
Chapter 21

// goblin den //

goblin: king king king

as goblin comes inside thrown room

goblin King: what happens

goblin: king enemy attack

goblin king: who it is

goblin: king it's a new castle which comes to the north that has elves you send a team of scouts also

goblin King: what is enemy strength

goblin: king right now we only see 50 elves who are shooting long-range ice magic and with them one human

goblin king: that human must be castle lord and these elves will become our new toys called the goblin we will launch the attack

as soon is called more than 100 goblins come together

// Pov -- lin feng //

Lin: wait now attack them come outside half of them now are launching an attack as they come near 50 block entrance with ice

As the goblin comes out I let Ice elves fall back and near 70 goblin clones outside as top rank one is level 6 as entrance got close wind elves to shoot arrows as they fall goblin king on the other hand break the ice with him comes near more than 70 troops

Goblin King: deceptible you cannot defeat the glory of goblins

Emma: the glory of goblin who is on the low-rank race as on all the time only 5 god becomes and all 5 which are now dead or run

Goblin: at least we are living now unlike you elves and now you all ready to become my new toys

Alice: goblin take your word back now

as Alice said she shoot an ice spear from her wands and which kill all the near goblins near him

goblin: there are two types of elves well let's see what you can do

as soon as he said wind elves all comes from hideouts and attacked with ice elves who made the goblin in five minutes all goblins dead with some injuries on elves' side

As seeing this fast one side battle goblin king try to run but Alice shoot again ice spear and it hit him and he died with it