
Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

The legitimate daughter of the Feng family actually had to stay in a haunted house. Everyone thought she'd make a fuss and hang herself, but she ended up staying calm and quiet each day. She even set up a stall to make a living. A few months later, the Feng family asked her to return. She smiled and shook her head. If she returned to the Feng family, she wouldn't have ghost maids to carry out chores for her at home. Lord Wei of Chizhazun City possessively pulled his fiancee into his arms. "My wife is a scaredy cat. Don't frighten her." "Are you joking?" The ghosts who were captured asked. Just as everyone anticipated Lord Wei to call off the wedding with his fiancee, news of them getting married arrived."Special edition! Special edition! Lord Wei has married Ms. Feng!" "Impossible! Lord Wei is celibate. He's mysterious and keeps a low profile. No woman can even get close to him." Lord Wei smiled in a satisfied manner. "Nian, where would you like to capture ghosts tonight?"

Yan Wanyan · Integral
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs


Traductor: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Wei Clan had made up their mind to protect Feng Nian. The next day, they released the news that Wei Zhen was already engaged. As long as Feng Nian needed it, she could use the title of Wei Zhen's fiancée at any time.

Walking on the school road, the sound of girls' hearts breaking could be heard everywhere.

"Why does my idol have a fiancée?"

"I'm still waiting for Master Wei to marry me!"

"Other than me, who else is worthy of Master Wei in Zun City?"

Passing through these heartbreaking sounds, she met Chang Yi, who worked in a cafe with her. However, she did not expect Chang Yi to also look depressed.

"Chang Yi, what's wrong? Did you fail the exam?"

"Sigh, this is much more serious than failing the exam. Feng Nian, did you know that Master Wei actually has a fiancée?" Chang Yi wrapped her scarf tightly around herself. The weather was getting colder and colder, and the news of Master Wei having a fiancée was like a snowstorm, shattering the fantasies in these girls' hearts.

Of course she knew. She was Wei Zhen's fiancée.

"I want some peace and quiet." Chang Yi introduced her part-time job to Feng Nian. Since Wei Zhen had a fiancée, she did not want to work anymore.


Feng Nian followed the address given by Chang Yi and found a part-time place. It was a flower shop. The owner of the flower shop was called Chen Yihuan.

Although Chen Yihuan gave people the feeling of being as elegant as a chrysanthemum, her 'Heavenly Court' was narrow and the 'Earth Pavilion' was wide. The Heavenly Court was the forehead, and the Earth Pavilion was the chin. This was the appearance of water restraining fire. The main character was smart, but her luck was bumpy and uneven. She would work a lot in life but be mediocre, or even fail at most things.

"You're Feng Nian?" Seeing that Feng Nian was staring at her, she could not help but reach out to touch her cheek, thinking that it was stained with mud again.

"Yes, hello, Miss Chen." Feng Nian retracted her gaze. Her occupational habit had acted up again. She immediately put on a sweet smile to ease the awkwardness.

"Don't be nervous. It's not difficult to work for me. Remember the names of these flowers first, and what they symbolize." She thought that Feng Nian was still not used to this part-time job, so she patiently explained everything she needed to pay attention to when working in the flower shop.

Feng Nian listened carefully to the things to take note of. When she encountered something she did not understand, she would ask. Chen Yihuan answered them one by one.

After working part-time in the flower shop for a few days, she was already familiar with everything in the shop, so Chen Yihuan was relieved to leave her alone to look after the shop.

"Feng Nian, I'm going out tonight. If there are no customers later, lock the door and get off work."

"Okay." She smiled and nodded. From the first time she saw Chen Yihuan's face, she knew that Chen Yihuan was a person with a rough life, but she had never given up easily. Every time, she would smile and deal with every customer who came to the flower shop, whether they were difficult or calculative. She carefully trimmed the flowers and worked hard every day.

