
Lord Of People

"Wherever the legion goes, all surrender!"

Nabeel_Shar · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs


Many lists hung in front of Lin Chen.

[City Lord Information]


[World Channel]



It was somewhat similar to a game menu.

Especially the World Channel, which kept flashing in red.

Lin Chen curiously clicked on it.

Countless messages suddenly appeared.

[Fuck, where is this? Am I dreaming?!]

[Wake up, friend, this is the Ten Thousand Clans continent!]

[Hahaha, I drew a B-rank beast soldier!]

[As someone who drew a B-rank unit, envy is coming my way...]

[Envy +1...]

[I'm completely freaking out. Why is my unit a weak Goblin with a promotion limit of Second Order?!]

[All of you are trash. My unit is the golden Beimong, A-rank, and can reach Seventh Order after complete promotion!]


The world chat channel had almost exploded.

A few people still hadn't reacted.

But most people had already drawn their initial units.

As for the results... of course, some were happy and some were crying.

Lin Chen looked at the channel messages, the corner of his mouth slightly tilting.

Was an A-rank so impressive?

Lin Chen didn't show off in the world channel but quietly closed it.

For him, showing off didn't have any benefits.

It was still better to understand the rules of the Ten Thousand Clans continent first.

Lin Chen then opened his personal information.

[City Lord of Chaos: Lin Chen]

[Strength: None]

[City Level: Level One]

[City Unit: Demon Dragon Knight (SSS)]

[City Wealth: Gold Coins 0, Origin Stones 0, Magic Crystals 0]

After reading his personal information, Lin Chen shook his head with a bitter smile.

He was so damn poor!

He had no strength of his own.

This was normal. As the lord of the city, he didn't need to personally join in battles.

Relying on his legion to attack cities and occupy them was enough!

"The focus should still be on improving the legion!" Lin Chen's eyes flickered.

Since it was a battlefield, personal strength had very little effect on the direction of the war.

Except for those of supreme and terrifying power.

But for Lin Chen, that was almost an unattainable thing.

So he had to focus on the legion.

As for personal strength, he would think of ways to slowly strengthen it later, without being anxious.

Lin Chen then looked again at the final wealth.

According to the rules of the Ten Thousand Clans,

Gold coins could be obtained through plundering, selling, and decomposing, among many other ways.

Origin Stones were mainly produced by cities but could also be obtained through unique means.

A Level One city could produce 10 Origin Stones per day!

A Level Two city could produce 100 Origin Stones per day!

And so on the list went.

But one thing worth noting was that

By conquering another city, one could obtain all of its Origin Stones and production rate.

That meant...

If Lin Chen could conquer a city of the same level, the city of Chaos could produce 20 Origin Stones per day!

This method can be infinitely stacked! The magic crystals are mainly obtained through hunting in the wilderness. No matter what kind of wealth, plundering is the main means of obtaining it. It can be seen from this that the Ten Thousand Clans Continent encourages people to attack each other. This is not a long-term way of survival.

Go to battle! Go plunder! This is the only way to quickly become stronger!

Lin Chen took a deep breath and his face became more serious.

The Ten Thousand Clans Continent will be even more cruel than he imagined. The victors will step on billions of bones to rise to power. Since he had such a good start, he cannot become one of the endless pile of corpses. Lin Chen looked up at the sky, and the blue energy shield emitted a faint light.

The novice protection only lasts for seven days. He cannot hide in the protection shield all the time during these seven days. He must go out and take a look! Just as this idea flashed through Lin Chen's mind, several new chat messages appeared.

[Brothers, I advise you not to go out!]

[I just summoned ten goblins and they were eaten by a monster as soon as they went out!]

[Don't go out, I am waiting outside the city's protection shield with a giant troll, and I am so scared, can anyone help me?]

[My soldiers were eaten by several wolves as soon as they went out...]

[I suggest that we wait until there are more soldiers before going out to adventure!]


The initial unit buildings have only a few free recruitment slots each day. The death of these soldiers is definitely a big blow to the city lord! With so many predecessors' lessons in the group, everyone else became cautious. One less soldier in the early stages means one less, and you must not be careless!

In the first few days of the novice protection period, it is better for them to stay in the city obediently! When there are more soldiers later, they can try to go out and venture! Lin Chen also saw these messages. He frowned slightly.

Are the monsters in the wilderness that powerful? If the beast tide comes after the protection period ends, isn't he and his people facing a dead end? The more Lin Chen thought about it, the more worried he became.

He cannot be too passive. In these seven days, in addition to developing his strength, he must also have an understanding of these monsters. Otherwise, when the novice period ends, he will only be beaten.

The strength of the Demon Dragon Knights is all Tier 3 and not weak. Although others are afraid to go out, he may not be afraid.

At this moment, three Demon Dragon Knights saw Lin Chen's thoughts. They stepped forward in unison, their movements were tidy and uniform, as if they were one body. The armor and dragon scales rubbed against each other, making a clang sound!


"We are loyal to the city lord."

"May we clear all enemies for the city lord!"

Although there were only three knights, their momentum was chillingly murderous. The spear tips glittered with a cold light!

Lin Chen hesitated for a moment and nodded in the end.


"You three, first investigate the situation around the city."

"If you encounter any monsters, kill them!"

The three Demon Dragon Knights suddenly waved their hands, and their long spears were suspended in the air!

"Demon Dragon Knights, obey!"


Three dark ink-black demon dragons roared deafeningly. Their momentum surged as they stepped out of the blue protection shield! As soon as they walked out of the protection shield, monsters immediately pounced on them!

It was the monster lurking outside the protection shield!

This fierce wolf had red eyes and its claws glowed with a chilling metallic luster. Its fur emitted a faint green light. It rushed towards the Demon Dragon Knights with a fierce bite, as fast as lightning!

But the three knights didn't even look at it. The middle knight swept his long spear across the air, leaving a black light in its wake! Clang! At the moment when the spear hit, it even made a sonic boom!


Along with the knight's stern shout. The sharp spear tip pierced through the wolf's head!