
Lord Of The Undead

Dying of cardiac arrest on a sunny afternoon, Reck thought that was the end of life. Until he found himself transmigrated into the body of a younger man. The worst part of it all was that the world to which he had been transported was going through its second phase of an apocalypse. Gifted with superpowers and faced with terrifying beasts and even worse humans, Reckless had to learn how to survive. But the question was... How?

Tiff_Lin · Fantasía
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17 Chs


Reckless' response mirrored that of anyone asked the same question. "If a dog barks at me, I would ignore it," he replied.

Kenneth nodded and was about to respond when Reckless continued, "But if the dog persists, I might ask what's wrong with it or even try to chase it away."

Kenneth: ??? 

Can the dog reply back to you?

The words he intended to say got stuck in his throat as he shook his head and mumbled softly, "You wouldn't understand."

It was rare for the know-it-all Reckless to be told he wouldn't understand, but in this case, it was true. 

Wasn't that the same reaction anyone would have?

Just like the day he had followed Rhea's dog. Perhaps that was why he would never comprehend; he preferred to react immediately rather than tolerate annoying mosquitoes buzzing around his ears. He lacked patience and tolerance. He might not willingly cause trouble, but if trouble came his way, he wouldn't be Reckless if he didn't turned it upside down.

He found himself patting Kenneth's shoulder before changing the topic and introducing himself. "By the way, I'm Reck. I live across from you."

"Kenneth," the other man mumbled his name, and Reckless grinned before walking away.

**Back to the Present**

He gazed at the young man curiously and asked, "Are you no longer turning into a vampire who stays inside during the day and comes out at night?"

They had become somewhat familiar. Reckless enjoyed provoking reactions from a man who didn't care much about others' opinions.

Kenneth nodded and informed, "I want to join the hunt."

Rhea nodded at Kenneth with a small smile. He was her younger brother's friend.

Finally, their turn arrived, and after completing the registration process, they noticed that twenty-five people had not registered. Evidently, they weren't interested in the hunt. After all, who knew what challenges awaited them in the wild, far from the safety of Ethereal and its protectors.

It was already nighttime on the ship, but the dim lighting allowed them to see clearly, much like in daylight.

Tyler closed the registration book, capped the pen and put it in his breast pocket, and exhaled deeply. He had written more names than he and his team had anticipated.

He looked at the Awakened and cleared his throat loudly.

"The hunt will commence tomorrow. But before that, you must form groups of ten. Let's do this quickly."

People appeared startled at first, but they gradually started to move.

Reckless and Rhea stood together, and Kenneth joined them.

"I'll join your group."

Reckless blinked; when did he announce that he was forming a group? He was actually looking to join one.

Soon, two more girls approached them. They looked so much alike that one might think they were seeing a mirror image. Tall and slender, with honey-colored skin and waist-length brunette hair tied in ponytails, they wore black leather skirts that stopped just below their butts and accentuated their figures, and the leather jacket which was left unbuttoned with a grey vest shows a bit of cleavage. One might call them sexy if not for the swords hanging at their waists.

"Hi," one of them stepped forward and waved. Her voice was bold yet sweet as she grinned. "I'm Leyla, and my sister here," she put her arm around her sister's shoulder, "is Leela."

Reckless and the others introduced themselves, and Leyla, who stood to the left, smiled beautifully. "Hopefully, we'll get along well."

Five more people joined them, including Rhea's suitor, Brian, and a cheerful, middle-aged uncle with a shiny bald head and a large stature who introduced himself as Uncle Bodhi. There was also a shy girl named Adalyn and two young men who appeared to be friends, Milo and Desmond, with a bold appearance.

By this time, the chandeliers on the ship were lit, giving the cabin a nightclub-like ambiance.

"Now that you've all formed your groups, I suggest you elect one person from your group to come forward and pick a piece of paper from here. The number on the paper will determine your group's order during the hunt."

Everyone nodded and murmured as Ivy, the woman who had expressed her gratitude to Ethereal, stepped out from her group to select a piece of paper Tyler had prepared.

Soon, other groups did the same, and sighs of relief were heard from those who did not get Group 1. Being Group 1 in such a situation, where they had no overview of what lay ahead, seemed like a disaster.

Reckless' group sent Uncle Bodhi, who eagerly complied, grinning as he picked a piece of paper.

Curiously, everyone looked up expectantly to learn their group's number, but all they saw was Uncle Bodhi's trembling hand and his paling face.

He looked at them, his lips trembling.

Leyla stepped forward and looked at the piece of paper in his hand, but her expression froze as she looked at the number.

She gazed at the men and then grinned. "Congratulations, guys, we are Group 1."

Everyone froze, and Uncle Bodhi looked at them apologetically, regretful that he was the one to pick the paper. Maybe if they had sent someone else, the outcome perhaps would have been different. Reckless and the others didn't blame him, and they sighed before forcing a smile, saying that it is alright.

One might have expected everyone to understand, but not everyone did. Reckless could hear Desmond's blaming voice, "Why the hell did you choose that number? You did this on purpose, didn't you? Do you want all of us to die in an uncharted territory?"