Today, Chen Yihuan had specially dressed up and put on light makeup. She looked even better than she usually did without makeup. Tonight, she was going on a blind date. Her friend had introduced her to a person who was good in all aspects.

A moment later, she arrived at the restaurant as promised. However, on the way, her phone rang at an untimely time.

"Yihuan, Xiao Bao has his eyes on a car. We're still short of 80,000 yuan. Call me tomorrow."

As soon as Chen Yihuan pressed the answer button, her mother's loud voice came from the other end of the phone. However, Chen Yihuan was currently on a blind date with someone recommended by a good friend. What was even more embarrassing was that her cell phone was broken. The moment she picked up the call, it was on speaker. In other words, other than her blind date, everyone in the restaurant could hear it clearly.

After a moment of awkwardness, Chen Yihuan replied in a low voice, "Mom, I'm outside. We'll talk later."

"I'm not free later. I want to cook for Xiao Bao. Remember, quickly transfer 80,000 yuan over so that we can pick up the car tomorrow. Let's not talk about it anymore. The phone fee is expensive." Chen Yihuan sounded imposing and presumptuous. After hurriedly finishing her words, she hung up.

After the blind date ended, Chen Yihuan returned to the rented house alone. The person who went on the blind date with her today had a gentle personality. Like her, he had come from another city to work hard. As soon as the two of them sat down, they chatted happily. The shared experience made them seem closer. If not for the phone call, they would have developed further.

Just as she changed into her slippers, her good friend called as scheduled. "Huanhuan, the blind date tonight is ruined."

Chen Yihuan replied sadly, "I know."

Perhaps sensing Chen Yihuan's sadness, her friend kindly advised, "It's not that I want to criticize you, but you can't indulge your parents and brother like this anymore. No one is willing to become a brother-supporting demon."

Chen Yihuan forced out a "mm" and hung up the phone under the comfort of her friend.

From leaving Lu Jun Village alone to renting a shop in Zun City, Chen Yihuan woke up early and stayed up late alone. Based on her understanding of flowers, she gradually became a flower artist, and her business gradually improved.

As for her family, after seeing Chen Yihuan's figure in the media once, they were like gangrene attached to her bones and would ask her for money from time to time. After being satisfied time and time again, they became even more unrestrained.

Chen Yihuan's phone screen lit up. It was a message from Chen Erbao asking for money. Without thinking, Chen Yihuan threw her cell phone to the ground. The broken phone was like her heart. It had already shattered into pieces. In the eyes of her family, she was just an ATM. Her so-called family had never cared about her.


At around nine o'clock in the evening, there were no more customers in the flower shop. After tidying up everything in the shop, Feng Nian locked the door and prepared to return.

A low-key luxury car was parked outside the door.

At first, she did not pay much attention to it. When she passed by the car, the car window was suddenly rolled down. Wei Zhen's unique voice sounded from inside, "Get in, I'll send you back."

She wanted to reject him but when she turned around, she realized that many passersby were looking at her. This car was too eye-catching. Although she did not know much about cars, she had heard of Wei Zhen's car. It was a limited edition car and there was only one in the entire Zun City. It was under Master Wei's name. Wasn't this clearly telling everyone that the person in the car was the all-powerful Master Wei in Zun City?

To avoid attracting more attention, she silently opened the car door and got into the passenger seat.

"Hello, Master Wei. How did you know I was here?" She still asked the question in her heart. Wei Guichang knew that she often worked part-time, but she did not reveal where she worked.

"As long as you have the intention to investigate, you will be able to find out." Wei Zhen handed over a notebook. "This notebook records the various ways in which the adult men of the Wei family died when they were 28 years old."

Oh, Feng Nian remembered. She had mentioned to Wei Guichang that she wanted to know the situation of the Wei family's men. She wanted to try and find a way.

She took the notebook and looked at Wei Zhen's side profile. She promised seriously, "I will let you live your life in peace."

This was the first time a girl had made such a promise to him. Although he had long been indifferent to life and death, this promise made his heart flutter.