
Ch 40: Politics

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'You're welcome, big man. I will be leaving now, but don't get too caught up in what I said. After all, it is the past. Enjoy your time with Mothra before the next incarnation happens, and I will make sure that things can be dealt with so you can have your time with her as I know you need it.' I say to Godzilla, and I get a wave of appreciation for my empathy and a small nod. I cut the link before walking out of the cave.

'Now, let's deal with some things down here before I head back up topside.' I then teleport, looking over the home of Skar King, and spread my senses over it and its surroundings.

'So there is another MUTO nearby besides Skar King and Shimo.' I turn my head to the left to see what looks like a cold Arctic region within a hollow earth. I then teleported over to it and saw a giant wolf running through the woods and snatching up deer like MUTOs as well.

As I come closer, the wolf's eyes dart towards me as if though I impended on its land and territory, then quickly charges toward me. 'well, they aren't very smart, but okay.' as the wolf comes closer, I whip my tail around me and grab the wolfs face with it before throwing them behind me a sack.

'So now that I just threw you like a sack, would you like to talk at all.' I say through a link to the wolf, to which I just get an angry growl and no actual feedback from the link, which causes my non-existent eyebrows to raise a bit.

'I will take that as a no then and just take a small souvenir from you and let you be on your way.' I say through the link, which gets a small look of fear but mainly anger from the giant wolf as it tries to get up and run back towards me, but I just simply pull some water out of the air and wrap him in chains before freezing it as I walk towards the MUTO.

'Anything you want to say now before I take a bit of your leg.' I say to the wolf, but he just bites at the air, causing me to roll my eyes a bit as I then bite into his leg and pull it off quickly, eating it in a couple of bites, causing the giant wolf to howl in pain and give me the meanest death glare I have ever received.

[DNA Absorption]

Titanus Fenrir DNA

Mutations Gained: Moon Empowerment

'I wonder what Moon Empowerment does.' I click on the mutation and read through its description, and it just gives me the moon version of Escanor.

'Well damn, that is definitely useful though I can also see it having its drawbacks, like making me weaker once the moon is no longer at its peak.' as I click off of the description and unchain Fenrir.

'You can leave, no, thank you for your little gift. It will be quite helpful. I don't know when, but it will be.' I say through the link as the Fenrir; then spontaneity grows a new leg before dashing back into the oversized forest.

'Good healing factor, too, though I can already do something similar, if not better.' As I turned away from the forest before teleporting to the cave with Anguirus, I saw that it was now vacant.

'It seems the anky has left his cave and even left me a present, too.' I see a shredded spike on the cave floor, which I levitate into my mouth and quickly eat before spreading my senses around to see where he might have gone.

[DNA Absorption]

Titanus Anguirus DNA

Mutations Gained: Kinetic Absorption and Bladed Scales

I then feel a heat course over the top of my body as my scales start to harden and gain a bladed edge. They start pointing upwards slightly, allowing for things to be cut on them. The rest of my body goes through a minor adjustment as my cells allow for the absorption of kinetic energy to be evenly spread across my body to minimize damage.

'Well, that was a good gain, especially with kinetic absorption.' I teleported in front of Anguirus, causing the giant MUTO to be confused and on an admirable defense as he looked me up and down.

'Don't be frightened. I won't do anything; I just wanted to say hello. After all, very few dinosaurs became MUTOs.' I say through a link, which causes Anguinus's eyes to widen as he looks at me more intently.

'Who are you, and why are you bothering me? I don't remember doing anything to you,' Anguirus says as he starts to defend himself and prepares to burrow into the ground if he needs to.

'Well, it's simple. I wanted to say thank you for the gift and get a better look at you. After all, there is just you, Rodan, and probably Zedus. If he is alive, that is.' I say through the link, which confuses him about what gift I am talking about, and then have a flash in his eyes, remembering who Rodan and Zedus are.

'What gift did I give you exactly, and what about me, Rodan, and Zedus.' Anguirus asks as he continues to ponder what I am talking about and try to understand this arrangement.

'The gift was one of your spikes or, more accurately, one of your shedded scales.' I say through the link, which causes all the scales around his body to stand on the edge and his tail to go up like a scorpion, ready to fling them at me.

'Calm down, Anguirus. I didn't do anything to hurt you, so just relax a bit, and you three are the only surviving dinosaurs that become MUTO, though you had the most changes from your original species coming to look like an armadillo.' I say, which causes his muscles to tighten around the scales on his tail, ready to be fired by just the slight swing of his tail.

'What about us being dinosaurs, even if we were alive then and changing how we used to be? Why does this matter to you.' Anguirus asks with his voice on edge.

'Just intrigue, really, and please calm the scales on your tail, or I will just rip them out.' I say to him, which causes a look of anger to show on his face at what I said. he then swings his tail, and I just catch all the scales with my telekinesis before making them disappear into my inventory.

'I said calm down, did I not?' I say with a slightly angry voice as my body enlarges to its full size. I tower over Anguirus, my horns starting to glow a dark purple and my throat turning a deep orange.

'I would suggest apologizing now, though I wouldn't mind seeing how you taste. I haven't had a proper meal in a couple of days,' I say to him as his body stills, his eyes wavering.

