
Lord of the Truth

Robin Burton is a young man who grow with everything anyone can hope for, immense talent for cultivation, sharp mind, a wealthy family that will stop at nothing to protect and nurture him He had everything... except the willingness to take them. "Why would I take the same route as my ancestors ? why should I become stronger? to beat this and compete with that..? At the end of this road what will happen? get a harem then die and be forgotten after a few years? NO! That is not what I got my talent for... THAT IS NOT WHAT I WAS BORN FOR! what I want is more... much more. I refuse... I will not take anyone's route, I will make my own... I do not want to be a legendary figure, I will be THE Legend.. I.. Robin.. will do it my way, or die trying." This is the story of a Researcher, a Warlord and... A Planetary Emperor.

TruthTeller · Militar
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894 Chs

The City of Hope

After another three years... Somewhere in the middle of the Desert of Death

"I still can't believe it! We will see the Lord today!!"

"Oh My God, I dream of meeting him every day, he is my savior and my ideal!"

"Hi guys, what are you talking about? what lord?"

"HAH? Are you new here? The Lord is the one who created this safe haven for us, he will grace us with his presence today!!"

"wh- whaaat? his Excellency is finally coming?!"

Amidst all the excitement and hustle, someone pulled his spiritual sense from his ring and opened his eyes, then shouted at the top of his voice, "Shut your mouths and get to your positions, the Lord is about to arrive!"


Suddenly a huge Draco, carrying a giant race member and a human on its back, stopped in front of a huge wall and began to beat his wings softly in midair.


"We salute our great Lord! We salute our great Savior!!"