisman on the Wen family's tab.

At this moment, someone's panicked footsteps sounded. Yu Yanhui, who had always dressed up exquisitely, had her hair in a mess. She muttered, "I'm not afraid of you. Wen Rou, even if you turn into a ghost, I'll beat you to death."

Today, everyone in the Wen family was busy with Wen Rou's funeral and Yu Yanhui had been unconscious for a long time, so everyone ignored her. Unexpectedly, when she suddenly woke up, she found a wooden stick from somewhere and broke many things. Now, she actually went straight to the back hall and rushed towards Wen Rou's coffin.

"Yanhui, are you crazy? Stop it!" Wen Wen did not expect the usually virtuous Yu Yanhui to be like a lunatic at this moment, completely disregarding the presence of guests.

"There's Wen Rou. Look, there's her." Yu Yanhui spoke without thinking because she saw Wen Rou in a red dress standing in front of the coffin. Wen Rou's entire body was wet, and water was dripping from the corner of her dress. There was already a puddle under her feet. The corners of Wen Rou's mouth had already reached her ear, as if she was asking Yu Yanhui to go down and accompany her.

Wen Wen and Wei Cong looked in the direction Yu Yanhui pointed at at the same time. There was no one there.

"Haven't you embarrassed yourself enough? Men, take Madam to rest." Wen Wen was already slightly angry. What was wrong with Yu Yanhui? She had embarrassed herself at home.

A few servants immediately went forward and prepared to pull Yu Yanhui out of the back hall. However, Yu Yanhui somehow got the strength to fight them off. Without hesitation, she walked towards the coffin where Wen Rou was. She wanted to destroy Wen Rou. As long as she destroyed Wen Rou, everything would be over.

In a moment of desperation, Wei Cong protected Wen Rou's coffin without hesitation.

Yu Yanhui had already lost her mind. The stick in her hand was about to hurt Wei Cong. Feng Nian was about to stop her without thinking, but she did not expect someone to be faster than her. He raised his hand and shook her away.

In Feng Nian's life, she had never seen a man so unfeeling. However, it made her want to shout, "Well done."

This man was wearing a black suit, and his handmade leather shoes were spotless. He emitted a faint smell of tobacco, which was not pungent. Instead, it was as attractive as mellow wine. He was the man she had met at Granny Xiang's coffin shop last time.

"Uncle Zhen." A smile appeared on Wei Cong's face. He did not expect Wei Zhen to attend Wen Rou's funeral. Needless to say, Wei Zhen must have been worried about him and rushed over.

"Master Wei." Wen Wen's voice was trembling. Perhaps it was because he saw the all-powerful Wei Zhen in Zun City, or perhaps it was because he saw Yu Yanhui being thrown out. Fortunately, Wei Cong was not injured in the Wen Residence. Otherwise, with Wei Zhen's personality, he would definitely destroy the Wen family.

When she heard Wen Wen call him "Master Wei", Feng Nian realized that the man in front of him was Wei Zhen.

There were many rumors about Wei Zhen in the city. Most of them were about him being ruthless and merciless. However, Feng Nian felt that the first time she saw Wei Zhen was different from the rumors. At the very least, he was very protective of his own people.

However, what Wei Zhen did next made Feng Nian's heart ache even more. Wei Zhen took out a custom-made handkerchief from the pocket of his suit jacket and wiped the fingers that he had used to throw Yu Yanhui out one by one. His eyes were filled with disgust. After wiping them, he threw the handkerchief to the ground. The cost of the handkerchief was probably equivalent to her living expenses for a few months. Wei Zhen threw the handkerchief away without batting an eyelid!

When Wei Zhen raised his head, he also noticed Feng Nian. If he had not come out in time, this girl would have rushed out to protect Wei Cong.

Feng Nian was wearing a black tracksuit that had been washed until it was white and pale. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail. Although she did not put any makeup on her face, she looked much better than other women who had dressed up meticulously. This was the first impression Wei Zhen had of Feng Nian. He nodded slightly at Feng Nian for her protection of Wei Cong. Then, he brought Wei Cong forward.

After Wei Zhen left, the pressure in the air disappeared.

Wen Wen shot a glare at Yu Yanhui, who had fainted on the ground. He said, "How embarrassing." Then, he asked the servants to bring Yu Yanhui away. In any case, it did not matter if Yu Yanhui was present at Wen Rou's funeral. Most importantly, Yu Yanhui had embarrassed him and the Wen family in front of Wei Zhen.

Wen Wen asked Feng Nian nicely to help him check if there was anything else he needed to pay attention to during Wen Rou's funeral. After that, he left the back hall. He was in a hurry to look for Wei Zhen to explain the previous situation, when Yu Yanhui had almost hurt Wei Cong. The Wen family needed the Wei family to look out for them.

When Feng Nian was the only one left in the back hall, Feng Nian turned around and looked at the coffin. Because Wen Rou's soul was standing in front of the coffin, Wen Rou could see everything that happened just now. When Yu Yanhui shouted that she saw Wen Rou, Feng Nian actually saw her too. However, she knew that this must be the last wish of Wen Rou, so she did not expose it.

"Sister, thank you." Wen Rou's face was as pale as a piece of white paper. She tried her best to force a smile on her face. She walked towards Feng Nian and reached out her small hand to place it on Feng Nian's.

Feng Nian felt a chill pass from her hand to her entire body. She could not help but shiver as scenes of Wen Rou's experiences appeared in front of her.


On my fourth birthday, I was holding my favorite doll in my arms. I knew that today would be the same as usual. There would be many people coming to my birthday party. They would smile and say happy birthday to me and stuff gifts into my arms. I had not seen Mom for a long time. Mom must be busy preparing for my birthday. Today was my birthday, so I would definitely see Mom.

Uncle Butler came to me and told me that he was taking me to see my mother. I smiled happily and urged Uncle Butler to walk faster from time to time, but I did not notice the sad expression on Uncle Butler's face.

As soon as I stepped into the house, although I had covered it with the fragrance of flowers, I could still smell the faint smell of medicine and decay. There was a thick layer of dust on the curtains that had not been pulled open for a long time.