
Goldfinger! Order and Chaos.

Yan Zhong looked at the crimson moon outside the window.

He shook his head as he thought about his predecessor's memories.

His predecessor is named Julius Avane, a Sequence 6: Baron of Corruption. He is of noble descent in Backlund, the sole member of the declining Avane Family, who once had a Duke in their ranks. Still, Julius is not to be underestimated, as he still has the rank of Count, bestowed upon him by the Loen Royal Family. He has a certain influence and possesses a great amount of wealth. In a sense, it was the best starting point for Yan Zhong who is a transmigrator from the 'real world'.

Yan Zhong looked at the mirror and saw a man with pure black hair and prussian eyes that shone dimly. He was extremely handsome, and paired with his noble temperament, he was extremely attractive to opposite sex. There was a mysterious atmosphere revolving around him, partly because of him being a Beyonder of Sequence 6.

His predecessor's parents had already left this world because of an unknown disease, in which Yan Zhong instantly knew the reason using his scientific knowledge from his previous life. It was cancer, a genetic defect present on every human in the world. His parents were not Beyonders, but still held considerably large amount of influence in Backlund. It was no wonder how they were conferred with the ranks of Duke and Duchess.

Right now, he was alone in the manor, with the exception of his servants, the head butler Swain, the twin maids, Sara and Sera. They have been with him since he was little, and his predecessor took care of them like they were his family. Yan Zhong didn't know how to act towards them.

Based on the calendar, it had been more than a month since Zhou Mingrui reincarnated into the body of Klein Moretti, which means that the Tarot Club had already convened for more than three times. Yan Zhong didn't know the exact date because he cannot remember everything from the wikipedia.

His gaze landed on the garden of his manor. The outside world looked empty and quiet, as it was late in the night. Most people at this time has fallen asleep. Yet, Yan Zhong did not feel drowsy.

"From now on, I'm Julius Avane." He muttered to himself, as he looked at the pure black cane leaning on the table. There are mixed emotions in his eyes.

His predecessor died because of corruption from this Sealed Artifact. Based from the memories, his predecessor got this Sealed Artifact from a woman who made a deal with him. It was pretty simple yet dangerous, Julius only had to give certain news about the Augustus Family to her, and after a certain amount of contribution, he would get the Sealed Artifact 1-589, Cane of Deceit which is equivalent to a Sequence 3: Mentor of Deceit.

"That deal is too good to be true." Julius lamented about his predecessor, as he knew that such powerful Sealed Artifact is definitely not something to be given out just by collecting information. But it can't be helped, because that woman did not tell Julius about its true abilities, but instead introduced it as a relatively weak Grade-2 Sealed Artifact.

"I wonder what she was trying to achieve..." Julius touched his chin as he pondered silently beside the opened mirror. The wind outside grazed his skin, it was very cold yet refreshing feeling to him..

Just from inspecting his memories, he already knew the identity of that woman who approached Julius. She is Demoness of Despair, Panatiya! The one who is orchestrating the Great Smog of Backlund. An extremely dangerous woman in the Beyonder World.

Truthfully, if Julius was a normal transmigrator, he would be panicking right now how to face Panatiya when she goes here to retrieve the Cane of Deceit. After all, she was a Sequence 4 Demigod! A high sequence beyonder that can easily pinch a mere Sequence 6 like him to death. Unfortunately for her, Julius has a goldfinger or a cheat.

He looked at both of his hands which he lifted. In each hand was a symbol of infinity's other half, and when connected, it will form a complete infinity symbol. The symbol in his right hand was white in color, while in the other was black in color. The first represented order, while the other represented chaos. In a sense, chaos can be creation, destruction, life or death, while order represented the power to control chaos to achieve something. In simple words, chaos is the energy, while order was the power over it.

Julius willed the symbols in his hands to recede. The symbols quickly sunk deeper into his skin, restoring his hands into its usual appearance. No one would thought that there was such an astonishing power in his hands.

Thinking about it, this power is omniponent, however, it has its limits. This power consumes some sort of energy in his body, and there was only a limited amount of it inside him, which means that he can only use it for a limited time. And right now, he can only use it for 20 seconds. But he thinks that if he ascends to the next sequence, that duration might increase!

Battling a demigod was a feat that no mid sequence beyonder will ever dare to think about since the gap is extremely wide. However, Julius was confident that with his power, even Angels will fall. Of course, once he runs out of time, they can easily slaughter him.