'I'm sorry,' Anguirus says with a stutter through the link as he curls his body slightly to make himself look smaller to me. My horns stop glowing, and the orange in my throat starts receding. I then shrink down to my previous size.

'Thank you for the apology. I will leave now, so have a good day, Anguirus.' I say through the link, then cut it before teleporting it away in front of the cave with Kong.

'I will talk with Ishirō tomorrow after doing some stuff with Kong.' I walk into the cave and see Kong just now waking up as he moved deeper into the cave at some point last night. 

'Morning Kong are you ready to do some random things before I leave for a day tomorrow.' I say through a link and just receive a tired nod from Kong as he walks out of the cave.

I then felt the rest of the day pass by as we spent the day just doing random things, like me teaching him more about fighting with weapons and later playing baseball after he got some rest, which quickly resulted in the day passing by as we went to sleep in the cave.

'Well, yesterday was a nice relaxing day, though now I get to talk with Ishirō a bit before I take him to the big man and have a good political discussion.' as I slowly get up from the cave floor and morph into my human form but making sure to keep my tail and horns as usual before teleporting to Monarchs Headquarters.

'Do I want a repeat of last time, or do I just teleport into his office and say that's it? ' I nod to my idea and teleport into Ishirō's office to see the man sleeping at his desk, a cold coffee in his hand, his head resting on my file.

"Hey Ishirō, it's morning time, my friend, and we have a lot to talk about." I nudge Ishirō awake and heat up his coffee with my thermal manipulation.

"What time is it?" Ishirō groggily asks as he picks his head up a bit and looks at me, which quickly wakes him up. This causes me to laugh a small bit and just get a small look at why.

"It is currently eight in the morning, my good sir, and I heated your coffee for you, so unless you need to pee, you don't have to go anywhere," I say, which gets a small nod of appreciation from the tired man.

"Thank you, though I thought we hadn't had another discussion for a few days," Ishirō asks as he takes a sip of his coffee, which causes him to smile.

"I decided to move the next meet-up date to today. Also, I have a meeting for you with your favorite person." I say, which causes a strange look on his face as he tries to think of who I mean.

"You know, Beyonce," Ishirō asks in confusion, causing me to start laughing like a complete idiot at the question. "No, Ishirō, I don't know, Beyonce. I meant Godzilla, but thank you for a laugh." I say as I continue half laughing while talking, causing a look of embarrassment to show on his face and question why I would mean Beyonce.

"So when do I meet Godzilla?" Ishirō quickly asks, trying to change the subject, which causes me another laugh as I start to calm down before I see a defeated look from the aged man. The plan is to meet him today after we talk a bit, but I don't know just yet," I answer as I wipe away a non-existent tear from the laughing.

"Well, what are we talking about then, Livyatan," Ishirō asks, still trying to change the subject, which I actually go with, as I then telepathically pull some files from the shelf behind him.

"There are a couple of things really I need to know who will be the most troublesome to convince that this is possible and show you who you will have the most trouble with from the MUTO side," I say to Ishirō now with a straight face as I hand him the file for Scylla, Tiamat, Amhuluk, Abaddon, and Yamata-no-Orochi.

"These five are going to be troublesome for various reasons. Because she doesn't like to listen to Godzilla's rule, Scylla will go through several periods of a hungry frenzy. Tiamat for mostly the same reason besides them thinking that they can defeat Godzilla even though they constantly get beat down for it." I say to Ishirō as he looks through the files and edits them slightly.

"Okay, what about the other three? " Ishirō says as I look at the new sticky note in the files for Scylla and Tiamat, which says troublesome and will not listen to Godzilla even though he has declared himself king and shown himself to be stronger.

"For Amhuluk, it is because he is the living embodiment of dead plant life, so he will be nothing Behemoth a lot, causing a lot of annoyances on both ends," I say to Ishirō as he notes that down but put him on a higher scale of annoyance than Scylla and Tiamat.

"Abaddon, because they are a giant mantis-like bug, it will probably be more of a problem on your side since it is well known that people don't like bugs very much," I say which Ishirō just nods his head to and just putting that file aside and not adding anything to it.

"Lastly, Yamata-no-Orochi for the fact that most legends related to them are true as they have shown several sadistic tendencies that I have seen and several fights have started between Tiamat and Yamata-no-Orochi as well as Yamata-no-Orochi sometimes going out of there a way to attack sea vessels," Ishirō notes down before closing the folder and just looking at me before he hands me my folder, which he was sleeping on.


{A/N Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and I would like to say that most chapters on Mondays will probably be updated erratically and won't be updated at a specific time, as shown with this one.

But in the fic, there will be one more chapter before a time skip, which will be the last chapter where the MC takes care of a couple of things and then leaves for the next world, which should be fun to see.

Though I will now put the usual below, I hope you all enjoyed it.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Kings Guard, Flaming Disaster +8

Length: 413m (1354ft)

DNA Assimilated: 296


[Makings of a King]


1: Kill Ghidorah (COMPLETE)

2: Help Godzilla (COMPLETE)

3: Prevent the death of Mothra (COMPLETE)

4: Explore


1: Unique Mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge

[Return to Monke]


1: Kill Skar King

2: Help King Kong (33%)


1: Random Mutation

2: World Kit

[Be a Pest]


1: Annoy Godzilla (COMPLETE)

2: Quality Time with King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: Mothra's Favor