
Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

The legitimate daughter of the Feng family actually had to stay in a haunted house. Everyone thought she'd make a fuss and hang herself, but she ended up staying calm and quiet each day. She even set up a stall to make a living. A few months later, the Feng family asked her to return. She smiled and shook her head. If she returned to the Feng family, she wouldn't have ghost maids to carry out chores for her at home. Lord Wei of Chizhazun City possessively pulled his fiancee into his arms. "My wife is a scaredy cat. Don't frighten her." "Are you joking?" The ghosts who were captured asked. Just as everyone anticipated Lord Wei to call off the wedding with his fiancee, news of them getting married arrived."Special edition! Special edition! Lord Wei has married Ms. Feng!" "Impossible! Lord Wei is celibate. He's mysterious and keeps a low profile. No woman can even get close to him." Lord Wei smiled in a satisfied manner. "Nian, where would you like to capture ghosts tonight?"

Yan Wanyan · Integral
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40 Chs

Black Spirit Snake

Traductor: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of the door opening, the Keeper's old voice sounded. "The Mountain Goddess invites you into the temple."

The corners of Feng Nian's mouth curled up. He thought that opening the temple door would do nothing to him. Anyway, even if the door was not opened, she would open it herself. Alright, it saved her the effort of opening the door.

Without hesitation, she crossed the threshold of the Mountain God Temple and saw Cai Yulin kneeling on the praying mat with a pious expression. He pressed his palms together and looked straight at the statue of the Mountain Goddess in front of him, but his eyes were lifeless. If one did not look carefully, it was difficult to notice that there was a thin layer of frost on his eyelashes. His five senses were sealed and he did not react to anything in the outside world.

She retracted her gaze from Cai Yulin and looked up at the statue of the Mountain Goddess placed in the middle.

She wore a crown of flower vines on her head and held a flower basket in her hand. She had a smile on her face and her black hair was raised high, making her look like a fairy that was about to fly into the sky. This was the Mountain Goddess worshipped in the Mountain God Temple.

"If the world knew that the Mountain Goddess couldn't protect them, what do you think they would think?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the statue of the Mountain Goddess, which was originally like a fairy, began to collapse. Stones began to peel off one after another. Soon, a black figure hidden inside could be vaguely seen.

Hissing sounds echoed in the empty hall. She knew that the evil spirit had been angered by her.

"Where did this little girl come from?" A woman who looked exactly like the statue appeared in front of her. She was dressed in a black gauze dress that dragged on the ground. She wore flower vines on her head and had a slim waist. She did not even look at Cai Yulin, who was kneeling on the futon. Instead, she slowly walked towards Feng Nian.

Feng Nian did not like trouble, and she did not like evil spirits who pretended to be fairies. She did not say much about those who could be dealt with in a fight. She waved her talisman directly, and golden threads wrapped around the evil spirits.

"Mystical Master? It's just a mere array." The evil spirit did not care about the array she waved out at all. It closed its eyes and opened them. The golden threads were all broken.

"So you're really a snake. Unfortunately, I didn't bring realgar." Feng Nian smiled slyly. When the evil spirit broke the array, the pupils of its eyes turned yellowish-green and kept shrinking.

She had seen through the true form of the evil spirit. It was a little angry and opened its mouth wide. A red snake tongue with a sticky liquid extended from its mouth. It wanted to use this snake tongue to wrap up the seal and swallow it.

Naturally, Feng Nian would not be caught by the snake's tongue so easily. She nimbly dodged to the side, and the snake's tongue hit the stone pillar. With a thud, the stone pillar fell. The roof supported by the stone pillar also collapsed, and tiles fell, raising a cloud of dust.

The commotion caused by her fight with the heretics was not small, but Cai Yulin still knelt on the futon motionlessly. The Keeper stood quietly at the side. It seemed that even if the entire Mountain God Temple collapsed, they would not move.

No, she could not continue fighting in the temple. Otherwise, Cai Yulin's safety would not be guaranteed. After some thought, she could only lure the heretics out of the Mountain God Temple as soon as possible.

