
Spear Cane

While eating eggs and toast for breakfast Hector drank freshly squeezed fruit juice and black tea. He enjoyed his breakfast as had time before beyonder gathering lead Eye of Wisdom.

Until then he would have free time to enjoy, so he took his time with his breakfast and even chatted with Aldith.

"It has been a few days, how do you like your new job?"Hector asked her.

"Not so bad. Pay is good, but it tends to get boring."Aldith said back.

"Well, it won't be when there will be the next social event. Last time there was a murder investigation, fortunately, it was only an accident but quite a few secrets got reviled." Hector smiled as he remembered his banquet.

"Is that so, then I'm looking forward to seeing it myself. Good murder mystery disappeared guest, or proper duel between two gentlemen over a lady in which both die."Aldith laughed at such possibilities.

After breakfast, he went to the tailor to have a few of his suits refitted as is bigger than before. Hector also bought a few of new ones for all kinds of events.

When he was done he paid for them to be delivered to his house. Hector went outside alone, and carrying all of them would inconvenience him.

Afterward, he went to a bakery where he bought a few pastries. Some he would eat now and the rest he save for later.

Strawberry pastries were his favorite while he wasn't a fan of chocolate ones. While he watched as his pastries were packed he wondered if the person before him is a sinner or innocent.

Little before it was time Hector went to the Braveheart bar and sat before the bartender.

There he ordered a pint of beer and waited for the gathering to start.

When it was time Hector stood up and left Braveheart bar, then he went around and went to the gathering.

Before he entered Hector put on himself an iron mask and black robe. When he entered the living room he scanned it with help of the candle's flickering lights that were present in the room.

After taking his seat Hector wait for a few minutes before the Eye of Wisdom spoke, "Well it seems that no more will come today. Let's begin."

Hector saw that quite a number of people showed up. It gave him hope that someone would have what he needed.

"I have two beyonder weapons." Hector heard a person on the left side of the room speak.

"First one is Graverobers shovel. It looks like an ordinary shovel but when held you can feel a cold chill entering your body.

"When used, it will be covered with pale smog. Any undead monster that is hit by it will suffer greater damage. It can harm even ghosts and wraiths.

"If you leave the shovel in the body for a day it will rise a zombie under the command of the holder of the shovel. But that would reduce the spirituality's durability. Every use will decrease its durability by a month. Be careful as only one zombie at a time can be controlled.

"If you create another previous one will start attacking everyone in the vicinity until it is either destroyed or it will lose its spirituality.

"Right now, it has fifteen months of effective durability.

"Current price is 600 pounds." When she stopped talking Hector could already hear bids being offered.

"650 pounds." the person on left spoke hurriedly.

"700pounds... " They started to bid and the final price ended at 800 pounds.

'Nice weapon but too big to carry around, but that zombie ability is interesting.' Hector thought as he watched the biding.

"Second is a trick weapon. It is a cane that by twisting the handle will elongate making it a spear.

"While in cane form it looks like black mahogany wood with silver handles with wolf imagery. The handle becomes the foot of the spear while the blade exits from the bottom part. The cane is on the heavier side so it can be used in a direct fight.

"In spear form, it retains its black and silver colors while the blade is silver of color it is steel and so its durability is exceptional. Its length is two meters long.

"Price is 50 pounds." This time the price was much lower as it had no spirituality, but Hector was interested in the weapon.

'It is not every day that I see not sword cane but spear cane.' As he was thinking he heard someone offer their bid, "55 pounds... 60 pounds... 65..."

This time Hecto wanted the weapon so he too bid at the item, "100 pounds" he thought that such a price would shut other's bids, unfortunately, he was wrong.

"110 pounds." Man of taller statue offered.

'Too bad I want that weapon.', "150 pounds." Hector finally offered the amount that made others submit.

When the attendant came for the money, Hector gave him the amount that was requested and in turn, he got the cane.

'Beautiful.' Hector thought as he was inspecting the silver handle and its wolf engravings.

When he was done Hector looked around himself and asked, "I need the middle eye of the hornless three-eyed goat." after he spoke he intently looked for anyone reacting to his request.

Every second felt like hours for Hector and when he was about to lose hope of buying that beyonder ingredient here he heard a voice that sounds that made his heart beat quicker. It felt like warm sunlight on his skin, the pleasant aroma of freshly baked bread.

"I have it, I will take 700 pounds or something of the same value." Hector looked at the person that form the sound of voice Hector judged as female.

Hector hurriedly spoke, "I will pay in cash." When he gave the money to the attendant he hurriedly looked at the woman awaiting the promised beyonder ingredient.

She then took out a glass bottle in which he could see a pure black eyeball with a green iris that looked like that of a toad.

When he received the item he was overcome with a desire to just stood up and leave so he could make the potion as soon as possible, but he reined his impulses and calmed himself down.

Hector then waited for the gathering to end as items and requests that were offered or asked did not interest him. But right before he thought that the gathering would end he heard someone speak, "Does anyone know what happened to people that went exploring the tomb form last time?"

When he heard it he thought if it was Edwin's associate or someone from the same organization wanting to gather some pieces of information. Unfortunately for him, Hector did not feel any desire to inform him of his participation or knowledge about it. Hector wanted to avoid requests of beyonder characteristics of sequence 7 psychiatrists that Edwin dropped when he died.

And so he remained silent and waited. When the man that asked the question got no response Eye of Wisdom ended the gathering and people were led outside at different intervals. Hector was one of the first and so when he was out he went directly home.

It was weird to walk while holding two canes but he took one under his arm while he used the other. 'It's not bad.' He thought as he held a spear cane.

When he got home he went directly to his safe where he took out the necessary ingredients for the potion and entered the basement.