
Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

The legitimate daughter of the Feng family actually had to stay in a haunted house. Everyone thought she'd make a fuss and hang herself, but she ended up staying calm and quiet each day. She even set up a stall to make a living. A few months later, the Feng family asked her to return. She smiled and shook her head. If she returned to the Feng family, she wouldn't have ghost maids to carry out chores for her at home. Lord Wei of Chizhazun City possessively pulled his fiancee into his arms. "My wife is a scaredy cat. Don't frighten her." "Are you joking?" The ghosts who were captured asked. Just as everyone anticipated Lord Wei to call off the wedding with his fiancee, news of them getting married arrived."Special edition! Special edition! Lord Wei has married Ms. Feng!" "Impossible! Lord Wei is celibate. He's mysterious and keeps a low profile. No woman can even get close to him." Lord Wei smiled in a satisfied manner. "Nian, where would you like to capture ghosts tonight?"

Yan Wanyan · Integral
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs


Traductor: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Cough, cough." Wen Wen cleared his throat and a smile appeared on his face. Just as he was about to explain the reason why the Wen family invited Feng Nian over, he was interrupted by Feng Nian, "To the back hall, lead the way."

The butler immediately led Feng Nian to the back hall with a smile. Wen Wen followed closely behind. Seeing that she could tell at a glance that the problem was in the back hall, Wen Wen trusted her more.

However, when everyone arrived at the back hall, the changes in Wen Rou's corpse were much more serious than an hour ago. Water dripped from the four corners of the coffin to the ground. The ground in the back hall was almost covered in water pits of various sizes. The expression on Wen Rou's face was much more ferocious, and her eyes even began to shed blood and tears. The entire back hall was cold, as if she was in a huge ice warehouse.

Seeing this scene, Wen Wen took a few steps back in fear, while the butler simply hid outside the back hall door. Feng Nian, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She walked straight to Wen Rou, took out a black peachwood nail, aimed it at Wen Rou's forehead, and pressed it down.

The wooden nail pierced into her forehead and Wen Rou gently closed her eyes. Then, she slowly fell into a laying position. The water stains on the ground did not disappear, but the cold feeling in the back hall dissipated a lot.

"Master, that's it?" Wen Wen saw that Wen Rou had slowly closed her eyes, and the ferocious expression on her face had gradually dissipated. She regained her calm expression, and the water on her body dried up at a visible speed. The smile on her face could not help but deepen.

"It's a big no!" Although Wen Rou's corpse had recovered a little, she would still not be at peace until the actual problem was resolved.

"Does your family have the tradition of using willowwood coffins?" Feng Nian pointed at the pitch-black coffin. With just a glance, she could tell that this coffin was made of hundred-year-old willow wood. The Yin Energy was very heavy, and anyone who approached it would feel a chill.

Wen Wen immediately turned to look at the butler. He had just rushed back from another city, but his attention had been diverted by the changes in Wen Rou's corpse, so he did not see the problem with the coffin. Although he did not know much about coffins, when he saw Feng Nian's serious expression, he suddenly felt that he had made a huge mistake.

The butler was also at a loss. He had only asked someone to quickly find a coffin, but he did not expect it to be a willowwood coffin. This coffin was pitch-black, so how could he know how to distinguish it?

Feng Nian shook his head heavily when he saw the butler and Wen Wen's expressions. The willow tree attracted resentment and lying in the willow tree coffin would cause the dead to not be at peace. If it was not handled well, the Wen family would definitely be annihilated. Moreover, the family who used the willowwood coffin would probably have no descendants.

Wen Wen could only place his hopes on Feng Nian now. He asked in a low voice, "Then I'll immediately get someone to choose a good coffin and ask the master to perform a ritual for the Wen family?"

Feng Nian did not reply. Instead, she paced slowly beside the willow coffin.

The girl in the coffin was about 14 years old. Her eyes were closed, her nose was high, and her mouth was delicate. Her flaxen hair was loose on her shoulders. Although her face was pale, she must have been a little beauty when she was alive. It was a pity that she drowned at such a young age.

"Other than in this room, are there any other changes in the house?" Feng Nian suddenly asked because she sensed a black aura surrounding the Wen Residence.

