
Lord Lucas’s Pet

Lillian winters is kidnapped and sent to the slave cooperation. She soon learns that there is only two ways out . Dead or sold. Soon after she arrives she catches the eye of a pure blooded vampire who will do anything and everything to have her.

Madison_Spurlock · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Average Day

I woke up bright and early Saturday morning to help my aunt prepare to go to the market. I gathered the fruits and vegetables and put them in a basket and then put the jams in another.

We may not have a lot to sell at the market as we are considered poor, but it is better than nothing.

" Aunt Renee, I've finished packing." " Thank you dear, would you be a doll and go tell your uncle that we are leaving." "Ummm... yeah sure."

My uncle is hard ass man. He has no heart. He does whatever he want to do when he wants to. And he just so happens to despise me.

I climb up the stairs at a slow pace. The only noise I make is from the click of my shoes.

When I reach the top of the stairs, I turn right to knock on my Uncles room. "Come in" he says with irritation.

" Uncle Heath, Aunt Renee and I are leaving for the market." " Nonsense, girl go by yourself." " But uncle you know I can't do that. Aunt has forbidden me from leaving the house by myself." " Oh has she now. Renee!" "Yes, dear?!" Aunt Renee runs up stairs to see what I going on. " Lillian is going to the market by herself." " But Henry, you know how dangerous it is for a 17 year old girl out there. Especially with all the monstrous vampires.."

Before Aunt Renee could finish what she was saying Uncle Henry slapped her across the face. " How dare you speak back to me you bitch! I said She is going to the market by herself and what I say goes. Do you understand me!"

Before I could intervene Aunt Renee said " Your right I apologize my love, Lillian you will go to the market by yourself," " But Aunt.." " No buts. Now go,"

I clenched my fist together and bit back the words that were on the top of my tongue.

How dare he treat her like that, it's just not fair. I hope he gets his head ripped off by those so called vampires. I laughed at the thought of that. Yeah right, like that would ever happen.

I grabbed the baskets and rushed out of the small house before my uncle could do anything else.

I regret leaving my aunt behind but there is nothing I can do. This is my first time out by myself and it is absolutely exhilarating! But it's also terrifying. Oh gosh what if something bad happens. No don't think badly, that will only cause unwanted anxiety. I took deep breaths to calm myself as I reached the market.

I found a small corner to set up shop. A couple hours went by and I was getting quite bored. I sold all the fruit and two cans of jam.

I decided to close up shop early and just tell uncle and aunt that it was dead in the market today.

I cleaned up and went to have a walk around the market to see if there was anything worth buying.

I walked down the street but couldn't find anything worth buying. I saw a little booth that had small trinkets and decided to have a look. There were necklaces and bracelets and all sorts of things.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't see two men walk briskly towards me. I looked up just in time to see the people in streets move out of the way and the men move to be in front of me.

They grabbed my arms and started to pull me away from the booth. " Hey! Unhand me this instant!" The men ignored my plee. I looked at the people on the streets to see if any of them would help me but all they did was give my looks of pity.

I started to thrash in their arms. I took the basket with Jam and threw it against one of their heads. It didn't faze him at all.

The man looked at me with fury radiating from him. I looked up into his eyes and noticed that they were bright red. Wait...

he's a vampire. Fear filled me to the brim. I just hit a vampire!

I dropped the basket with the jam on the ground and glass shattered everywhere. The vampire took ahold of my neck and squeezed.

The last thing I saw was jam soaking the ground. I woke up this morning expecting it to be a average day, Little did I know that what just happened would change my life forever.