
Lord Of The Undead

Dying of cardiac arrest on a sunny afternoon, Reck thought that was the end of life. Until he found himself transmigrated into the body of a younger man. The worst part of it all was that the world to which he had been transported was going through its second phase of an apocalypse. Gifted with superpowers and faced with terrifying beasts and even worse humans, Reckless had to learn how to survive. But the question was... How?

Tiff_Lin · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

The siblings

What he saw was a carpenter shop, a freaking carpenter workshop. He couldn't be any happier as he knew he would be able to find a hammer, a hammer to smash the zombies' head!

He instantly ran towards it and stopped at the door for fear of a zombie suddenly charging at him.

However, as he remembered the ones that were still chasing him, he stepped in, and looking inside carefully, he was happy to discover that there wasn't a single human or zombie around.

His gaze swept around, and his eyes landed on the hammer by the table, and he hurriedly skidded to take it, but before he could grab it, a dog suddenly jumped out of nowhere, scaring him to jump back. 

The dog suddenly started barking, and it turned around, a sign that Reckless should come with him.

Reckless wasn't a fool, and couldn't act like his name in a situation like this.

He frowned and said. "Hey doggie, can you let me take the hammer?" 

The dog barked again, pointing behind it anxiously.

Reckless sighed and massaged his temple; he couldn't understand what was happening to this dog at all.

After musing about it, he finally decided to follow this dog.

"Alright, lead the way." The dog seemed happy and jumped off the table, allowing Reckless to take the hammer, and that birthed a second thought in him, should he kill the dog and run away?

Wait, wouldn't the dog chase after him then?

And he heard that a dog's bite can make one go crazy.

God help him.

But he has a bit of principle, thus, he limped after the dog. The injury on his leg had gotten worse when he ran earlier. It needs urgent treatment, but it is not like he could treat himself for the time being.

He didn't even realize there was another door in the small workshop, and the dog anxiously looked at him when they reached the door.

Reckless hesitated before nodding, then pushed open the door.

He heard a gasp, which belongs to a human, and he looked around the dark room suspiciously. He could make out an image of a young girl and a boy hugging each other in comfort.

The girl was the same age as him, while the boy would probably reach his waist, and they looked up to him as soon as he entered, their gaze meeting.

"W–Who are you?" The girl slowly stood up, looking at him vigilantly. 

"Uhmmmm, I am a human being; your dog brought me here."

"Yo–You are not a zombie?" She asked again.

Reckless blinked, a small smile on his lips. "C'mon girl, do I even look like one? And do you think a zombie would be chatting with you like I am now."

The girl heaved a sigh of relief. "Then are you here to save... us?"

"Ah?" Reckless was obviously stunned before he shook his head. "Sorry, but right now, I can't even protect myself."

"...Ah." A disappointed sigh came out of the girl's lips.

The younger boy also stood up and tugged her shirt; his small voice slowly asking. "Sister, are we going to die?"

The girl trembled before looking at her brother's grape-like eyes and she shook her head.

"No, we're not," Even though she said this, her tone wasn't firm at all. As if realizing this, she added. "Sister will protect you."

Reckless shook his head and watched the siblings comfort each other, then said indifferently.

"This place isn't safe; the zombies would be here in no time."

"Th–then can we...follow you?"

"Of course." He nodded. "I can't promise that I will protect you though, but I will try my best."

The girl pursed her lips and took her brother's hand. "I understand."

"Good. I am Reck, what about you guys?"

"I am Rhea, my brother here is Ray."

Reckless nodded. "Let's leave then; I will go and scout out first."

Then he walked out, followed by the siblings.

As soon as he got outside, he saw that the zombies chasing him had now arrived at the door, and without a delay, he shouted and swung the hammer at the same time.

"Close the door!"

The door was shut, and he could now deal with the zombies in peace.

The first hit turned the zombie's head to the side, and he had already hammered another one near him, then delivered another blow to the first one.

[You've slain a Level 1 zombie, you gain 2 points, Strength +1 Health +1 Agility +1]

He delivered another blow to the zombie, successfully smashing its head.

