
Chapter 15: From Fly to Mouse

Alger stared at the red-haired man for several seconds, his brow slightly furrowed.

'Just that? Such a simple request from the Blessed of a God? No, it must be something more!'

'I need to read his intentions and understand his request: 2,000 pounds or an artifact that can make him immune to the effects of the full moon... Yes, that's it!'

'Although 2,000 pounds is an amount that is a little out of my hands, it is something much easier than obtaining an artifact with the qualities that Mr. Chariot seeks...'

'But that is why it is a test!'

Alger understood! The reason for such a request!

'The easiest thing would be to just pay with the pounds and get the formula, but that would be like a complete failure! I would get the formula, but it would be a disappointment to Mr Chariot!'

Where the blessed of God stands, there is also his God. The two cannot be separated, one acts in the light of 'His' will.

'If I can get the artifact Mr. Chariot needs, it will prove my capability. I will be someone who can be trusted with more difficult missions, and my value to the Tarot Club will increase!'

Seeing the truth behind the man's request, Alger acted immediately.

"I will keep my eyes open, Mr Chariot. I will let you know of any breakthroughs or leads I get."

'Never change, Mr. Overthinker.' Smiling, Adryan closed his eyes and nodded. "Do your best, Mr. Hanged Man."

'An artifact capable of nullifying the effects of the full moon... Has something happened to his companion's condition... No, he's very calm. If something had really happened... I'd really be a fool.' Remembering their conversation, Klein couldn't help but worry a little, but when he looked at the red-haired man more closely and noticed how calm and relaxed he was, he relaxed a little.

If one of the reasons he had agreed to the deal with the White Dragon ended up being lost, Klein didn't know how he would look himself in the mirror in the morning without seeing himself with a painted face and a big red nose.

'Mr. Hanged Man is already looking for a way to make Mr Chariot like him...' Audrey saw the man in front of her with a slightly complicated look on his face, his lips slightly pursed.

Shaking his head slightly with a chuckle, Adryan, still with his cheek in his palm, looked at the young noblewoman.

"Miss Justice, when you go to a tea party or one of those noble dances with your friends, I suggest you watch for anyone who had a close relationship with Dutch Willson."

Not expecting such a request, Audrey looked slightly surprised at her fellow club member.

"If I may ask Mr Chariot, why is that?"

Nodding, Adryan simply said, "Because Dutch Wilson has been dead for over a month, and whoever took his place was nothing more than a parasite using his corpse as a puppet. That Parasite was one of the responsible for what happened in East Borough, one of the biggest actually."

Horrified, Audrey let out a small gasp and fell back a little in her seat. Her heart raced, and a terrible shiver ran down her spine.


Closing his eyes, the redhead added calmly. "In the world of the Beyonders, not even the dead are spared. Even if you're dead, no one can say that you won't become someone else's pawn."

Opening his eyes in boredom, Adryan looked directly at Justice. "Extreme caution is paramount. Never, and I repeat, never be left alone with any of these individuals, and if for some reason that happens, look for any excuse to get out of there. No matter how ridiculous.

"Say you suddenly get an itchy belly from a bad shrimp in your salad and get out of there. Also, never eat or drink anything they offer you. Everything could be infected."

'... What kind of recommendations are these?' Audrey felt everything blur together and had to take several deep breaths to calm herself. She could only stare dazedly at the red-haired man.

"Mr. Chariot... Wouldn't it be better if you were the one to investigate all this? I'm afraid I don't have the strength I need in case I'm discovered."

Adryan nodded at his words. "You are quite right, Miss Justice. Compared to the potential danger of these people, you're just a little mouse. It is like feeding a caged snake with live prey."

Knowing that his words could be dangerous, he added immediately. "Besides, don't put yourself on a pedestal you don't paint, Miss Justice. You don't have a shadow of the strength you'd need to survive to investigate these potential dangers.

"I'm just saying, be careful. I already told the churches about the grass snakes; they will care for them. Concentrate on your tea parties and digesting the potion, and leave the danger to the adults, yeah?"


Unconsciously, Audrey turned to look at the top of the bronze table.

Klein gave a simple nod, keeping his lips from quivering. 'You may be a bit more mature, Miss Justice, but you're still very green!'

She was barely Sequence 9! Why would a demigod like Mr. Chariot give such a dangerous mission to someone so weak?

It was ridiculous!

'No matter how noble she acts, a bit of upper-class arrogance still shows through, huh?' Klein added in his heart, just watching as Justice turned to Chariot with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Th-Thanks for the warning."

"That's what elders are for, to look after the little ones~" Adryan said with great sweetness and satisfaction. His eyes flashed mischievously like a fox.


A long sigh left her lips, but her reliable relaxation exercise did little to ease the great pain in her stomach. Her mind couldn't help but wander back to the thought that one of her few 'friends' was adding to the pain.

'I hope you're all right, Glaint.'

Knowing that the discomfort in her stomach would only grow if she kept thinking about it, Audrey quickly tried to distract her mind with a new goal.

"I'm looking for the Rainbow Salamander's complete pituitary gland. Does anyone have any clues?"

"I've seen this ingredient in the market, but I don't have enough points to buy it..."



With a sigh, Adryan rose from the seat he had used to attend the Tarot Club.

He was now in the dining room of his new apartment. He still hadn't found a better place to attend the meeting, so this time, he would use this one.

Opening his fine new pocket watch, the black-haired man nodded to himself.

