
Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

The legitimate daughter of the Feng family actually had to stay in a haunted house. Everyone thought she'd make a fuss and hang herself, but she ended up staying calm and quiet each day. She even set up a stall to make a living. A few months later, the Feng family asked her to return. She smiled and shook her head. If she returned to the Feng family, she wouldn't have ghost maids to carry out chores for her at home. Lord Wei of Chizhazun City possessively pulled his fiancee into his arms. "My wife is a scaredy cat. Don't frighten her." "Are you joking?" The ghosts who were captured asked. Just as everyone anticipated Lord Wei to call off the wedding with his fiancee, news of them getting married arrived."Special edition! Special edition! Lord Wei has married Ms. Feng!" "Impossible! Lord Wei is celibate. He's mysterious and keeps a low profile. No woman can even get close to him." Lord Wei smiled in a satisfied manner. "Nian, where would you like to capture ghosts tonight?"

Yan Wanyan · Integral
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40 Chs

Borrowing Luck

Traductor: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Tian Fang's family, who lived next door to Weng Chunsheng, never dreamed that someone would actually invest in their small bungalow, even though it was not lacking in tiles or bricks.

In front of the buyer, Tian Fang asked three times if she wanted to buy her family's house and looked at the house purchase contract five times before signing her name with trembling hands. If they could sell this bungalow, their family could move out and their children could settle down in the city. Studying would not be a problem and their lives would be hopeful.

Perhaps they were worried that the buyer would suddenly change their mind and not buy it, or perhaps they were eager to leave this poor Weng Family Village. In just two days, Tian Fang's family had moved out of the bungalow.

Xiao Jiasheng paced back and forth in Tian Fang's bungalow. This was the first time he had seen a house like this. The roof was covered with tiles to protect it from the wind and rain. Feng Nian was measuring the direction with a compass.

Xiao Jiasheng walked back and forth in the bungalow a few times. After the novelty passed, he leaned over to Feng Nian and looked at the compass in her hand. He asked, "What do the words on it mean?"

"On the compass are directions. From the north, they are arranged in order: Ren Zi Gui, Chou Gen Yin, Jia Mao Yi, Chen Xun Si, Bing Wu Ding, Wei Kun Shen, Geng You Xin, and Xu Qian Hai. I'm looking for a position. Stand by my side and don't disturb me." After Feng Nian explained the function of the compass, she lowered her head to look at the changes in the compass.

A moment later, the needle on the compass stopped.

"Found it." Feng Nian's face revealed a happy smile. As long as she started digging from this location, they would be able to find Fan Lingling.

Come to think of it, Fan Lingling had passed away six years ago. In order to find her corpse, they could not do it when there was Yang energy. Otherwise, her corpse would be hurt by Yang energy. This meant that Fan Lingling's spirit would also be damaged. Therefore, the best time to dig was after the sun set.

When Tian Fang moved out of the bungalow, she had already informed the neighbors around her that someone wanted to buy her family's house and land. After demolishing her family's original bungalow, they wanted to rebuild it. Therefore, the Xiao family had already set up protective cloth around the bungalow early in the morning. When they were excavating behind the bungalow, no one in the village cared. They thought that the person who bought it was building the house during the construction period.

"Xiao Jiasheng, tell them to be careful. Don't hurt Fan Lingling later," Feng Nian reminded as she watched. If her guess was right, they would be able to see Fan Lingling soon.

The Xiao family followed Feng Nian's instructions and used shovels to dig behind the bungalow. The few of them took turns. Soon, a pile of wasteland was piled up beside them.

"Bang." With a swing of the shovel, the original ground actually collapsed without any warning, revealing a pit about one meter by one meter.

The dust that rose up blinded everyone present. After the dust dissipated a little, Feng Nian relied on the light of the flashlight and saw that there seemed to be something at the bottom of the pit. Because it was far away, she could not see what it was.

"The two of you go down and take a look first." Xiao Jiasheng gestured for the two bodyguards from the Xiao family to enter the pit to see what was going on, but Feng Nian stopped them. "Don't, I'll go. They don't understand, I don't want them to scare Fan Lingling."