[You've slain a Level 1 zombie, you gain 2 points, Strength +1]

Full of energy, Reckless continued to fight with the zombies, and after a while, he finally finished dealing with them. 

[You've slain a Level 1 zombie, you gain 1 point]

[You've slain a Level 1 zombie, you gain 2 points. Health +2, Agility +2]


[Congratulations, you've leveled up to Level 2!]

He glanced around, and seeing that no zombie was coming for now, he put down the hammer beside him and summoned his status window, and a small smile appeared on his face as he noticed the change.

[Name: Reckless

Health Point: 18

Status: Youngling {Level 1/ 30} 

Level: 2

Agility: 12

Weapon: None

Retainer: None

Skill: None

Strength: 19

Stamina: 10

Mana: 40

Points: 12

Appearance: F

Title: None

Charm: 0 ]

In fact, the pain in his leg had disappeared, and his aching bones no longer hurt that badly, except for his stamina, which caused him to heave up and down.

This body was truly weak.

"Can we come out now?" He heard Rhea's soft voice.

"...Yes, yes." He had forgotten about them already due to the euphoric feeling.

The door was opened, and his gaze landed on the siblings. It was only now that he could make out their appearance.

Rhea was almost the same height as him; she had long legs, a normal-sized chest, fair skin, and an oval face. Her appearance was neat, and her eyes were big, beautiful, and soulful, and her pink lips were pursed, showing her distress. Her pink hair was tied up into a ponytail. She was beautiful.

Her younger brother also looked a bit like her, and his head was fluffy pink; the boy looked like a doll.

If it was on Earth, they would probably be famous if they decided to become a star.

The siblings were also checking him out.

They seemed to have something to say but eventually kept quiet.

Rhea's gaze turned to the zombies on the ground and then back to the boy.

"Where are we going now?"

Reckless looked around then pointed out. "There is nobody around here. Aren't you a resident? You should know a safe way to go, right."

"No," Rhea shook her head bitterly. "Nowhere is safe since the outbreak. People just run to where their legs carried them to."

Reckless sighed while Rhea added. "Should we go pack some necessities? The government promised to evacuate us soon, but it has been a week since they said that, and we have to live before that."

"Indeed, but snacks only will do. We don't know what we would encounter anyway."

She nodded. "You should come with me then," Then she glanced at his body. "You can also take a bath."

Reckless was instantly happy. This body had been giving him problems since. His clothes really made him look like a beggar, which didn't suit the selective him that had had the best since young.

He wanted to have a hot, good bath and a nice rest – but that didn't seem possible for now.

And if he could have a meal...

The thought made his stomach growl. Till now, he was still regretting that he had died before eating Aunty Li's pork.

It was only now that he realized how hungry this starved body was.

"Do you have food at home? Can you cook?" He directly asked, his eyes shining expectantly.

"...I can cook noodles." Rhea replied.

"Good." A smile filled Reckless' face instantly, and he urged. "Let's go."

A small smile also bloomed on Rhea's face upon seeing his energetic appearance.

Reckless suddenly thought of something and said. "I will lead the way, you should point out the road for me."

He didn't want them to die before he eats. Or he would have to go hungry.

Rhea let him lead the way, the dog wagging its tail in front of them, while she pointed out the way from behind.

As a somewhat pampered young man, Reckless's life has always been to watch movies, sometimes play games, but he had never had any interest in cooking or traveling, and that's why he didn't know how tough the living condition in the slum is.

The surroundings reeked of a putrid smell, and from time to time, they would see houses that were on the verge of collapsing, and from Rhea's words, people used to live here before the apocalypse. He really couldn't make it out.


The scariest thing, of course, was how quiet the surroundings were; they seemed to be the only ones that existed here, and their silent footsteps as they stepped on the earth were the only things they could hear. There wasn't anything they could talk about, and thus, their journey to Rhea's home was silent.

Hmm, Rhea is beautiful, isn't she?

Tiff_Lincreators' thoughts