

A boy with a tribal bigging starting his journey to a greater tomorrow Undead summons Op skills System

Jordan_Haskett_4344 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Close call with death

Osiris led the way into the cave until they meet up with the crow sent as a lookout. As Jax entered the den, he saw 2 wolves ready to fight staring daggers at him. With A quick slash, the wolves were taken care of.


[lv4 blue crown wolf +175xp]

[lv3 blue crown wolf +150xp]

[level up]

(+ 1 summon skeleton)


[new skill]

-necrotic aura-(weak) (upgrade souls 0/1000)

{an aura that weakens your enemy 5%}


As he walked into the open space he looked around and found nothing. Cold sweats started to drip down his back. Looking directly to his right he saw deep blue eyes glaring at him.

Before he could give orders the wolf pounced at him. Before it opened its mouth Jax sealed it shut with the bandages. Trying to break free it bashed its body into Jax crushing him into the wall.

The impact had broken a few ribs making Jax scream in pain. Using all his might he tried to push the wolf away.


If this was the wolf on death's door, he had no chance to take it at full power. Feeling his bones creaking under the pressure of the wolf he started to panic.

Osiris stabbed the wolf, but it was determined to kill Jax. As if an epiphany had appeared he thought of a solution.

The wolf pushing all its weight on Jax suddenly felt a sharp pain in its neck. Jax started drinking the wolf king's blood.

[blood empowerment] (+10 all stats)

Jax felt power flowing into all his limbs as he pushed the wolf off him. The wolf did not give up it was determined to crush him.


Jax was too cunning for the wolf with the gap between him and the wolf he summoned his crimson sword using the wolf's force against it.


[lv10 king blue crown wolf +1000xp]

[level up]

[level up]

[boss killed]


Jax felt his consciousness folding as his eyes flickered as he fell to the floor.

Jax "dead drain . . . . dead drain . . . . . . . . . dead drain"

He used all his saved dead drains hoping to save his life.

Soon after he passed out

Jax opened his eyes as he breathed in.

"cofff coof cooff"

Jax soon started coffing when he breathed.

Osiris and the skeleton stood guard over him which deep down made him feel happy. Propping himself up on the wall.



-name- Jax

-race- half-lich half-vampire

-class- necromancer -sub-class- none

-rank 0 -level- 7 (75/700)

-strength- 24

-agility- 24

-dexterity- 24

-intelligence- 24

-mana- 480/480

-souls- 14

-free attribute point- 10


Looking around the room he saw a golden chest had appeared out of nowhere. The skeleton gently placed the chest in Infront of Jax.


[golden chest]

-knights breastplate- (rare)

-wolfs crown-(unique)

-spell book-dark blast-(mana 50)



-knights breastplate-


-defence- +(50%)

-strength- +(10%)

-skill- knights rush-



-wolf's crown-


-Agility- +(75%)

-skill- wolf's flame

-skill- wolf's acceleration



-dark blast- (mana cost 50)

-note-shots a dark ball at your target dealing damage.



He learned his first spell (combat spell) with this in his hands it gave him more tactical advantages. He handed the breastplate to Osiris as he had little need for it.

While he was opening the chest his skeleton gathered the bodies of the wolfs inside the cave. Jax used death drain on the corpses until he could move again.

After being able to move he collected all the monster cores leaving him with 9 wolf cores and 4 goblin cores for a total of 13.

He sat outside the cave entrance looking out into the distance. Jax sent his crows out to observe the situation.

Jax soon found where the red spider went it was now hiding in its nest at the deepest depth of the forest. As for the green snake, it was busy doing its own thing. As his crows returned, he saw 2 groups of 5 goblins exploring the wolf's territory.

Jax "now those next"

He needed to consider who to hunt next. First, the red spider was injured badly but it still had deadly venom and its territory gives it an advantage. Second the green snake he knew the least about it and it had too many unknown variables. Lastly were the goblins many of them were weak.

Jax knew his next target was the goblins.

Jax summoned his third skeleton and sent them to attack 1 of the goblin groups. Observing through his crows he saw Osiris and his 2 skeletons kill 5 goblins in a few minutes of fighting.


[Osiris killed lv 4 goblin +75xp]

[Osiris killed lv 3 goblin +50xp]

[skeleton killed lv 4 goblin +75xp]

[skeleton killed lv 3 goblin +50xp]

[skeleton killed lv 2 goblin +25xp]


[spell leveled up]

-summon skeleton- (level 3/10 XP 125/300) (upgrade souls 0/10)

{summon a skeleton to fight for you} (summon amount 3)

[status] (mana cost 20)


-strength- 14

-agility- 10


-intelligence- 3


Jax was still seated at the entrance of the cave when he saw a group of goblins slowly approach him.

Before they even left the tree line his crows had begun their assault. The crow's areal speed was too fast for the goblins to counter quickly. The fight went on for a while but eventually, the goblins started to drop.


[undead crow killed lv 4 goblin +75xp]

[undead crow killed lv 5 goblin +100xp]


2 goblins fell but to Jax's surprise goblins hit one of the crows

----[undead crow has died]----

But it was no worry to him he just simply summoned another and soon the last 3 goblins fell.


[undead crow killed lv 3 goblin +50xp]

[undead crow killed lv 4 goblin +75xp]

[undead crow killed lv 3 goblin +50xp]


[level up]

(+ 1 summon skeleton)


[spell leveled up]

-summon undead crow- (level 3/5 XP 75/300) (upgrade souls 0/10)

(Summon a crow to scout and attack the enemy) (summon amount 3)

[status] (mana cost 5)

-undead crow-

-strength- 9

-agility- 15


-intelligence- 7

[skill] -share vision-
