
Chapter 8

Emma: master, for becoming a mage you need to awake magic in your body

Lin: how to do that

Emma: master sit down concentrate on your body and see what you can see

as Emma said I started to concentrate on my body to find something as after some time I see moving dots with different colors as soon as I saw them I open my eyes and ask Emma

Emma: these dots are magic particles, master you need to absorb them into your body to cultivate, as you which element is there you will get magic corresponding to it. now master you need to bend them toward you. every color represents different colors now mostly five colors which are red, blue, white, brown, and green which represent fire, water, wind, earth, and life now. every element has a different mechanism now my talent in Wind which system represent in sharpening like that there are more in every element

Lin: what you mean about the mechanism

Emma: master, like life element's main mechanism, is healing but it can also use in attacking like absorbing life from others with touching content same for water element it can also used in attacking and heal

Lin: I see then, now I need to only bend the white element or all of them

Emma: master you need to bend all five first then reach when you cannot absorb more than I will tell next step

Lin: okay, how much time does it take

Emma: it depends upon the talent

Lin: you can relax then I will try as much I can

Emma: okay master

after Emma goes relaxed and I close my eyes and start focusing on seeing the dots I try to force them to move them but it did not work then I try to force from one side and change direction which got very easily and started to absorb as I started I move another as that times goes

After 3 hours no more dots getting absorbed seeing this I open my eyes

Lin: I absorb all of them

Emma: master, now see there will be other elementals dots if there or not

Lin: there are

Emma: absorb them except light green and light blue after absorbing the other then start them

Lin: Okay

as again I focus on it and start absorbing them. after four hours I absorb them soon system notification give wakes me up

[ congratulation, you reached rank 1 magician ]

Lin: Emma: absorb them

Emma: master then you should become rank 1 magician now you need a spell book I only use the wind element with one spell which is to increase the sharpness of the blade and arrows

Lin: I See then, we will do it tomorrow now time for your gift

As I said I close and kiss her