
Death & Rebirth

so Wolf was sat in his house on earth as his custom made naruto waring states armor had arrived it was Nice it was Pure Black Fur Included But his was different he even had Backplates to protect his exposed back he was trying it on and was smiling and happy Wolf was rich as he lived in a hidden island in the world he had lived there for over 15 years since he was 18 and also he found the island first so it belonged to him he had a wife and 3 kids who were all 13 -Triplets- but unknown to wolf a certain country had their sights on his island due to his island held a great quantity of metals rocks and above all Uranium and Adamantium.

so in secret, the USA had sent a Kill squad to kill Wolf his wife Meggan, and his 3 kids and just as wolf was trying his armor the kill squad had burst into the house on his island and in just a few seconds they had Shot his wife Meggan and had his 3 kids at gunpoint.

Now wolf's outside facial features were neutral inside however he was pissed beyond belief he had to watch as his wife was killed and kids were about to be.

Squad Captain- Wolf Ragnum Sign this -places a paper down to sign all holdings and such to USA- and your kids will live every minute you don't I kill a kid -Places his gun to his son's head- Sign now this is your last chance.

Son- Don't worry dad don't sign anything -BANG-.

squad captain- don't do stupid shit Sign now or I kill the remaining 2 -however, both kids said the same thing as their brother, and all 3 kids died with smiles not an ounce of fear- Stupid little fucks they could have lived if they kept quiet Sign now last chance.

Wolf- Hahahaha go ahead kill me See if your country gets this land -smirks- neither you nor anyone else shall get this land as its already in another country's hands thanks to u dumb fucks -He bites down on his right side teeth- you USA won't get a damn thing and will also be seen for who you really are SAY CHEESE FUCK FACES -From there wolf's starts to bleed profusely from his mouth and even his neck as his mouth and nake seem to be melting-.

the kill squad left after that they set the house ablaze and leave BUT not 24 hours later the whole world knew what had happened and also Knew Who had done it as it seems Wolf had installed a black box in his house and on his island and waters it had full records of everything from the boat that brought the kill squad to the attack the killings and the leaving every word said was also recorded and all this info was sent to England Russia and china and japan in the information was also a copy of a contract that wolf had written up with England stating the island and everything to do with it belonged to them.

This info being released worldwide by not only wolf but being backed up by all major powers well USA was not happy, to say the least, and wolf did get the last laugh his remaining family in England wanted justice for what had happened and many countries used this as a chance to Fuck over USA Big time alas Wolf would never know or find out what happened after he died.

wolf found it strange one moment he was in his house and had just activated his final failsafe and he remembered everything going black then his conscious did not fade he seemed to still be alive but he could move only a little tho but he felt strange Odd-even as he could feel a weird kind of feeling in him in his current state he was extremely mad angry upset and sad at the loss of his wife and children but in his current state he could not actually cry and his body found it difficult to actually deal with his emotions as he seemed to pass out and enter a state of slumber.

during this time his body had awoken his blood as his body mutated and developed and his bloodline had enhanced and as due to he activating his bloodline to the mangakyo add into the fact he is in the womb his mother's blood acted as a catalyst and Increased it further to the eternal mangakyo but his Sharingan was stronger than normal ones.

in the world, a woman is having great trouble with her developing child her name is Uno Uchiha she was Elite Jonin ninja of Konoha her husband Hon Uchiha Died in a mission but no information was given on it or how he died Uno believed foul play but she had noticed during half way threw her pregnancy there was great chakra emanating from her womb she had gone to the Uchiha clan head's wife and talked and such and even Mikoto was baffled and even scared she had the Uchiha medics came and look and what they found terrified them beyond everything.

Uno Mikoto and Fugaku and the Uchiha medics were sat in the main hall the medics were talking.

Medic- Uno san your child is the one releasing such chakra and it is easily jonin level chakra and rising rapidly not only that but the potency of the chakra is unlike anything I have ever seen or heard of even the old Uchiha records don't hold any information of such a potent chakra Ever not even Madara or hashirama Had this kind of chakra even in there prime My belief is this child must have there bloodline active even now but how or why we don't know.

Fugaku- this information stays with us in this room Speak not of any of this ever if you do you will be killed Is that understood Uno san you must take great care of yourself and the baby Mikoto Take care of Uno san along with ya self -she is pregnant with Itachi- is that clear love.

