
Ch 20: Clan Meetings

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'I believe the next clan to meet is the Hulanta clan, though that will probably just be a quick visit to buy some pottery.' I then start to fly into the air, heading towards the Hulanta clan, and quickly find it because they reside in a large home tree that is slightly smaller than the Omatikaya clan's home tree.

'well, it's time to go say hi.' as I shift into a banshee and divebomb towards the entrance of the Hometree, causing a giant dust cloud to form as I land while I slowly walk out of the dust into the clan Hometree.

As the Banshee finishes walking out of the dust cloud, several Na'vi circle around it as they look at the sudden Banshee that has come into their home, showing colors that usually not on one, with its primary coloration being a royal azure with an amethyst like purple being its second coloring and its crimson red accents as they finish circling it the Banshee lets out a small growl as it flares its wings and morphs into a Forest Na'vi that walks towards the crowd with a spear in hand.

"I don't believe surrounding me with spears is a good way to show your welcoming, though I can't exactly blame you; I did crash down in a cloud of dust." As I swing my spear around and start to lean on it like a walking stick, I look at the surrounding Na'vi. They give a small look of fear and respect as they realize who I am and start to clear a small path for me to head towards their Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk.

'Let's go say hello.' As I started to walk through the path, the Na'vi cleared it so that I could see two Na'vi standing around a bonfire. They seemed to stare intently at the flames and then over what would be their tribal seat, with what looked like a stand between them that seemed to be missing something.

"It is nice to meet you two as I finally have made it to your guy's clan after a couple of detours," I say with a laid-back tone, going against how I have treated and acted around most of the other Na'vi leaders as I stand in front of them leaning against my spear.

"Yes, we have been expecting you to arrive for a while now, lost child. But we didn't expect you to make such an entrance when you arrived. After all, such an entrance is uncalled for and unprecedented." the Tsahìk says as she looks into the fire for a split second before looking at me while her mate, the Olo'eyktan, stares into the flames with an absent mind.

"That is fair, but I have mainly wanted to see what your clan is like and maybe even buy some pottery before I go to the next clan and see what I can find from them. After all, my time here is getting a little boring, and I have some things to settle." I look into the flames to see what the Olo'eyktan could be entranced by and watch the fire flicker soothingly.

"Well, that still doesn't excuse how you have arrived, but you may wander around the clan if you want to see if anything catches your eye, lost child, or you may leave just as fast as you came if you wish." the Tsahìk says with an uncaring tone to what I do but an underlying hope that I leave without caring to look at anything here truly.

"I will probably be taking that second option, but I would like to say that you have a very nice-seeming clan from what I see, though your hunters could use a tad bit more training," I say with satisfaction to the area around the Hulanta clan's home before I vanish before their eyes as I have done what I truly came to do.

'Well, that was a nice quick trip, but they really didn't have much to offer, sadly,' as I morph back into a banshee and start to fly quickly towards the highlands, even doing a couple of teleport jumps on the way there for an increase in speed.

'that was thankfully quick. Now, let's meet the Rey'tanu Clan and see what they might have to offer.' I start to dive into the canyon-like biome, causing me to take several sharp turns to make corners. I come across the clans home and quickly land on top of one of the mushroom rocks.

'Before we say hi to the clan, how about I do some quick hunting? After all, if I hunt here, I would get a new biome and a nice assortment of animals.' I then fly down from the mushroom rock and start scouring across the highlands, quickly killing and eating whatever looks new or slightly different, as I want to populate the new biome I am creating.

[DNA Absorption]

Flat-Headed Capra DNA Red Crested Climber DNA Spiny Capra DNA Fanged Mongrel DNA Long-Beak Vulture DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'While I didn't get anything, it was nice to eat something new finally, and I now have a new biome in my inner world if it works like usual.' I then returned to where I remembered the clan and saw that I was correct. Then, they go to land in front of them and see their Olo'eyktan.

"Hello, Olo'eyktan. I have come to give my greetings to your clan and say that you might see me in the surrounding areas. That way, your hunters don't mistake me for a wild Banshee and attack me. After all, that wouldn't be very good for either. Of us." I tell the Olo'eyktan as he scans me over and the way I am standing.

"We accept your greetings, lost child, but I would like to ask why you would be in the area." the Olo'eyktan asks me as he wonders why I would be in the surrounding areas and what I could want.

"Well, honestly, I won't be in the area all too long. I was planning to take a small flight through the area, but I might just meet the next clan instead. I don't really know." I respond as I ponder what I will do after this conversation and if I will do anything here.

"Okay, lost child, but even if you are to leave the moment after we finish talking, we will keep a lookout for a Banshee of strange colors and make sure not to hurt it, as we will believe you, so please do have fun in my clan's territories." the Olo'eyktan says as he looks me over. I continue to ponder what I may do but quickly shrug it off with a half-baked decision.

