
Lord Of All That Is Golden

Dying really isn’t that scary of a thing, if you don’t know what happened. Neither is waking up in a world on its last legs, if you know what is to come.. still everything doesn’t always go as planed, not even for gods. This is a story of how a young man changes his life before his life changes into a new, crazy, wonderful mess of and adventure. ——————————————————————————————————————————————- This fanfic will be a cross of games and a few anime, there will be dark tones and a certain relationship you would expect. Still there will be a lot of oc plot cause I don’t know everything about each anime, I know the plot and a few out there details but I wanted to try. If you have comments to help or talk out of your arse, both are fine. I just want to try and the Mc Is overpowered like crazy but not to world breaking levels. P.s - harems get annoying with a lot of girls so there will be 3 - 4 at max. Btw the Mc is not human, or a humanoid shape at all but it will be explained.

CeOBuu · Cómic
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 - I Never Wish To Forget

(This chapter will tie into the next chapter, I just started off with this pov so it was easier to understand when the next one comes out.)

[A few weeks later, Different Pov]




All around me, sounds of my name rang out. Not only that but the deafening sounds of roars that shook the ground. The black ground I was looking at split as the echos of stomps could be heard. The only sounds that slipped through were the sounds of chants and casting of spells being fired off non stop.

"Hey! Momonga what's wrong? Why are you so out of it, the battles not over yet. Tanking the hits won't do anymore, the bosses health is low but most need to heal, we need to switch out or the front line is done for.." while In my mind, a firm metal hand gripped my shoulder. Standing there was a being in pure silver armor, a red cape at his back, a shield and sword In hand. He looked down at me and back to our teammates.

Even while he was speaking, I was drowned in my own emotions and failed to speak up about the situation we found ourselves in at the moment. Every now and then there were the sounds of laughs and smile icons that popped up, but it only took me by surprise. This was my team, no my party but more then that my friends. Still a feeling welled up in my stomach as I felt it from the real world, it grabbed on and tried pulling me under and started to dig into my memories from the past. They tried crawling up into my mind again.

'Why was I such an idiot, my plans kept coming up short no matter how many times i thought it out. We've been at this for a few weeks now, and this time will be our 10th time trying this boss. Why didn't I plan more? Why did I think a rush strategy would work on a boss like this, be it the health disadvantage or the bosses resistances. It was a bad idea on my part.. Nine of us, really Momonga, why didn't I just agree to adding more people to fight. I know the reward would be hard to split but it was worth it to get our name out there and to get the item it drops.' I started to think and complain in my mind about the situation. It was my ideas that put us on the losing side again.

'But..but..but why? Why is it in a situation like this, their all just as happy as if we were winning? Are they laughing at me? My plan, I wouldn't blame them.. I really did screw this up..' while looking down, I thought on things that didn't make sense to me. 'Was it cause I let them down? Or maybe it was because I only wanted us to win as a team, that I didn't see I was dragging them down?' Even if it was only a minute, the time I spent thinking felt like a life time until water seemed to put out the fire Of disappointment in my heart.


"Yo Momonga.."

Like a break In a storm, voices of my party reached my ears. Looking up slowly I saw a crazy battle field, my party fighting and two backs that shielded me from an attack from the boss.

"Uh..um, I'm sorry. It's my fault we're in this mess again.. if I didn't.." I tried to speak normally but i didn't have time as I was cut off.

"There you go again Momonga.." one of the two said to me while dropping is head a little.

"That's momonga for you, always over thinking. You know it's great in battle but a pain in the ass in other situations.." the large samurai said to me as he shook his head.

"That's enough Takemikazuchi, what he is trying to say is.. it's not all on you mononga.." the silver warrior said to me in a funny tone as a smile icon came up.

"But touch me.. i thought you guys were laughing at me.. or my plan at least." I said, I knew what they were saying but it didn't help much, even so I was cut off before I could speak any further.

"Your smart Mononga but I swear, some times you can be a complete idiot.." Takemikazuchi shook his head and used a skill to shield us from another attack.

"Momonga, no one would do that.. I mean maybe Takemikazuchi but honestly do you really think so? We all agreed to this plan and it doesn't matter if it fails, will rethink and come back, there not laughing because of you. Yes at times it can be frustrating but that's to be expected.. but the reason why we laugh and smile is not cause you or losing. It's because.." touch me looked back at me for a second before taking a deep breath as he spoke slowly.

"We wouldn't want to be anywhere else, then here with our friends.. win or lose it doesn't matter.. I'd give up a item any day as long as I had you guys to fight with me again.. no matter what happens I wouldn't change this for the world!" Before I could say anything, Takemikazuchi and touch me rushed forward as they spoke and left me dumbfounded.

'I really am an idiot..' looking at my team, my party, no my friends giving it there all, laughing and fighting, I wanted to smack myself.

'Maybe I do overthink, it almost made me go back to how I was before but I know this.. Takemikazuchi, touch me, wish III, ancient one, flatfoot, Nishikienrai, zero and Amanomahitotsu.. i wouldn't give this up for the world either!' Looking up at the arena, then to the towering boss I couldn't help but smile as i walked forward, the boss was staggered as I stepped in between my friends.

"You ready?" Touch me said.

"Finally back in the game mononga?!" Takemikazuchi yelled a little.

"Finally, will have a decent plan. Not like these meat heads can think!" Wish III said while laughing. Making the other laugh and becker, only solidified the place I put them at in my heart as I stepped forward.

"I'm ready, let's show it the power of Nine's Own Goal.." I spoke as we all buffed and watched the boss stand once more.

'This time I won't forget.. this is a feeling I never want to forget.. not even for a second.' I thought as I ran forward back into the fray, while i couldn't tell or really even knew, but i felt that in the real world I was smiling.