As she chanted, the talismans in her hand turned into sharp blades and shot towards the evil spirit. The evil spirit dodged one sharp blade after another, but it could not avoid the last one. Its face was slashed by the sharp blades, and red beads slowly seeped out.

"How dare you scratch my face!" Although the evil spirit was originally a snake, she was like the women in the world. She valued her appearance very much. As soon as her appearance was smudged, the evil aura on her body began to increase.

"Why don't I slash you again to make your face symmetrical?" Feng Nian angered the heretics as she slowly retreated out of the temple. She wanted to attract the heretics to chase after her.

In order to lure the heretics out of the Mountain God Temple, Feng Nian could not help but quicken her pace and step out of the Mountain God Temple.

The evil spirit thought that Feng Nian was going to escape, so it immediately revealed its original form. A huge snake that was completely black and had yellowish-green eyes appeared. When it stood upright, it was even taller than the Mountain God Temple. However, a small section of its long snake tail was missing.

After the giant snake appeared, the little black snakes that had been lingering around came in front of it and bowed slightly to it, as if to show their respect. Those black snakes were afraid of Feng Nian, so they did not dare to take a step forward. On the way here, she had killed many black snakes. However, when the evil spirit revealed itself, they immediately forgot the fear she had caused.

"You're a Spirit Snake?" Feng Nian was a little uncertain. According to the records, Ancient Spirit Snakes could make all snakes in the world bow down to them. However, Spirit Snakes had long gone extinct.

"Little girl, since you can recognize me, it means that you're not stupid. Originally, I didn't want to become enemies with a Mystical Master, but not only did you step into my territory, but you also want to kill me. I can't let you live." Black Spirit Snake's pupils stopped contracting as it stared straight at Feng Nian, as if it was going to swallow her in the next second.

Black Spirit Snake's intense hostility caused all the black snakes in the surroundings to pounce on her. The black snakes revealed their sharp teeth and moved like a huge black shadow, wanting to drown everything in the darkness.

Feng Nian swore that this was definitely the first time she had seen so many snakes in her life. After she waved away the first few snakes, other snakes immediately pounced on her from behind. There was no end to them. There was no end to them. Her sportswear was already stained with snake bite marks.

Although she was not afraid of snakes, it was still a little troublesome for so many snakes to pounce on her at the same time. She suddenly ran out of the circle of snakes and went to the side.

Black Spirit Snake, who had watched everything from the sidelines, hissed. It thought that the Mystical Master was already dead and could only escape. "Catch her and don't let her escape." It used the snake language to give another order to the group of snakes.

The snakes naturally followed Feng Nian's orders. At this moment, a hollow sound sounded.

She picked up a bamboo pole and began to hit it. The hollow sound was made by the bamboo pole. Strangely, the simple bamboo sound made by the bamboo pole scared away many snakes. The other snakes were submissive and did not dare to move forward.

Striking snakes with bamboo poles was an ancient method. Those who were proficient in using bamboo poles would be able to hit a snake's weak spot. If they could not, the tip of the bamboo pole would be able to pierce the snake's body and severely injure it. Therefore, when they heard the bamboo sound, the snakes immediately retreated in fear and did not dare to advance. If it weren't for Black Spirit Snake, they would have long fled in all directions.

"You're courting death!" Black Spirit Snake saw that the snakes were too scared to move forward, so it decided to do it itself. It shrunk its broken tail and leaped higher.

Feng Nian only managed to dodge Black Spirit Snake's attack in time, but her left hand was heavily struck by its tail. The pain spread through her, and her vision suddenly turned black.

Seeing this, Black Spirit Snake knew that this was a good opportunity to get rid of her, so it raised its snake tail high and aimed it at her.

With a heavy tail strike, the bluestone bricks were shattered, and rubble flew everywhere. The dust clouded the surroundings. When the dust cleared, Black Spirit Snake's originally happy expression gradually turned cold. Because Feng Nian was safe and sound under its heavy attack, a faint purple light surrounded her, forming a protective circle.

This layer of purple light reminded Black Spirit Snake of the past. "You're from the Feng family?"

"That's right," she replied with a smile. She did not dodge just now because she had used the power of the bracelet to protect herself.