
Lord Of People

"Wherever the legion goes, all surrender!"

Nabeel_Shar · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs


Lin Chen looked at the movements of the Demon Dragon Knights and was momentarily dumbfounded. They were so dedicated to carrying out his orders, even to the point of forgoing rest and heading straight into the wilderness. He really liked this army!

Lin Chen approached the monsters' corpses that the Demon Dragon Knights had left behind. Compared to yesterday, today's monsters had a much greater variety, and there were even many second-tier monsters! It seemed that the contribution of these second-tier monsters couldn't be underestimated in assisting the Holy Cavalry to quickly advance to the fourth tier.

"Collect them all!"

Lin Chen didn't waste any of the monsters' corpses. Disassembling them could only yield gold coins, but not a single resource. For Lin Chen, these resources were more important than gold coins, at least in terms of purchasing power, food was worth more than gold coins.

"Successful collection!"

"Acquired wolf meat * 68"

"Acquired intact wolf skin * 13"

"Acquired sharp wolf teeth * 5"

"Acquired beef * 66"

"Acquired cow bones * 10"

As for other resources, they would not be discussed for the time being. This time, the collection yielded 150 units of food! Adding the amount in the warehouse, Lin Chen now had 240 units of food on hand.

Each Demon Dragon Knight consumed three units of food a day, and six of them totalled less than 20 units. As for Lin Chen himself, he consumed less than one unit of food a day. He definitely had enough food reserves.

"Then let's continue selling."

Lin Chen's lips curled up slightly. Since there was an advantage, it should be promptly converted into strength! Lin Chen once again put 50 units of food up for sale. This time, the price doubled again!

[Item: Meat * 1]

[Price: 200 Wood/200 Stone/20 Iron]

[Note: 50 units of food, first come first served.]

When the new trading information popped up, millions of city lords were stunned.

[What the hell, why aren't you rushing to grab it!]

[The purchasing power of one unit of food is equivalent to one gold coin!]

[This price is simply outrageous!]

[Please don't raise the price anymore, for the sake of exchanging for food, I've lost my house and land, and now I'm reduced to a naked crystal!]

The chat channel was boiling again as everyone cursed and denounced Lin Chen as a ruthless merchant with no good intentions.

Finally, a city lord couldn't take it anymore and angrily and resentfully voiced his accusations in the group.

"Fuck, everyone is cursing fiercely, but their hand speed is getting faster by the second! Can't you leave a little for me???"

Despite the constant cursing in the group, the speed of food sales was not affected in the slightest. The 50 units of food that Lin Chen had put up was sold out in a few seconds! Many city lords were already furious, and seeing the high price, they became even angrier. However, they hadn't even had a chance to buy any yet, making them even more angry!

Lin Chen didn't care about what others thought at all. The primitive accumulation of capital is always bloody in some ways. In this wave, he gained 100 iron, 4,000 wood, and 5,000 stone! He was only a small amount of iron away from upgrading the city lord's mansion again!

Upgrading the city lord's mansion had three main benefits. One was to increase the defense of the city's heart. The second was to gain special bonus benefits. As for the third, it was to increase Lin Chen's sense of experience. These three aspects were important in their own way!

Moreover, the buildings in the city that were worth upgrading were only the city lord's mansion. The storage capacity of the warehouse is very large, so it doesn't need to be upgraded for now. The upgrade of the Demon Dragon Knight statue requires 100 second-order magic crystals! This quantity is too large. Currently, he only has nine second-order magic crystals!

"I can only ask the Holy Knights to try harder," Lin Chen muttered. If he could upgrade the Demon Dragon Knight statue, it would definitely enhance the strength of Chaos City. However, he didn't know when he could gather 100 second-order magic crystals.

Lin Chen closed the chat channel, opened the [Buildings] section of the mall, and browsed through the buildings that were being sold. They were relatively basic.

[Level 1 City Wall, priced at 1 gold coin per meter!]

[Level 1 Warehouse, priced at 40 gold coins!]

[Level 1 Farm, priced at 50 gold coins!]

[Level 1 Cottage, priced at 50 gold coins!]

[Level 1 Barracks, priced at 100 gold coins!]


Lin Chen clicked on the specific information of the Level 1 City Wall and checked it out. [Building: Level 1 City Wall]

[Description: A fortification with low defense capability, capable of slightly resisting the invasion of ordinary monsters.] Under the description was also a picture. The Level 1 City Wall was about two meters high, built of bluestone blocks. Lin Chen stroked his chin, feeling that it looked safer than the small earthen wall.

Currently, the city's area was small, so he could build a circle of walls first. When the beast wave attacked, he could at least block most of the ordinary monsters!

Lin Chen decided to start estimating the necessary length of the wall. His city was square-shaped, with a length of 60 meters on each side, totaling 240 meters!

At 1 gold coin per meter for the wall, it would cost 240 gold coins just for the wall alone. Lin Chen looked at his gold coin balance: 307! He gritted his teeth and made up his mind. "My safety is the most important!"


The gold coin was immediately deducted! A brand-new city wall immediately covered the original small earthen wall, surrounding the entire city. There were exits that could be closed freely on all four sides, which could be considered the prototype of a city gate.

Looking at the new bluestone city wall, Lin Chen felt much more at ease. In his opinion, when the beast wave attacked, there would definitely be a large number of monsters. Even if he could hatch 21 Demon Dragon Knights in seven days, it would be difficult to cope with them. At that time, he could make the Demon Dragon Knights rely on the city wall to block and kill the monsters! His own life safety was also guaranteed.


[Your Demon Dragon Knights have discovered a new power zone!]

Suddenly, Lin Chen's expression became more serious, and at the same time, there was a hint of doubt. A new power zone? Did the Holy Knights discover another city?