'Half an hour... The level of the Traitors' Club is too low for me at the moment, but that doesn't matter. This is an easy investment that will pay off as soon as the club picks up speed.' He picked up the cup of cold coffee he had left on the table and let out a small breath of hot air.

The cup, now emitting a small cloud of white smoke with the delicious smell of freshly ground coffee, was brought to his lips.

His gaze went deep, and his black eyes went lightless as his mind reviewed the information.

'Angel of Silver... A new King of Angels from the Third Epoch, most likely from the end of the Second Epoch...' With dull eyes, Adryan took another sip of his latte and laughed softly.

If he remembered correctly, silver had always been used as a means of purification, health, and prosperity in many cultures past and even some of the present.

If he was going by that name and considering the method of naming the Religious Fanatic - who called the one who brought war and disaster to the world the Red Angel - then the Angel of Silver would have to be of a related path in some of these things.

'But of course, it can't be Moon or Mother. Not only because those Paths are controlled by the Divine Whore, the natural enemy of the religious fanatic, but also because those Paths in high sequences turn men into women!'

'Besides, at that time, the Evernight Goddess and the former Earth Mother walked the Earth together with the Ancestor. There's no way that Angel could have been part of those Paths...

And I can't forget the little description of his person at the end.'

The One who was closest to the people of the Lord, Who told them stories and spent time with them?

A slight reminder of his spirituality, a small shiver, made Adryan stop his thoughts on the subject, but not before he smiled in amusement.

"How interesting~"

As with everything in this life, the answer lies in looking back and counting the footsteps of those who came before. Footsteps buried in the damp earth, hidden behind the plots and schemes of unknown existences.

He could feel it deep in his bones and broken soul. The truth of his transmigration to this world was somehow connected to this mysterious King of Angels.

Moreover, he could not help but compare the supposed time of the appearance of the Silver Angel with that of the mysterious Tower.

Perhaps 'He' is the Creator? After all, the times match.

"Fufu, it's too early to think about that." With a chuckle, Adryan lowered his already empty coffee cup onto the plate. Next to a larger plate, with a few biscuit crumbs on it, was an envelope, on top of which was an open letter.

Picking it up, Adryan took one last look at it before snorting and throwing it in the air. The next moment, a firebird formed at his side and flew towards it, devouring the letter and quickly turning it to ash.

"That strange woman and the undead are the best choices. Their sequences may be suppressed, but they'll still be Sequence 7. Don't take the gorilla and the brat; they'll be a burden when it starts." Flora commented calmly, her tone serious and calculating.

"Remember, no artifact higher than Sequence 7. To take one is to ask for its destruction."

"Well, from what you said, at least the Tower has the decency to save the artifact feature until I complete the level," Adryan replied as he picked up the utensils he had used and rose from his seat, but not before picking up the newspaper on the table and taking it with him.

"That's only if you complete the level. If you 'escape' you can forget about getting the items back. The tower has eaten them, and the beast won't let go until someone gets them back as a reward."

He walked down the corridors of his flat to his kitchen, washed the cutlery, and put it away.

That done, and walking across the beautiful hardwood floor, he made his way to his office.

Turning around his desk, Adryan took his seat. Opening a drawer, he pulled out a sheet of paper and a red fountain pen.

He jotted down a quick message, sealed the letter in an envelope, and put some initials on the front.

M. S.

With that done, he took another object from the drawer. It was a tetric black bell with several bones covering its body. But that wasn't the only thing he took out, he also took out a bar of white chocolate with a nutty candy filling.

He shook the bell, which strangely made no sound, and then lowered it.

After a few seconds, the air in the studio turned cold, and the temperature dropped several degrees at once. Before Adryan knew it, the letter and chocolate bar were gone.

'Chicho's condition is still pretty bad.'

Shaking his head slightly, Adryan looked down at the newspaper he had brought from the dining room. His eyes sparkled, and a small smile formed on his face.

There was a simple advertisement in it. An advertisement about someone he was very familiar with.

<Private 3 Detective, Sherlock Moriarty. Open for all kinds of investigations. Consultation Sassem per half-hour...>

'It seems our meeting is getting closer, Mr. Fool~' Adryan thought simply as his gaze turned deep.

'Perhaps a short visit will be adequate? Shall I wear Mr Holmes' spare suit and emerge from the shadows to demand royalties from him? Fufu, that would be hilarious~'

Shaking his head, he looked down some more at an advertisement below the detective. One marked with a big red circle.

<Business for sale. Starting price 15,000 sassem...>

<Owner looking to sell a reputable investment firm with solid client base and decent market standing. Decent business district location offering wide range of financial services. Ideal for professionals or expanding businesses.< p>

For anyone interested, the doors of Apex Financial Solutions are open every day from 8 am to 6 pm...>

Holding a hand to his cheek, Adryan smiled softly as his eyes closed slightly.

"Miss Worm, are you ready to enter the business world?"

"Ha! Princess, do you have any idea who you're talking to?" Flora snorted arrogantly. I may have been born into wealth, but every Jacob has a business on the side, and I'm no exception! Don't worry; with me by your side, you'll be swimming in notes in less than five years!"

At the clear pride in his companion's voice, the red-haired man could only shake his head gently, smiling amusedly.

Technically, they had at least ten years but didn't have the luxury of waiting that long. Adryan knew he only had about a year and a half before the war started, which was positive.

He was sure that with the constant changes that were taking place, the world war would only accelerate.

And he planned to have all his businesses ready when that happened.

With that in mind, he took the fountain pen and circled another advertisement in red ink.

<Law Firm...>