Mikoto- yes dear and don't worry we both shall be fine.

as time passes wolf awakens and its also the time of his birth as he is born in the Uchiha clan grounds as is Itachi as fugaku is hiding all information about Uno's child and such However a complication happens and Uno dies giving birth BUT what shocks and terrifies all is they see the baby not crying but looking around the room with his ETERNAL MANGAKYO some medics fainted Fugaku was doing a mighty fine fish impression after regaining there senses Mikoto took in Wolf -strangely Uno named him wolf- as her own child he was also older than Itachi by a good 10 hours but Fugaku agreed to take him in as his own.

as time goes by Wolf comes to understand where he is what that strange power is and he was happy the fact he had the eternal mangakyo made him even more ecstatic he even found out his chakra was at low kage level which shocked him completely time passed by as Wolf now turned 3 and fugaku had taken him and Itachi to a battleground to see war Itachi tried to help someone only for Wolf to kill said person as he tried to kill Itachithis shocked itachi but impressed fugaku.

Time goes by as it does in canon but Wolf trains Hard in using both his Sharingan and mangakyo but also his physical ability now he is 5 as is Itachi and wolf knows the ninetails attack will happen but he does not get involved and time continues Itachi now 12 and an Anbu captain as is Shisui as Itachi was torn on betraying clan and village but he knew Wolf was the strongest person in the village but he was kept secret by all the Uchiha but Itachi did not know whether to tell The third of Wolf and his power wolf did save Shisui from Danzo's attack since then Danzo has kept his distance from Shisui.

Wolf however in this time had not been lazy and he had gone to the Uchiha clan head and challenged fugaku to single combat for the right to rule the Uchiha Fugaku knew why wolf had challenged him and even agreed but he knew he could not allow wolf to take the lead so easy so they did battle in secret with the highest Uchiha present Minus Itachi and Shisui Wolf won and was now leader of Uchiha BUT he still had fugaku act as the head till it boiled over Wolf he even informed fugaku and the others that if Konoha does not change its stance the uchiha can and may simply leave Konoha after liquidating all assets in Konoha and just leaving Wolf now had his own Warring states armor the same as his custom from earth but made with chakra metal it was pitch black as was the fur not only that but wolf had even made some special items such as the hidden blades from Assasins creed he had on both arms he had plate style armguards while the hidden blades were underneath where his wrist is.

now the Uchiha were all angry and annoyed Konoha was treating them like shit and a lot of Uchiha were very pissed and wanted change at this time Itachi and Shisui had made their choice and they chose to side with the village like in canon so Itachi told the third about wolf and his power this shocked hiruzen and the clan heads Danzo was livid and said they should kill this wolf But Itachi and Shisui both said wolf was too strong so it was decided that they will remove the Uchiha clan in 1 month and both Itachi and Shisui will be the ones to do it they agreed with a heavy burden.

Wolf at this time had just told fugaku and the other Uchiha about Itachi and Shisui's betrayal and that the plan was to be enacted after the order was given the Uchiha started to sell off everything they had lands houses assets and stuff they did not need after 28 days everything of the Uchiha's in Konoha was sold off and such their houses were stripped bare and all had items to move and leave and had their money and such just awaiting the order to leave.

wolf at this time made his way to the village council chambers alongside fugaku Now was time to show himself and to show Konoha how much a fuck up they made they enter the council room as Wolf sits in the Uchiha clan head seat as fugaku stood behind him this shocked a lot in the room.

Danzo- Boy what do you think you are doing here get out now or you will be thrown out.

Wolf- Shut the fuck up Danzo Shimura now then I am Wolf Uchiha Clan Head and Lord of the Uchiha and I am here today to speak so shut the fuck up and listen cause I am only saying this once As of now the Uchiha clan is hereby leaving Konoha due to its betrayal towards the Uchiha and its mistreatment and misconduct so effective immediately the Uchiha are leaving Konoha That is all I have to say now Goodbye.

-stands and leaves along with Fugaku-

the council was in shock the Uchiha had just left like that ??? all were confused until shikaku Nara had started talking.

Shikaku Nara- Troublesome I knew this was going to happen after seeing the Uchiha movement in the last month they have been selling everything they owned in Konoha and such after thinking i came to the conclusion they were planning to leave the village.

Danzo- They cannot be allowed to leave we must eliminate them immediately so they pose no threat to Konoha now or in the future -koharu and Homura were agreeing with him- we cannot let the Uchiha leave they may give other villages information about Konoha's defenses it's ninja and vital intel they must be dealt with Hiruzen.

Hiruzen- Call Itachi and Shisui here now.

-a few minutes later Itachi and Shisui are stood in the council room confused about why they were called they had been preparing for their mission in 2 days to deal with the clan-

Hiruzen- Itachi did you know anything about this and how long has wolf been clan head of the Uchiha ???.