Thankfully this power only needs his imagination. There was not too much bull that restricts him from using this, aside from the fact that once it was used up today, it can only be used tommorrow. It is magically recharged once his body clock determines that its already the next day.

Julius didn't know how he knew all of this about his power, but only attributed it to some sort of connection between him and his power to manipulate reality for a certain period of time. In a sense, he was a god, but only with free trial.

Still, he has so much hope for the future. Despite not knowing what kind of energy this power actually consumes, Julius thinks that once he reaches Demigod or Angel, he might know the truth about this power!

Julius looked at his room and still couldn't sense Panatiya's arrival. He was waiting for her to arrive. He did not dare use the 20 seconds time to experiment, since he was planning to use everything he has against Panatiya who definitely wanted him dead.

The Cane of Deceit will be a good weapon, but it was too demanding, not just in risks of corruption, but also its condition to be used. It actually needs you to sacrifice Worms of Time to it, before it could be used. Julius did not have any of that! Unless he abducts demigod and above of the Error Pathway.

Thinking of that, Julius had longed wanted to edit the properties of this cane, but he had to wait for Panatiya before it can be done. And he was anxious about what's to come. Who wouldn't be? You get reincarnated, then you find yourself needing to face a high sequence beyonder who can be considered as one of the top existence in the food pyramid.

And as if to pit him, he heard a footsteps coming beyond the closed door of this room. The surroundings turned eerily silent, Julius cannot help but gulp, as he prepared for a deadly fight.

With his senses as a Beyonder, he already sensed that she had definitely arrived, but was obviously not in a rush. She seemed to be touring his manor as if it was her own backyard. She definitely took him as a fool.

Julius did not wait for her to appear in front of him, as he mobilized his power over Order and Chaos. In that instant, he entered a wonderful state of overlooking the entire cosmos. Everything was at his fingertips, even Outer Gods did not escape his senses, but he instinctively felt that he cannot touch True Gods and Outer Gods. Still, Julius was extremely excited! He confirmed. Under the Sequence 0, no one is his opponent at all!

He did not wait any further and cast his gaze on the extremely beautiful woman in a black dress. She had long black hair and black eyes that seemed to replicate the deep abyss mentioned in Roselle's diary. A strange aura of madness lingered around her body. It was because of her incomplete Mythical Form! Her mythical form was continuously distorting as if it was extremely unstable, but it still emitted a dangerous aura that can easily kill a lower sequence beyonder!

It has already been two seconds since he began to use his ability. So, after locating Panatiya, he instantly imagined a Slave Contract that can bind anything regardless of anywhere and anyhow, effective below Sequence 0 beyonders.

Julius quickly established a master-slave relationship between him and Panatiya. Without giving her any time to react, he altered some sort of law in Panatiya's body, and that is removing any connection she has from the current true god of the Demoness Pathway!

Normally, his ability cannot affect True Gods and above, however, he did not in any way try to affect the true god, he simply cut the connection Panatiya had to Primordial Demoness Cheek that came within her Beyonder Characteristics. It was very complicated. It was like putting a curtain around a certain item to hide it from the gaze of those who might be interested.

He also erased any chances of Panatiya descending into madness or corruption. He used a whole 15 seconds in checking every possible loophole that can help Panatiya escape his Slave Contract. And after he had done everything he could, his gaze turned into the Cane of Deceit.

The Cane of Deceit instantly teleported in his hand, and the corruption was instantly wiped away, including the ridiculous conditions it had. As it had the Characteristics of a Mentor of Deceit, there was no need to worry about its usage. Julius only made certain that he can use it anywhere and anyhow without any side effects. It allowed him to use the abilities that only a Mentor of Deceit can use which is Deceit, the power to deceive the laws of nature and the world.

And after he had done everything he needed to do, Julius quickly felt himself exiting that wonderful state. His senses that overlook the whole cosmos seemingly lost its authority, as it was bounced back to his body.

He collapsed on his bed, with the Cane of Deceit in his hands. The adrenaline that came from that excitement was still with him, making him smile from the fun he had felt from that wonderful state.

And now, Julius knew that he can experience that state every day for 20 seconds! This power was the best and most ridiculous power that Julius would have never thought to have!

He looked at the door and sensed Panatiya via the Slave Contract, he smiled and said, "You may enter."

Panatiya silently opened the door before closing it again. She curtsied and bowed before Julius with fear, "G-greetings, Master."

I've been reading Lord of the Mysteries fanfics recently. There was not enough of them! Had to create one so I could pour my interest to this novel, hoping it will dry out soon.

ePythagorascreators' thoughts