At this moment, Wen Wen had more trust in Feng Nian. He immediately gestured for the butler to tell Feng Nian everything that had happened in the past few days.

After listening to the butler's description, Feng Nian had a rough understanding of the Wen Residence. The object that appeared beside Mrs. Wen's pillow for the past few days should be a prank by a ghost. As for the change in Wen Rou's corpse, the death of someone in the Wen Residence caused the Yin Energy to rise in the house, giving the evil spirit an opportunity. These two things should be done by the same evil spirit. It seemed that the evil spirit would continue to appear tonight.

She asked the Wen family to prepare another coffin for Wen Rou. After moving Wen Rou over, Feng Nian stopped Wen Wen from burning the willow coffin. That was because it was very likely that the evil spirit had come because of this willow coffin. Only by keeping this coffin could the evil spirit appear again.

Wen Wen listened to Feng Nian's instructions and got someone to first place the willow coffin beside Wen Rou's new coffin. There were two pitch-black coffins in the back hall, making one's hair stand on end. Moreover, the temperature in the back hall seemed to have dropped quite a bit. From time to time, there would be wind blowing, making some faint howling sounds.

The butler brought Feng Nian to the guest room because Feng Nian would stay in the Wen Residence tonight and wait for the evil spirit to reveal its true appearance.

At night, the surroundings of the Wen residence were quiet. Tonight, Feng Nian had specially instructed that no one was allowed to leave the room, or else they would bear the consequences. Everyone in the Wen family could sense that today was different from usual, so naturally, no one dared to stay outside their rooms. They had closed the door early to rest.

Looking out of the window of the guest room, the pale moonlight shone on the backyard of the Wen family. There were still half of the red roses left in the flower bed that had not been eradicated. Under the moonlight, they emitted a bewitching red color and the faint fragrance of the flowers drifted into the guest room.

"Pitter patter." A series of cheerful footsteps sounded outside the empty corridor. Everyone in the Wen Residence had already fallen asleep. Needless to say, the footsteps at this moment belonged to the evil spirit.

Listening to the approaching footsteps, Feng Nian knew that it was coming.

Clenching the talisman tightly in her hand, Feng Nian stood up. She was already prepared. At this moment, her head felt dizzy, and the scene in front of her gradually blurred. She cursed in her heart. She had fallen into a trap. She looked at the roses outside the window. The flowers were still bright red, and there was something wrong with the fragrance of the flowers. Before she completely lost consciousness, she saw a pair of bright red shoes appear in front of her.


In the middle of the night, everything was silent. The temperature in the air was abnormally low. Under the moonlight, one could even see a hazy miasma.

In the southern cemetery of the city, a black sedan chair was moving on the road. From time to time, the rustling sound of grass being brushed by the sedan chair could be heard. This was a hard-clothed sedan chair that was typically carried by two people. It was in the shape of a pagoda. Ordinary sedan chairs were patterned with rich flowers blooming, but this sedan chair was filled with evil ghosts. What was even more terrifying was that this sedan chair was not carried by any sedan chair bearer, and it was still swaying forward.

The wind blew and lifted a corner of the curtain of the palanquin. A girl lay quietly inside. This girl was wearing sportswear. She had fair skin and an oval face. Her beautiful hair was scattered on both sides of her shoulders. Her lips were pursed and her eyes were closed. She was Feng Nian.

The palanquin swayed and suddenly stopped. A pitch-black coffin appeared.

Two living dead suddenly appeared next to the palanquin, which had been thought to be uncarried. These two living dead were actually dead people who refused to swallow their last breath of resentment and still supported their corpses to move. Without vitality, the skin on their bodies would slowly fester, and their muscles would slowly rot until they turned into bones. The muscles on these two living dead had already begun to rot, and their bodies emitted the smell of rotting flesh.

Feng Nian was dragged out of the palanquin by the two undead palanquin bearers. The pitch-black coffin was placed in the huge pit that had just been dug. The soil around the pit was still wet.

Feng Nian slowly woke up after being pulled by someone. Just now, he seemed to have felt that he was swaying in the palanquin. Now that he opened his eyes, he realized that he had really been pulled out of the palanquin by someone, no, by the living dead. He had encountered the living dead carrying the palanquin.