Xiao Jiasheng did not insist. His grandmother had told him to listen to Feng Nian's arrangements. After he got someone to find a thick rope, Feng Nian tied it around her waist and slowly walked down the hole.

The air in the pit was not good, and there was sand mixed in. When her feet stepped on the ground again, Feng Nian looked up. This depth should be close to seven to eight meters. She shone her flashlight forward and found that there seemed to be something lying in front of her. She sighed and walked forward.

A set of white bones lay quietly on the dusty ground, maintaining the posture of protecting her abdomen with both hands. Although they were called white bones, it was really a jade-like skeleton. Fragments of the dress were still scattered on the skeleton, but the original snow-white color of the dress could no longer be seen. This set of white bones was Fan Lingling.

"Fan Lingling, I'm here to bring you home," Feng Nian said softly. Firstly, it was to reassure Fan Lingling. Secondly, she knew that there was something strange going on.

In five to six years, a normal human skeleton would turn grayish-black, but Fan Lingling's skeleton was the opposite. She carefully put Fan Lingling's skeleton into a bag and brought it out of the hole.

After storing the bones, she followed the cloth and walked to the Ren position. Sure enough, there was a small seal on the ground. The bronze seal was still clearly visible under the dim light.

"As expected, burying a corpse to borrow luck."

The so-called burying a corpse and borrowing luck meant to bury the person who still had a chance of survival in the place with the best luck to achieve the goal of borrowing luck. However, this prescription was vicious and the backlash was deep. Fan Lingling was buried when she was still breathing and the people who buried her even borrowed the luck of the Weng Family Village for a few years. The village gradually fell.

"Break!" Feng Nian relied on the bracelet as a magic tool to directly break the array formation of burying corpses and borrowing luck. She was angry, so angry that she ignored the taboo of breaking the array formation. How could anyone watch as a living person was buried underground for their own luck?

After the formation was broken, she directly picked up the seal. Underneath the seal was engraved Yu Meiqiang's name and his date of birth. Yu Meiqiang had used the luck of the Weng Family Village to make a big achievement in the transportation industry in Zun City. Otherwise, with his sour face, how could he have become an outstanding person in the industry?

Suddenly, Feng Nian touched the edge of the seal. There was an ancient word engraved there. "This is—" Just as she was about to take a closer look, a commotion came from above.

Feng Nian did not hesitate anymore. She stuffed the seal into her pocket and pulled the rope around her waist, signaling the person above the pit to pull her up.

With the bag containing Fan Lingling's skeleton, she returned to the top of the pit.

A familiar face appeared in front of her. It was Yu Meiqiang.

"Big Brother, the girl from that day." The person beside Yu Meiqiang recognized Feng Nian. That day, at Fan Rui's house, Yu Meiqiang was suddenly thrown into the air. It was this girl who took out a wooden sword that saved Yu Meiqiang from danger. They all guessed that they had seen a ghost and specially went to the temple to ask for a safety talisman to wear.

"Feng Nian, are you done?" Xiao Jiasheng had only brought six members of the Xiao family over today. If they were to fight against the 20 or so people brought by Yu Meiqiang, they would definitely be at a disadvantage. He decided to let someone take Feng Nian away first. He whispered his thoughts to Feng Nian.

However, Feng Nian rejected Xiao Jiasheng's good intentions. She handed the bag containing Fan Lingling's bones to Xiao Jiasheng. "Guard the things in the bag." She walked to the front and faced Yu Meiqiang. She only had one thought now, and that was to give this person a good beating on Fan Lingling's behalf.

"We meet again." The muscles on Yu Meiqiang's face trembled, and a meaningful smile hung on his face. Last time at the old tube-shaped building, he had already taken a fancy to this girl. She was beautiful and fresh. She looked like a poor student. It would be good if he could raise her for fun. He could still afford to raise a student.

Feng Nian slowly walked towards Yu Meiqiang. Without saying a word, she threw a punch at his face at lightning speed.

Everyone was shocked. They did not expect a girl to be so ruthless. They did not react for a moment.