"Well, I believe I will just be leaving the area after this talk, but I mainly wanted to see what your clan truly looked at, and standing here has shown me most of your clan and its beauty in the canyons of the highlands and see that you truly utilize your surrounds so I would like to say you have done well and I know I bid my goodbye," I say with an appreciation as I look at all the homes engraved into the stone walls of the canyons and the skull trophies in the hunter's homes as I then disappear as I did in front of the Hulanta clan.

'That was a nice quick visit like last time, though now it's time to go skip onto a new continent.' I turn into a great Leonopteryx and quickly fly towards the Western Frontier to meet three of the last clans I need before I head up north.

As I fly above the ocean, I see several Tulkuns swimming through the water, enjoying the nice warm feeling and the close company of their pod. 'Well, that's definitely cute.' I then look away from the pod and start teleporting to increase my speed towards the Aranahe clan.

'Finally here, though before I immediately go to the clan, I will go on a small hunting spree again. After all, let's see how many new biomes I can add today.' I think as I look at the increasingly growing size of the continent's shoreline as I arrive at increasingly high speeds.

'yeah, let's go start that hunting spree. After all, I'm always feeling hungry.' I dive towards the Kinglor forest, quickly shifting into a Banshee to fit within the trees as I start my little massacre of new animals.

[DNA Absorption]

Kinglor DNA Scarab Crawler DNA Wetlands Thanator DNA Coronis DNA Yoten DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Nothing again. Well, at this point, it's to be expected, but it's fine, really. I don't know why I'm getting greedy for more stuff. I am currently overpowered for this world and probably the next as well,' I think as I finish swallowing a Yoten and head towards the Aranahe clan.

'Now, let's make this quick because while I love this planet and its life, I'm getting really tired of being here.' I land in front of Aranahe's home tree like I did the Hulanta clans, but this time morphing much quicker, I start to walk into the clan's home tree and towards where the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk are seated.

"Hello, lost child. What has made you come to our clan?" the Olo'eyktan asks in confusion. Well, I am here mainly to do what I have done with two other clans today. Pretty much say hi and then leave just as fast as I arrived, as I am trying to meet all of the clans before I go deal with the sky people." I say slightly tiredly how much I have been hopping around today and would just like to be done with this quest already.

"ohh well, then we will not keep you, long lost child if it means you will be dealing with the sky people, and I believe if you tell the other clans as well, they won't keep you long either, so please be on your way." the Tsahìk says with a clear want for me to leave but not in a way of dislike but as a show for how she dislikes the sky people.

"yes, as my daughter has said, please hurry if it means you will deal with the sky people, and if you need help to deal with them, we will happily give our assistance even if we wouldn't be of much help." the Olo'eyktan says an evident distaste for the sky people causing me to grow a bit of interest as I quickly use my telepathy to read their surface thoughts and see the reason why as the sky people killed the previous Tsahìk.

"While I appreciate the offer, you would sadly only get in the way, but I will take my leave then and be off to the clouded forest," I say with a slight grin. How easy that went as I vanished before the two and, being on above their Hometree, started heading towards the Clouded Forest.

'That was amazing. I should have led with that for the last two clans. I would already be done by now, though before I meet the Kame'tire clan, I have to go on another short hunting trip.' as I dive through the now vast expanse of the Clouded forest and start picking off anything new.

[DNA Absorption]

Sailfin Goliath DNA Meer Deer DNA Echo Stalker DNA Chameleon Crawler DNA Bone Helm Rhino DNA Moss Forest Thanator DNA Whipfang Crawler DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'now that is a nice little collection right there. When I get back, my inner world will flourish more than it already was, and at this rate, all sorts of species will intermingle and give me some nice new things.' as I then start to fly towards the home of the Kame'tire clan.


{ A/N Well, I hope you guys enjoyed and I have been pumping out chapters for you guys to make up for my inability to, so you guys are like rolling in them since I have been back.

Also, that aside, I would like to say that the world vote will be prolonged to chapter 22 as that will be the last one here, though I have to say that with how many I have been putting out, that won't take long.

But I will not be putting the usual below and would like to give a very special thanks to Zyanid_Warfare. They have given me a lot of help with the story without me realizing it, so thank you.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Lost Child, Apocalypse Levithan +3

Length: 167m (547ft)

DNA Assimilated: 82




1: Remove the RDA from Pandora Permanently

2: Explore


1: unique mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge



1: Talk to the ten clans ( 70% / 100% )

2: Meet Eywa (complete)


1: Psionic Mutation

2: Blessing of a God

[Eywa's Quest]


1: Help the Omatikaya Clan

2: Eradicate the Ash People (complete)


1: Worship of the Clans

2: Army of Ash