Itachi and Shisui- WHAT ????.

hiruzen- So not even you knew -he tells them what just happened- that's what happened now the Uchiha are leaving Konoha did either of you know of this but from my guess, neither of you did also that -points to a scroll wolf left- I believe was left for you two.

they open the scroll and read it aloud.

Scroll reading- Itachi and Shisui if you are reading this then that means you made your choice and it was Wrong you chose them over family you chose to betray family rather than help it for this and with a sad and heavy heart, I Wolf Uchiha Lord and Head of the Uchiha clan hereby Strip you of the Uchiha name and Brand you both Blood Kin Traitors with a kill on sight order I am really disappointed in you both even after I save Shisui's life from Danzo from me and farther and mother and brother Good luck in your new life.

Itachi had tear's down his face as did Shisui as he now knew who saved his life they had been removed from the Uchiha and branded blood kin traitors these are the biggest punishments in the clan that has never been issued before until now.

the words had shocked the council as a whole Hiruzen was even more shocked as he knew the heavyweight of their punishments and could not believe the Uchiha had issued them and even left the village.

and Anbu rush's in.

Anbu- Lord Hokage the Uchiha there leaving Konoha All of them what should we do.

Danzo- Order all anbu to stop them I will order root to stop them we shall attack them once we have them surrounded.

Hiruzen- ENOUGH you will do no such thing the Uchiha is no longer part of Konoha as that means they are civilians and are now not part of Konoha they are under the daimyo's laws rules and Protection we can do nothing Anbu where are they heading -Anbu tells them the fire capital- if i recall the Uchiha have a clan compound in the fire capital its been there since the building of the capital and has been sealed since the Uchiha lived here in Konoha I wonder where they will go will they stay in the capital or move on ????.

The council was sat most thinking the civilians were not talking the clan heads were thinking and the elders were fuming hiruzen had called the council to an end and they all returned home.

Days go by as the Uchiha have now settled in their compound in the fire capital the fire daimyo had sent a messenger to the compound asking the clan head to come to speak with him so Wolf left along with Fugaku and Izumo Izumi's farther -don't know his name made it up- Wolf and the 2 had been brought before the fire daimyo.

fire daimyo- ahhh Fugaku nice to see you again may I ask why is the Uchiha clan here in the capital and not in Konoha ???.

Fugaku- I am sorry fire daimyo sama but I am not the clan head anymore allow me to introduce Wolf Uchiha Lord and head of the Uchiha clan.

Wolf- Greetings Daimyo sama a pleasure to meet you I am wolf and as to why we are here in the capital its cause Konoha has betrayed the Uchiha 1 too many times and has been actively pushing are clan away and causing dissent within the clan ergo cause dissent towards the village so we had enough and have left the village after selling everything we owned in said village and came here so we can rest and relax and decide are next path.

Fire Daimyo- ohhh I did not know of such a thing but as long as you abide by my laws and such then I have no problem what so ever with you in my lands.

Wolf- thank you daimyo sama.

with that, they leave The daimyo has his own spies sent to Konoha to affirm if what wolf said is true days go to weeks go to months as the Uchiha flourish in the fire capital even doing missions for the fire daimyo directly they even get missions from the lords under the daimyo the Uchiha are not oppressed or suppressed and are not blocked they are growing rapidly in every way even in numbers as many Uchiha have met partners out of clan now there is no law stopping them as wolf got rid of it.

Konoha was not in the best shape as once the daimyo had found out the truth after digging with his own spies and having certain ninja clans come to speak with him personally then he cut the funding towards Konoha from there 100% down to 40% a harsh cut Konoha also found out the Uchiha were now getting personal missions from the daimyo and the lords of fire this was shocking to Konoha as they rarely got missions from the daimyo and lords.

5 years go by in the blink of an eye in that time Sasuke and many children in the Uchiha have been trained and when I say trained I mean Trained also in these years the Uchiha clan had grown in size due to many members marrying people from out of clan now that wolf had abolished the law of marrying in clan only now their numbers went from around the initial 1000 to maybe 1500 and around 300 have the Sharingan with more awakening every day the Uchiha had even worked with the daimyo's samurai in training them to better battle against enemy ninja this was all done free of charge as a sign of friendship between the daimyo and Uchiha one in which the daimyo was happy of.

now Sasuke was 12 and was at Elite chunin if not special jonin level The fire daimyo had asked Wolf if he could send an Uchiha to Konoha academy to show them the standards of ninja truly trained Wolf talked with Fugaku and Mikoto and he nominated Sasuke they agreed cause he was strong and had been trained well so again canon went without a hitch.

wolf had gotten word of Sasuke's mission to wave and was thinking if he should have some assassinate Gato and take his company over and such the idea has great merit.